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2 weeks later; 27 weeks pregnant

I haven't mentioned the DNA test to Joe, yet because I didn't how to bring it up. We had a lot going on today. We're at a maternity photo shoot right now, then we have to go shopping for things for Jordan's bachelorette party, Joe is just helping with ideas, and then I'm hanging with Selena for the rest of the day.

"If you can pose like this," Mark, our photographer helped us get in the correct pose, "and Joe like this." he put Joe's hand on my bump. and started taking pictures. We were able to get some pictures with Nash in it, which was really cute, but he then got bored and was almost his nap time, so Nick came to pick him up.

We finished our photo shoot and picked the ones we liked and Mike was going to email us the photos. Now Joe and I were going to some place that had party supplies. It was 30 minutes from the place we got our photo shoot at to back home so I made Joe get me some McDonald's. 

"God, this is delicious." I sucked some of my chocolate milkshake.

Joe laughed, "you hate chocolate milkshakes, so you must be craving it!" he put his hand on my thigh and gave it a squeeze.

"It tastes good right now." I turned the radio and it was my new favorite song playing, New Rules by Dua Lipa.

"One, don't pick up the phone, you know he's only calling 'cause he's drunk and alone. Two, don't let him in, you have to kick him out again," I sang along to the song.

I decided to get on my snapchat and film myself singing along to the song with the filter that makes your mouth huge.

"Can I please have a fry?" Joe stopped at the red light. I put one end of the fry in my mouth and reached over to him. He chuckled and took the fry out of my mouth.

We finally arrived at the place. We walked hand in hand, ignoring the paparazzi.

"YOU'RE WORTHLESS, JOE! NICK IS MORE FAMOUS THAN YOU!" they yelled and that's when I couldn't ignore them. What they said was mean and uncalled for.

I let go of Joe's hand and turned around, "hey asshole!," I glared at them.

"Babe..." Joe's back stayed in front of them.

"Joe is worth than all of you guys' paychecks!" I tried to push them away, but they just laughed and continued taking our picture.

"Let's go." Joe took my arm and we went inside the store.

"Don't listen to them, Joe! Do not listen to those motherfuckers!" I cupped his face.

He chuckled, I guess because we were making a scene, "it's okay, babe. I'm fine." I let go of his face and he took my hand as we went through the aisles. 

"What about pin a dick on a Nick?" Joe held up a paper made penis. I pushed him playfully, laughing.

"You really want me to get a big nude photo of your brother and play with his dick?" I grinned. He put the penis back.

"I mean if you put it like that, no," he laughed, "I'm worthless anyways."

I gave him a look.

"I'm just kidding..." 

"Anyways, you love my dick," he smirked at me.

At this point, I was not listening to him, I knew Joe was being, well, Joe.

"It's what got you pregnant." he rubbed my bump, so I couldn't ignore him. 

"Ew!," I whacked him with my list of ideas, "you're so gross!!" 

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