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It's been two days since Ashley went into labor. She had her daughter the next day at 2:03 pm. She was born prematurely so she was staying at the NICU and Joe was staying at the hospital since then. It was making me mad.

I was at Nick's and Jordan's with Nash and August. I was helping them pick the final details for their wedding in September. It was also a day before Joe's birthday, so Nick was helping me plan that. I can't believe my husband will be 28 and I'll be 27 in 6 days.

"What is the baby's name?" Jordan sat on the couch next to me with her water bottle.

"Emily Grace Greene," I shrugged at the fact that Joe cares about something that doesn't even have his last name.

Jordan spits out her water, laughing. Nick and I were giving her weird looks.

"I'm sorry but have you realized her initials?! EGG?! C'mon, now!" she laughed again. Nick and I laughed but it wasn't as much as Jordan.

"I'm sorry... this wedding stuff is getting to me," Jordan got up and picked up Ace from his crib which is Lydia's but she was being held by Nick.

"Excuse my language but Joe is a fucking idiot since he's missing out on this little guy. He's adorable! Like both of your kids are!" Jordan sat back down with Ace in her lap. 

I smiled at my little son, "I know, they get the looks from me," I smirked as I propped my feet up on the table, "but in all seriousness, Emily is a cute baby... I'm not hating on her or anything... it's just the fact that Joe is being this way." 

"Why don't you talk to him?" Nick suggested and I just laughed.

"Because he's never home and he's too busy to call," I rolled my eyes.

"As I said, he's an idiot," Jordan commented, "for putting such a cute family second to be with his daughter that he had with his ex-wife." 

"Mommy," Nash ran in the room, holding his butt, "I gotta poo-poo!!" he jumped up and down.

"Oh goodness, Nash!" Nick held his nose, messing with him, "you stink!!" 

"I don't stink, you stink, uncle Nicky!!" Nash giggled.  I got up from the couch and picked up Nash. I rushed to the bathroom and helped him go to the bathroom. 

We finished up plans for Joe's birthday, then I headed home. When I pulled into the driveway, I saw Joe's car. A part of me was hopeful. "Daddy's caw!" Nash pointed.

I parked the car. I got out and helped Nash out of his car seat. "You can hang out with daddy for a few minutes, but it is your bedtime," I told him. He ran inside the house.

I got Ace out of the car and I carried him inside. I saw Ashley sitting on our couch. I told myself to be nice to her since she did take me to the hospital that one time, but I still don't like her.

"Oh, hey Ashley..." I took Ace out of his carrier so I can hold him. 

"Hey Demi, I'm just waiting on Joe... August is so adorable!" She smiled. I had a feeling he wasn't staying. 

"Thanks... I gotta get Ace to bed..." I went upstairs with Ace. I went to our bedroom where Joe was packing another bag.

"Hey," I watched him, "packing another bag?" 

"Hey, baby," he grinned at me, "yeah, Em is still not doing well so I came home to get more clean clothes..." he threw clothes in that bag he's been carrying.

"Don't you just wanna stay here? This bed is getting lonely..." I sat on our bed, placing Ace next to me.

Joe chuckled, "I'm sure it's not that lonely, Nash comes in here during the night..." he zipped up his bag. I sighed, silently. 

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