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I was hanging at home, watching TV when Nick called me and told me that my wife was having contractions. I called Demi's parents to watch Nash as I went to see Demi.

I went to the hospital and saw Nick sitting outside Demi's hotel room. "What is your deal?" I asked him, he was pacing back and force.

"Nothing." he chewed on his thumbnail.

"Nicholas, it's not Jordan in there. It's okay." I chuckled.

"And there won't be because your wife totally spooked her out. Jordan doesn't want to marry me now! That's when Demi started getting contractions, making everything about her." he groaned. 

"Dude," I grabbed his shoulders, "I know you're upset but I think that's bullshit because Demi would never do that. You forgot that Demi loves Jordan and she loves you." Nick shook off my hold.

"I'm going home and try to get my woman back. Let me know how she is, she's been wanting her Joe." he walked off and it kind of made me angry.

"Nicholas..." I mumbled. I entered the room where Demi was in. 

"Hey, baby!" I went over to her and gave her a kiss.

"Hey..." she took my hand.

"Are we having a baby tonight?" I was hoping for a no. It was too early yet. 

"I don't know yet, I hope not..," she sighed, "how's Nick?" 

I scratched my head, "so you trying to break Jordan and Nick up?" 

"Yeah," she smirked, "I decided since you fucked your ex-wife, I'd fuck your brother." she laughed at herself.

"Okay," I closed my eyes for a second, "don't use the word 'fuck' and 'brother' in the same sentence. You better be kidding too." I crossed my arms.

"Of course. If I got rid of you, I'd be damned to be with another Jonas." she rolled her eyes.

"Ha ha!" I chuckled, "so what really went down to make Nick upset at you?" 

"I didn't do it. Her friend Chloe did. The girls and I were at the club and Chloe opened her mouth about the June 12 and the song Weddings Bells. Apparently, Jordan didn't know about the ordeal. She went home and was mad at Nick and called off the wedding....then we're here because I tried to talk sense but got stressed..." 

"It's okay, babe," I kissed her head.

"I need to talk to both of them...this can't be over..."  Demi sighed.

"Don't worry, they'll make up..." 

There was silence, "so Nick told me that you wanted to see your Joe?" I smirked. 

She grabbed my hand, "yeah, have you seen him?"  she smirked. I bent over to kiss her but the doctor came in.

"Well hello, Mr. Jonas. It seems like your contractions have stopped and the baby won't be coming tonight, which is good. But I do want you to be on bed rest for a while, just to be careful."  Doctor Wilson instructed.

I saw Demi frown, "I can't be bedridden! I have to fix a relationship!" 

"It has to wait, Mrs. Jonas. Unless you want to have this baby prematurely, I recommend that you follow what I say." 


The next couple days, Demi has been in bed, watching TV, and doing whatever she wants. She's been trying to contact Nick but he won't answer. I felt kind of bad.

Unconditional Love.♥जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें