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The police took Keith away and an ambulance took Nick to the hospital and I followed because Demi needed to file a rape report and get examined. Demi was fragile,like she has been before,but this time is worst. She won’t let me touch her and she won’t speak to me. She didn’t even want me to go with her when she got examined.

So I was in the waiting room with Jordan. I guess I was overly exhausted because I fell asleep on her,but she didn’t wake me up,so I don’t think she mind. I had my head on her thigh, I was in the best sleep I have ever had in the past few days.

“Joe,wake up.” Jordan shook me, “Huh?!” I sat up and there was a guy in a white jacket, “I’m sorry,but he’s dead…” my fucking brother is dead because of me!? “wh-wh-what?” Jordan voice cracked, I didn’t know what to say. “I’m so sorry.”

I started pulling my hair out of my head,everything that could go wrong, IS going wrong, “NICK!!!!” I yelled, “Nick?” the doctor stared at me, “Nick Jonas,you know the guy you said was dead. “ I sat up, “Oh my...wrong person.” he walked away, “What the fuck!” I scoffed.

“I’m sorry..he’s new here and he was just assuming you were the Parker family. Hi, I’m Dr. DeSanchez. I’m Nick’s doctor…” he sat down in front of us.  “You guys can relax,he’s 100% fine..luckily the bullet got his stomach and it wasn’t deep so it was easy to get. He’s up and eating. Room 241.”

“Thank you,doctor.” I headed up to the room with Jordan, “I told you he would be okay.” I went inside, “What the hell were you thinking!?” I looked at him as he was chewing on a cracker. “I was saving your life,bro.”

“By taking yours!? Don’t do that.” I have him a small grin, “I didn’t want you to go,dude...You have a wife and a kid….the bullet was going straight to your heart,you would be dead.”

“You have Jordan and fans.” I crossed my arms, “Yeah,but you have saved my life too many times before...remember when you were 10 and we were in this terrible car saved me from hitting my head and dying. It was time to be your hero,bro.”

I looked at the tiles on the floor,smiling, “Well,I knew an 8 year old had a bright future ahead of him..” I hugged him, “Thank you,Nick...Thank you isn’t enough for what you did for me.” I kept my arms around him, “It’s just my the scar,looks pretty damn badass...and I’m not the one carrying a baby in my uterus..”

My eyes shot up, “She isn’t pregnant?” I looked at Jordan, “No,no! I mean when we do decide on starting a family,it wouldn’t block me from having kids,because it’s my stomach and not my p.enis.” I chuckled, I let go, “Right.”

“So how’s Demi?” he sipped some of his juice, “I dunno,man...She wasn’t talking the whole ride here..and she doesn’t want me to touch her...I’m scared that this is permanent..” I sighed, “Nah,I think she’s just shook up..Give her time, I mean her ex raped her nonstop...imagine if you were in her place,as a girl.”

“I guess you’re right...I’m going to go back to the waiting room and wait on Demi..Thank you for everything,but I’m glad you’re okay.” I hugged him again and walked out.

Demi finally walked out, “Let’s go home.” she crossed her arms, “Do you wanna see Nick?” I stood up, “No,I want to go.home. I want to shower and eat and be alone.” I sighed, “Alright.” I took her to my car. We got in and we headed home,the car was filled with silence.

I pulled into the driveway and we headed in, “Mommy!!” Nash ran to her when we got inside,but Demi just ignored him and went to the kitchen, I sighed, I picked him up, “What’s wrong with mommy,daddy? Is she mad at me?” he wrapped his arms around my neck, “Mommy is sick….so I don’t think you should talk to her today…”

“Okay.” I looked at him,then around the house, “Where is aunt Dani and uncle Kevin?”

“Downstairs.” I nodded and carried him downstairs, “Hey Joe!” Kevin muted the tv, “Hey.” I sat down, “How is she?” Kevin looked at me, I shrugged, “She got R-a-p-e-d.” I spelled it out,so the kids wouldn’t know. “Oh god. By who?”

“Keith,one of her crazy ex boyfriends. I’ll tell you more of the story later.” I yawned, “Nash,wanna take a nap with me?” I picked him up again, “Sure,daddy.” I headed upstairs to his bedroom, I climbed onto his bed with him laying next to me, “I love you,daddy.” he kissed my cheek. “I love you too,Nash.” I gave him a small smile.


I’m really worried for my brother. He looked,tired,worried, and over worked. His state kind of reminded me when he was with Ashley. He was like this. God,I hope this isn’t like that. I don’t want them to be over.

3 years ago;

“She’s mad and pissed at me,bro.” Joe sat on my couch, cupping his face together, “How come? It’s not your fault she had a miscarriage.” I sat next to him, “That’s it. She is blaming me for it. She thinks it’s my fault.” he sighed, “This is our 2nd marriage...what if there is something wrong with my s.perm?”

“Bro,calm down. There is nothing wrong with you….maybe there is something wrong with Ashley’s u.terus...I know you want kids,but maybe that isn’t your forte.” he glared at me, “Danielle is having a hard time getting pregnant, I would never give up. I’m going to go.” he got up and started walking out, “Dude, I didn’t mean it like that.”


I hope they fix this because I love Demi.

Unconditional Love.♥Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin