Chapter Twelve: John's POV

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John's POV-
"John!" George said shaking me roughly, "Wake up! Wake up! We're here!" I looked at George and he looked thrilled. He looked like a kid who just got a new pet or something. I'd never seen him like that before.
The car stopped and George had to be the first one out. He pulled Serena behind him quickly before I followed behind them. This was Paul's house. It wasn't huge, but it also wasn't small. It was two stories and surrounded by trees. Once we were all out of the car Stryker led us to the front door. He knocked. The door opened and Lilly, who was standing next to Stryker gasped. There was Paul, giving Stryker a questioning look.
"You're back?" he asked raising his eyebrows. Stryker nodded and Lilly started hopping up and down with her hands over her mouth.
"Yeah, I'm back," He sighed.
"You found 'em?" Paul asked giving Lilly a funny sideways look. Stryker nodded and cleared his throat as he moved to the side.
"John, George." he said. I stepped up and George practically ran up. Paul looked at us and I could barely believe it. We were standing in front of Paul! Our Paul! The Paul! The one we grew up with! The one that was my best mate! George and I both stared at Paul until he suddenly had his arms around us.
"My brothers." he whispered. He pulled back and he held his hands on George's shoulders, "George! You look...better!" George laughed and grabbed Paul's arms.
"I know," he chuckled.
"And John!" Paul had the same expression George had a few minutes ago. "You're...."
"Here." I finished before Paul cleared his throat and went back to himself.
"Right! Right! Um, who's this?" Paul asked looking to all the girls.
"Oh, um this is Serena," George said pulling her up, "And her sister Lina. I ended up at their house some how."
"Yeah, and this is Lilly!" I said putting my arm around her shoulder. She scowled and rolled her eyes, "And her sister Cindy."
"Hello," Paul said before he stepped into the house, "Come in side will you?" We all followed Paul inside and he led us into the dining room. There was some food on the table and he offered us some.
"Paul," George said quickly, "Stryker said that, maybe, um, Olivia was here?" He looked like he was gonna die if he didn't see her, and Paul saw that.
"Yeah, she's in the living room with Cynthia I think, Um, John you can just go with George if you want to see her too." he said gesturing to the door. I nodded and followed George down the hall and to the living room door that was mostly shut. George stopped and took in a deep breath.
"What's wrong?" I asked as he seemed to have frozen in his place.
"I died here." he mumbled. I frowned and clapped him on the shoulder.
"That's comforting, Geo." I sighed, "You wanna go together?" He shook his head and gestured for me to go on.
"You go first." he said nervously. I sighed and pushed open the door. I walked in and I saw Cynthia, my Cynthia, the one I left all alone so long ago, sitting on a couch talking to Olivia Harrison. They both looked at me and their mouths fell open.
"J-John?" Cynthia asked getting up. She looked shocked and I rushed toward her. She grabbed my arm like she didn't quite believe I was here, "But you're- you're- John!" She threw herself into my arms and I stumbled a bit.
"Cynthia!" I said, trying not to smile. I hadn't even seen her; touched her; held her like this in such a long time. I hugged her close and She started crying.
"You look like a teddy!" She cried pulling away and trying to compose herself. I laughed and tucked her hair behind her ear gently, "Why?"
"I dunno!" I chuckled, "I showed up looking like this! And I don't mind."
"Why not?" She sniffled giggling.
"Because!" I said hugging her again, "I had you didn't I?" I asked. She laughed and I smiled at her.
Olivia cleared her throat and we both looked at her. She looked nervous and worried and unsure of herself, "Um, sorry, but is George here to?" She looked just as anxious to see him as he was to see her. I was about to answer when the door opened and George was standing there.
"I'm here." he said quickly. George walked up to Olivia calmly and he reached out to touch her. She hesitantly grabbed his hand in hers. George suddenly grabbed her and hugged her tighter than anything. She seemed surprised because she squeaked lightly. She hugged him back and he relaxed a bit, just holding her in his arms. He was whispering to her and she kept smiling and nodding into his shoulder.
