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I looked over at Joe and saw this concern look on his face and I became worried. Joe fingered me to get back in the car, so I did.

"We'll be there in a jiff." Joe hung up. "Who was that?" he took a sigh.

"Nick...Nash was drowning in pool. Nick caught him in time. He did CPR. Nick said he was conscious, but he was really white. Nick took him to LeConte hospital." my heart shattered. My little baby boy could be dead. I held in my breath.

Joe got to the hospital. I made him drop me off as he went to find a driving spot. I went into the ER and saw Nick and Jordan sitting there.

Once Nick saw me, he stood up. I saw his face and my anger was building up. "Demi, I-"

I slapped him, "I trusted you. I trusted you to take care of my baby boy. What the fuck were you doing?!" I stared at him, people were staring at him.

"Demi," he rubbed his cheek, "please." 

"Fucking save it. No wonder you're fucking scared of parenthood, you can't even take care of your nephew! Good luck, Nick. Let's see if you're a good father." I began pushing him in the chest.

"Demi,what the fuck!?" Joe pulled me off of Nick.


I walked into the ER and saw Demi pushing Nick. I rushed over there and pulled her off of Nick, "Demi, what the fuck!?"

She kept her stare at Nick, "He drowned our baby." I notice that her fists were clenched. She walked away. I looked over at Nick, I notice his right cheek was red.

"I deserved it." he went outside. I followed him. He sat down on the curb. "What did she tell you?" I plopped down next to him.

"She basically said I'm going to be a terrible father. She is right, I let my nephew drown, who knows what I'll do to my child."

"Nicholas," I put my arm around him, "she's not right. You're going to be a fantastic father. She's just upset and she knew what to say to get under your skin. She doesn't understand what happened. What happened?"

"Well," Nick sighed, "I let Nash take off his lifejacket since he promised me that he would stay in the shallow end... I looked away just for a second and he was in the deep end, coughing."

"See, it's not even your fault, but you seriously shouldn't promise a 2 year old to anything like that. Nash is a good kid, but he knows how to push buttons."

"I don't like Demi being upset at me."

"I wouldn't worry about it. I'll take care of it." I got up with him and went back inside.

Hours later and the doctor came out to tell us the news. Nash was doing great,but they want him to stay overnight. Nick and Jordan left to get dinner and get back to the cabin. I was fixing to head off as well.

"I'm glad you're doing okay, buddy." I kissed Nash's forehead.

"Me too,daddy! Tell Nicky I'm sowwy." he hugged me. I nodded my head. "Night, babe." I walked out of the room.

"You're not staying the night?" Demi crossed her arms. I stopped and turned around, "No, there is only one couch and I can't stand hospital. I'll be here early morning."

"Wow," I scoffed, "our son could have died but you're worried about the hospital? You know, Joe, sometimes I think you could be a better dad."

I furrowed my brows, "Are you saying I'm a bad father?" she nodded her head.

"Well, remember when you wanted another child with me? I'll see you in the morning." I walked off and drove to the cabin.

Once Nashville got better to go home. We packed and left our trip early than we planned. Our vacation wasn't didn't go as plan, everything was screwing up. Demi wasn't talking to Nick and I, nor was she talking to Jordan. I don't know what Jordan did, but maybe Jordan wasn't talking to Demi because Demi slapped her man.

We landed in Texas. "I'm sorry about everything.." I hugged Nick then we all went in our separate cars.

We got home and Nash was excited. "Home!!" he ran upstairs to his room. Demi went upstairs as well.

While I was on the plane, I watched this show called, Treehouse Masters and I got an idea. I found the guy's number online and called it.

I went outside by the pool. "Nelson Treehouse, this is Pete."

"Hey Pete, it's Joe Jonas." I ran my hands through my hair. "Why does that name sound familiar?" I chuckled.

"My brothers and I were in a band 3 years ago..The Jonas Brothers." he gasped like he remembered. "Yes. What may I help you with?"

"I watched your show on the plane today and I went in awe with all the awesome treehouses you have built. I was wondering if you can come down to Dallas Texas to build a treehouse for me."

"It would be an honor! How soon do you want?"

"Could you come by tomorrow to discuss it? We head back to LA the day after and won't be back home until August 7th."

"Yeah, I'll leave right now." he chuckled.

After the call, I made us dinner then we chilled at home for the rest of the night.

The next day, Pete came over and we picked the tree that I wanted and he drew out ideas for my liking. Once he left, we all went to visit Kevin, the only Jonas that Demi isn't upset at.

"Look at dis, Joey." Alena came running to me with a picture. I picked her up, looking at the drawing. "Dis is Nicky and Jowdan. That's my daddy and mommy with my siblings. Den that's you and Demi with Nashy."

"Such a beautiful picture,Lena! I love it." I kissed her cheek.

"Keep it. I alweady made mommy and daddy one." she kept her arms around my neck. "Well, thank you so much, Lena! I'm going to pin it up on my fridge!" I chuckle.d

We got home and we repacked for LA tomorrow. We got a early flight tomorrow since we have an appearance on The Today Show.

We woke up around 4 in the morning to leave. We got to the show 30 minutes early so we can change our clothes. I waited backstage with Demi. A nanny was watching Nash in the dressing room. "We have to act like we're not upset at each other." I kept my eyes on security.

She didn't say anything.

"Please welcome two people that we became obsessed with. Demi and Joe Jonas!" Koda introduce. I took Demi's hand and walked over to Hoda and Kathie Lee. "Hi." I hugged them both.

They asked us about our tour and our record. Even though it was an easy interview, the tension between Demi and I was noticeable. I think they noticed because they didn't ask any personal questions much. I hated that because I didn't want people to see our problems. Probably the worst interview I had in a while.

"That was the worse." Demi took a sip of water once we finished with the show. I mumbled something.

She raised an eyebrow, "Excuse me?"

I sighed, "I said, it wouldn't have been awful if my wife wasn't being a bitch." I knew I shouldn't have that, but I was pissed at her. I was prepared for a slap or something, but she gave me this stern look and flipped her long blond hair in my face and walked away.

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