Part One- Chapter One: George's POV

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George's POV
Dark. It was dark all around me. It's all I could remember for a long time. I only remember some of my life before this darkness, and I was completely aware that I was dead.
But then why did I feel warm? Why could I feel my own chest rise and fall with breath? Why was I aware of my own appendages? How was I forming these thoughts in my head?
My eyes opened and I was blinded by the very little light that was shining through a window nearby me. I was so used to darkness that I had to wait, blinking quite a bit, nearly ten minutes for my eyes to adjust properly. This was certainly new.
I found myself in a bedroom on a high bed. My guess was a bunk bed, but that thought was put on hold when I felt my eyes start to hurt, despite the very little light and the fact that they'd adjusted by now. I squeezed them shut and rubbed them tiredly in hopes the pain might stop. This place, wherever it was, was too bright for my tired and still mostly dead eyes.
Then something moved, startling me. I felt my newly aware muscles tense. It was too nearby to be something I couldn't see from where I was. I only then remembered that I could move my head. As I looked down, I felt my neck ache from the position I've been in for who knows how long. I grimaced and found myself turning on to my side, coming face to face with a young girl. I widened my still very sore eyes and gulped in surprise. She looked rather young. No older than sixteen really. She was sound asleep and she had her lovely long arms around my neck like it was the most normal thing in the world. I found this quite odd until I saw a green pillow that looked cuddled and snuggled to pieces, so I thought maybe she thought I was her pillow. I heard a sigh escape her lips when music started to play from the end of her bed. She groaned and sat up before she picked up a black rectangle and making it light up. I figured it was some sort of alarm clock because as soon as she made it stop she turned over and went back to sleep.
Did she notice me? Was I missing something? Wasn't I the person I thought I was? Would she really be able to see me? All this was going through my mind when I heard a door open and then a man cleared his throat.
"Serena, Lina, it's time to get up. You have school in a half hour." He said. I felt myself tense up again as he continued, "Serena, you need to get a shower quick." The girl next to me sighed and raised her hand and gave a thumbs up. The door was shut again and the girl cuddled back down into her pillow. I accidentally let out a chuckle and the girl sat up and looked around her room. She then made eye contact with me and froze. She slowly pulled the brown and light blue striped comforter over the front of her.
"Dreaming. You're dreaming, Rena, he's not there. Not really. Wake up already." She whispered to herself as she closed her eyes. She took several breaths before she opened them again, her shoulders slumping instantly, "You're still here." She pinched her own arm and grimaced lightly at the pain before she looked at me again.
"Why are you still here? You're only a dream, so shew! Go away!" She said waving her hands at me. I raised my eyebrows and she sighed.
"Serena! Shower!" The man yelled from the hall.
"Coming!" She responded before she got down off the bed with a thud as her feet hit the floor, "Stay here and don't move until I get back." She hissed, peaking back up at me with a brilliant smile. I didn't move as she hurried to leave the room. I could already tell she was strange. I felt myself starting to doze and I found I was exhausted, even after such a long time of darkness and nothingness. I fell asleep in a few minutes and I stayed that way until someone tickled the bottom of my bare foot. I jerked my leg up to my chest and scowled as I started to doze back off. Serena giggled and got up on the bed. She tapped my shoulder and waited for me to wake up.
"Are you really him?" She whispered, lying down next to me. Her hair was slightly wet, and part of it was braided. We were face to face and I sighed sleepily.
"Who him?" I asked hoarsely. That was the first I'd spoken in quite a long time and I found it hurt quite a bit.
"George Harrison," Serena said blushing. I found myself smiling at that. She knew me, and it made me happy.
"That's my name, yes," I said nodding before I frowned, "well it was I suppose."
"Was?" She asked frowning back at me. I nodded and sighed thoughtfully.
"Sure, I was dead a few hours ago." I said wondering how that was possible. Serena gave a sad sigh in response.
"That's why I thought you were a dream before." She admitted, "I dream about you a lot."
"How do you know who I am?" I asked tucking my hand under my cheek. She did the same and then pointed to the wall behind her with her other hand. I looked and there I was standing smiling with John, Paul, and Ringo. There were several black and white photos of me and the other boys I practically grew up with so long ago. I smiled to myself and looked back at Serena. She had her eyes closed like she was falling asleep again.
Suddenly the music started again. Serena sighed roughly and sat up, hitting her head on the ceiling. She rubbed her head with a scowl as the music continued. I knew that song. Serena saw me listening to it and she blushed lightly again.
"Is that me?" I asked sitting up, and scratching my head. Serena giggled and nodded before she moved to turn it off. I grabbed at her hand and listened.
"Why this one?" I asked in a whisper. Serena swallowed hard and shrugged.
"Beautiful Girl is one of my favorites." She said. She couldn't bring herself to look at me. I found myself feeling sad. What had happened to my Beautiful Girl? What had happened to my son? I remembered them quite vividly, but I missed them all the same. Serena took notice of my gloom and she took my hand in hers as she turned off the alarm.
"Do you want to see them?" She asked gently. I looked at her with surprise. She knew about me and my Olivia and Dhani? I nodded and she picked up the black rectangle. She lit it up and tapped around on it until she got what she wanted. She suddenly turned it to me and there was my son, all grown up with his arms around Olivia. I missed them more now that I'd seen them. My heart ached, and it hadn't done that in so long I barely knew how to keep it to myself. Serena pretended not to notice my sad expression as she turned the photo off and took my hands in hers again.
"Are you sad?" She asked quietly. I looked at my lap and nodded slightly, "You miss them?" I nodded again and Serena squeezed my hands.
"Serena lets go! Dad's getting mad!" A girl walked in and Serena nodded and she climbed off the bed. The girl was staring at me now though, "Who's that?" I turned and looked at her. She was slightly shorter than Serena and she was really skinny. She had dark curly hair and dark brown eyes, unlike Serena who had straight hair and light eyes.
"That's George." She said, suddenly giggling. The girl rolled her eyes and shoved Serena before she left the room.
"Who was that?" I asked. I hadn't moved. I didn't really trust my legs yet to help me down without falling. Serena sighed and shook her head, "She's my little sister Lina," she said, "are you coming along? Seeing as I won't be back until after noon."
I looked over the edge of the bed and calculated how badly it would hurt if I fell to the floor before I shook my head, "No, um, I don't think so. I think I'll stay here for a while." Serena giggled and I grinned at her, "But you'll come back won't you?" Serena nodded quickly before her name was yelled in anger.
"I'm coming!" She hollered down what appeared to be a hallway, "I'll be back later George." She blew me a playful kiss before she left the room quickly.
This was certainly odd. I definitely had something to think about, but I also found myself exhausted again. I laid down on the bed and I pulled the covers over my newly alive body before I went to sleep for a little bit longer.

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