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I was in the waiting room in a nearby hospital. I had Nash on my lap,sleeping. I was tried, but I couldn't sleep. I was worried to death about Demi and the baby.

My phone started ringing and I quickly answered it so I wouldn't wake up Nash. "Hello?"

"Hey Joe. How is everything? It's all over the news. Please say they are overreacting." I sighed, I kissed Nash's head. "I wish...but she was bleeding through her pants and she was trying to tell me, but I was so excited how the concert went, she didn't get the chance..she fainted.."

"Oh no," Selena went quiet for a second, "do you need me to be there?"

I shook my head,thinking she could see, "No, I'll be fine..."

"Too late." Selena walked in the waiting room. I hung up the phone in shock. She sat next to me. "I could not just stick around while my best friend is in the hospital. I hope the baby is alright."

I wasn't hopeful. She was bleeding. I knew that couldn't be good.

"Luckily we don't have a show tomorrow. Our next show is in Tulsa Oklahoma. " I leaned back in my chair, taking a big deep breath.

The doctor came out of the double doors. "Mr. Jonas, can I have a word with you?" I handed Nash over to Selena. "Good luck,Joe."

I got up from my seat and followed the doctor to a room. "Did Mrs.Jonas take a pregnancy test? Was it positive?"

I sighed, I nodded my head, "She was complaining about pains in her abdominal and and pelvic..."

The doctor sighed, "As I figured...We ran some exams and your description fit in with what we found. It seems likes Demetria had a ectopic pregnancy."

I was confused, "A what?"

"A ectopic pregnancy is when a fertilized egg gets stuck on its way to the uterus...Ectopic has the same symptoms as an usual pregnancy,so the test can turn out positive."

I scratched my head, "What could cause this?"

"Does she smoke?" the doctor raised an eyebrow. I shook my head, "Never."

"Okay, good.. We're waiting on another test results to see what caused this, but it also could be the birth control choice.."

I licked my lips, "Okay...can I see her?"

The doctor nodded his head, "Room 234." I shook his hand and headed over to Demi's room. I walked in and Demi was on her side. They took her makeup off her face and her hair,which was wet when we were in the stadium, was dry and it had beautiful natural curls.

"I'm so sorry..." her voice cracked. I shut the door behind me and climbed in bed with her.

"Don't blame yourself...You didn't cause anything..." I put my arms around her even if her back from facing me.

"I've been teasing you with babies...ever since we started dat--" I kissed the back of her shoulder. "Shh....I love you no matter what... I love you unconditionally...I will love you even if Nash is our only kid." I whispered against her skin.

She didn't say anything, she kept playing with my fingers.

"Don't think about the world,stop blaming yourself, I know you do. Don't think about the world, just me and you.." I sang softly in your ear. I looked over and saw her smile.

"I love you.." she turned over and kissed me.

The doctor knocked on the door before he entered, "Well, I found out the results. Do you want to know privately?"

"I would like to know.."

The doctor nodded his head and opened up his clipboard, "It seems like your fallopian tube is damaged...We're able to take you into surgery right away to fix the tube.."

I looked over at Demi, I honestly didn't know what to do. "How long is recovery? You know we are on tour.."

"Oh not long. It usually doesn't hurt the day after." the doctor nodded.

"Let's do it...I can't keep having things like this happen to me. I want to have babies easily." I chuckled at Demi. I kissed the back of her head.

"The surgery will not make you 100% capable of having kids easily, since you had an ectopic pregnancy, you can have it again, but usually people who had an ectopic pregnancy, usually go on to have healthy pregnancies."

The doctor told us everything and he finally left to let everyone say their byes. "Good luck,mommy. I love you!" Nash kissed her cheek.

"See you in the morning, Dems." Selena hugged her. Selena took Nash out of the room so I could say my wishes.

"You're going to do great, baby. Just think that after this, we have more of a possibly to have easier pregnancies. We'll have another baby in no time. I love you." I kissed her forehead down to her nose then to her mouth.

"I love you. So much." she kissed me one last time before the nurses rolled her out of the room.

I went to the tour bus with Selena. We got Nash back to sleep. "Night Selena." I headed to my bed. I passed out on my bed. I was exhausted.

The next day, we got up early to get some breakfast at the hospital. We ate and we went to see Demi. The doctor said she did great during surgery and they were able to cure the tube. Demi was released later that day. We said bye to Selena before we got on the bus to head to Oklahoma.

Demi rested in bed all day in bed. Nash was so sweet to her. He gave her some food, even tempted to feed her. I was such a proud dad.

The next day was our concert. Demi wasn't feeling up to do the soundcheck, so I had to do it myself. She rested in her dressing room while I went on stage.

"Hey guys!" I waved to the crowd.

"As you may know, Demi was rushed to the hospital,like two days ago... She's alright...We haven't told anybody but we found out that Demi was expecting another baby right before we headed on tour...We were waiting for the green light to tell everyone... Well, two days ago, we learned it was an ectopic pregnancy. If you don't know what that is, look it up. She is backstage resting for the show tonight. I wanted to reschedule the concert, but she wanted to keep going, since you guys make her happy."

I licked my lips, "So we need to make this show the best of the best." the audience clapped and screamed.

"Anyways, I'm not letting you guys hear me talk for 25 minutes, so I have someone I love so much and I think you guys will too. Please welcome 2 year old Nashville Jonas!"

The crowd screamed as Nash ran on stage, then they began aweing.

I picked him up, I was smiling because he was so cute. "What do you say, bud?" I pointed the microphone to him.

"Hi evewyone! I Nashville!" Nashville waved to the crowd, making them awe even more. I chuckled and kissed Nash's head.

I pointed to one of the girls who had a question. "What is his favorite Jonas Brother song?"

"What's your favorite Jonas Brother song,Nash?" I pointed the mic at him again. "Wear 3000!"

"He loves Year 3000." I chuckled.

I answered a few more questions, then I sang some songs from my Fastlife album.

After the soundcheck, Demi and I did our meet and greet. A lot of fans made gifts for Demi to get well. That made me so happy, it made Demi's day.

We had dinner real quick and we headed back to the stadium to get ready for the concert.

The show went pretty well. The fans were great and loud and Demi was careful not to dance a lot. She even decided to do a solo. She talked about her past struggles and sang the song she wrote called, Skyscraper. They loved it.

Another show down, 22 more shows to go.  

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