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I got dressed in some sweatpants and a t-shirt. I made us all breakfast. Nash was excited for Joe staying with us again & to be honest, I was too. I put Nash's pancakes on a plate. I poured syrup on them and & them on the table.

"Nash, baby, your food is ready." Nash dropped his toys & ran to the table. He climbed up onto his chair.

"Thank you, mommy." he puckered his lips, signaling me to kiss them. I gave him a quick kiss. I went back to the kitchen. I started getting my pancakes ready when I heard the door open.

"Dada!" Nash clapped. I walked out of the kitchen with a smile on my face. I noticed that Joe's face wasn't as happy.

"What's wrong?" I looked at him, worried.

"'s pregnant with my baby." he finally got it out. My mouth dropped, I didn't know what to say or to do. Was she actually having his baby after all this time?

"She told me that I didn't have to be there for her.....I'll be absent of the baby's life if you want me too, Demi." he looked like he was going to cry.

"I want you to leave my house." I gave him a stern look.

"Demi..." he sighed.

"LEAVE!" I pointed to the door. He gave me a look, then he turned around & left.

"Mommy! You pwomised! You're a liar, mommy!" Nash jumped off his chair. He ran up to me & hit my leg.

"Nashville Alexander Jonas! You don't hit mommy!" I gave him a stern look as well.

"YOU'RE A LIAR, MOMMY!" he screamed.


"I want daddy!" he ran off crying.

I just yelled at my 2-year-old. I feel even worse. I went to the kitchen. I started bawling my eyes out. I wasn't even hungry anymore. I picked up my plate of pancakes & threw it against the wall.

I screamed out in anger. I put my head down on the counter & cried so hard.

My family walked in, "Demi, we just saw Joe passing out in the neighborhood. What did he want?" My mom asked.

"Demi, what's wrong?!" Dallas rushed over to me.

I put my head up, "Ashley is pregnant with Joe's baby." I sighed.

They all gasped & I already know what they are going to say. I rolled my eyes & grabbed my broom to start cleaning up the mess I made.

"Demi, this has to be a sign! Another woman is having his baby, his ex-wife to be exact. Divorce him! He has made you cry too much." My mom preached.

I threw the mess into the trash, "he's made me happy more than he has made me cry. It's my life. Let me make my own choices." I went upstairs to Nash's room.

"Nash?" I sighed.

"What, mommy?" he put his toy down.

"I'm sorry I screamed at you..." I sat down on his bed.

"Mommy and daddy are going through we're having a hard time...I'm sorry for lying to you..."

"Mommy...I forgive you." he climbed up on my lap.

"Do you love me, Nash?" I pouted.

He smashed my face together, "I love you, mommy!"

"I'm so glad." I kissed all over his face.

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