4. Sticks and stones may break my bones... but so can falling from the sky

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*Picture of 'Ruu' Top*
"Why are you looking at me?"

"Because your beautiful."

-The Fault in our Stars
Falling from the sky without a parachute or any means of stopping yourself is frightening.

However, that's not what bothered me.

What bothered me was the fact that I'm even falling from the sky. I mean, didn't I just fall through the Earth? Maybe I'm hallucinating? No, that can't be it.

As I neared closer and closer to death I wondered what it would feel like. Its rather sad. At the age of 12 I should be thinking of what I'm getting for my birthday. Or if the boy I like; likes me back. However, I think only about pain and death. It is rather sad.

The ground nearer closer; only 10 ft away, and the people walking by looked and pointed up in shock and fear. Oh well.

Here it goes.



That's all I felt at the moment and it was unlike any pain I've ever endured. Both my arms and legs were not broken, but shattered. My head had been split open and blood was trickling out. My face was intact aside from my eyes being closed from pain. However, what surprised me most was...

I wasn't dead...

That's impossible though, right? After falling from the sky like that I should be dead! I frowned as I heard screaming and panicked voices.

"Put her on a stretcher!" An older voice said "quickly!!"

"Yes Lord Hokage!"

What's a Lord Hokage?

I felt four different pairs of hand grab my body, and lift it up. I whimpered loudly with pain, but refused to open my eyes for any means necessary. God! This pain is almost unbearable.

I felt my body be placed on a stretcher and I was carried off somewhere.

I'm so...so... tired... I think I'll just... just...
Before I could finish that thought I fell into a deep slumber.


"This isn't what I wanted for her!" A women said with tears in her eyes.

"I know Ruu" a man said, obviously just as upset "no one wanted this."

Is this a dream? I've never seen it before.

"No Kakashi!" She said turning away as he tried to comfort her "I wish I wouldn't have given birth! I didn't want her to be like this! I wanted a good life for her!"

The man, Kakashi, frowned and lowered his hand. His face was full of sadness yet joy at the same time. He didn't know how to comfort his wife. The love of his life was upset and there was nothing he could do.

"I thought maybe" Ruu said quietly "Kinase. Wouldn't go inside of Ruka, but she did."

"Kinase is a demon" Kakashi said "we couldn't have predicted what she would do."

"I should have knew we weren't safe from her" Ruu said going into a room.

Kakashi followed her and looked inside a cradle; staring fondly at the small child inside. The baby had gotten beautiful golden eyes just like her mother, but silver hair like her father.

The whole clan knew when she grew up she would become a beautiful child. Ruu picked up the baby and smiled as it played with her brown hair and stared into her golden eyes.

The baby looked over at Kakahi and made a grab for his silver hair; causing the man to chuckle.

"No matter what demon you hold" Ruu said staring at the child with love"I will always love you... Ruka."


My eyes opened partially and I was greeted with bright, white light.

A hospital?

Hmm, I didn't think anyone would bring me here. I thought maybe they would laugh and gloat as I lay on the ground weak and broken.

Maybe it had something to do with that Lord Hokage person.

The dream was slowly trickling from my memory, and the thought made me sad. It was such a peaceful dream; if only I could remember what it was about. On the other hand though; I looked around the room, slowly taking in my surroundings.

I was in a small hospital bed with bandages and healing ointments smeared all over my body. There was a IV needle in my arm slowly pumping blood into my system again. The intense pain I had felt upon landing was now completely gone.

That's strange.

I should still be able to feel the pain. I remember what my fox had told me before I fell, and decided to give its try.

'Um...hello?' I said slowly.

'Aw! About time you woke up.'

I was startled she had replied so suddenly. Usually, she ignored me or took an hour or two.

'How long have I been asleep?' I asked.

'2 months' she said ignoring my shock 'because of me; you healed faster than any ordinary human.'

'If it weren't for you; how long would it take me to heal' I asked curiously.

'About a year; 8 months if you were lucky' she said.


I guess 2 months is better than a year.

'Thank you fo-'

'Kinase' the fox said interrupting me 'my name is Kinase.'

I smiled warmly. I had always wondered if this fox actually had a name. Now I know; she does. I feel like I'm getting closer to her.

'Thank you... Kinase' I said softly.
Me: Man! What a depressing chapter! Why did I make this book so depressing?!

Ruka: Because your a depressing person?

Me: *pouts* No I'm not! Why would I be depressed?

Sakura: Because you don't own Naruto.

Me: *becomes depressed and anime cries* that is rather depressing.


Me: *in a sad voice* Later guys.

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