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I went back to Texas to spend some time with Nash before I continued my search for my wife. I was not giving up hope, I was going to find my wife.

Dallas got Nash in my car without saying a word to me, Her family hated me which I understand because I hate myself too. 

"Where do you want to go, buddy?" I had to act happy in front of my son and it was the hardest thing I ever had to do. 

"Um....race pawk!" he clapped, I laughed a little. He loves going on go-karts. I drove to Speed Zone and got us tickets to get in. 

"Okay, what car do you want?" I took Nash's hand. He pointed to a kart. We went over to it. I got him buckled, then I got in. We started racing. Nash seemed like he was having a great time.

After go-karting, we played games in the arcades. After that, we went to the park and I let Nash run around and play as I watched. I ignored the paparazzi. 

I put down a blanket and we ate a little lunch since we were both getting hungry. 

I laid down on the blanket.

"So daddy..." Nash sipped his Caprisun.

"So Nashville..." I looked at him. He giggled and crawled on top of me.

"Gigi had on the news and you were on the Tv!" he looked proud. I sighed silently. My worse fear was that Nash was going to find out, and he did.

"You were with another girl. Why were you not with mommy? Do you still love mommy?" he looked me in the eyes.

"Wow, you're a smart two-year-old. Are you sure you're not older?" I joked. He playfully hit my chest, laughing.

"I'm two!!" he giggled.

"Good. I was in California with that girl...and an accident happened...I still love your mommy so very much," I looked at Nash, "I'm sorry I failed you."

I felt tears going down my face.

"Daddy," he wiped my tears, "I will always love you." those words coming from my little boy lit up my whole world.

"I'll always love you too." I hugged him tightly.

After the park, I took him back to Demi's parents. It was a bittersweet goodbye, but I had to keep looking for my wife.

"I don't want to go!" Nash scream cried, "I want to be with you!!" I hugged him tightly again.

"I'm so'll be back home soon...I'm sorry..." I sighed. Dianna carried him inside.

I looked at Eddie, "I know you guys are disappointed in me because I am too, but please, please, don't let Nash see what I did...he's the only person I don't want to disappoint. Please. He's just a boy. He's just 2."

Eddie nodded his head, "alright. We'll see you later, Joe." he went back inside. I drove home.

I went inside our house and it was a mess.  I looked around the house and found the pregnancy test. "Damn..."

I went to our bedroom, the bed was a mess. I took a deep breath as I went to the bathroom. My heart broke. The floor and the bath tub has blood stains. 

I couldn't stay there long. I went back to our bedroom. I sat down on our bed and called Nick.

I ran my fingers through my hair, waiting for him to answer.

"Hello?" his voice finally picked up.

"I don't know if I can do this without her, Nick..." I stared at a photo on the wall.

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