I looked back to Cynthia and I sighed.
"You're different." she said quietly. I frowned.
"Different how?" I asked.
"You're...being nice. You're sweet." she said. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.
"Well that's nice of you." I said kissing her cheek.
"No, I mean, you used to be..."
"Mean? Terrible? Cruel?" I asked naming off a few other words. Cynthia gave me a serious look and I smiled, "I'm sorry for treating you so badly." She only looked at me and I sighed roughly.
"Really I am!" I said trying to get her to believe me, "I was terrible to you and for what I did to you and Jules and- Where is Jules?"
Cynthia smiled and shrugged, "He went someplace with Dhani." she said. I nodded and looked back at George and Olivia. He was still holding on to her for dear life and I didn't expect him to let go anytime soon.
Someone cleared their throat from the door and we all looked to see Stryker leading in Lilly, Lina, Cindy, and Serena. They all looked dazed.
"Oh. My. Gosh." Serena gasped staring at George and Olivia. I was sure it was because George was with Olivia, but then he pulled back and looked at Serena with a grin, "You're-You're Olivia Harrison!" She started jumping up and down and George laughed. Olivia frowned a bit and she laughed lightly.
"Um, Yeah." She said, "Who're you?"
"Serena Bishop!" She said quickly
"Um, Hi." Olivia said waving.
"I am a major fan."
"Of George?" Olivia asked confused. Serena shook her head and giggled.
"Of you! You're just....perfect!"
I looked at Cynthia and she giggled as I saw Lilly leaning against the wall. I walked over and grabbed her. I brought her over. She still looked mad at me, but I didn't care.
"This is Lilly." I said happily, "She's one of the girls we came with."
"Oh, hello." Cynthia said, "Um, I'm Cynthia."
"Hi." Lilly responded, "Big fan of you and all that."
"You see Lilly's mad at me because I kinda snapped at her yesterday and even though I apologized about it she still refuses to stop being mad at me." I said with a smirk. I put my arm around her shoulders and she sighed.
"Alright, I'm sorry I was mad at you John." She sighed, "But you were incredibly mean."
"Oh I apologized!" I said squeezing her shoulder, "But anyway, she's my buddy and we kinda...bonded along the way. I was mostly her pillow but..." Lilly rolled her eyes and sighed.
"You were her pillow?" Cynthia asked frowning.
"Yeah in the car and in the train." Lilly sighed, "Nothing too serious."
Cynthia laughed and I put my arm around her waist. I missed her. I always missed her. Even after we separated. I always loved her, and I knew I was wrong to do what I did to her and Julian, but I thought maybe if I just went on with it that it would be OK. But it didn't and I didn't have much of a way to fix it when I realized my feelings hadn't changed.
"And how old are you?" She asked narrowing her eyes at Lilly. I looked at Cynthia and then at Lilly who looked confused.
"I'm 17." she said slowly, "I know I don't look it, but really, I am."
"Only?" Cynthia asked examining her. I nodded and cleared my throat wondering what Cynthia was trying to deduce from Lilly.
"Yeah, and She's the youngest of the group. Uh, but she's still pretty, um-"
"She's only 17." Cynthia said again, like she wasn't sure she believed it. I nodded and frowned lightly.
"Yep, I'm 17, but anyway, Paul said that Ringo went out with Dhani and Julian someplace! I can't wait to meet them!" Lilly said excitedly, "This has got to be the best day of my life, ever."
I laughed and ruffled her hair. She was just a kid. I had to keep reminding myself of that. She was smart and funny and she was taller than most her age, so she wasn't 17 when you look at her or talk to her, but she was 17 only by the fact that she was born 17 yrs. ago. She acted 17 every now and then, like now when she was over excited to meet my son and to meet George's son, along with Ringo and Paul. We were evidently her favorite people in the whole world. See? Only kids had favorite people in the whole world. That made Serena, Lina, and Cindy kids as well since Serena was still fawning over George and Olivia, and Lina kept talking about meeting Ringo and Cindy was talking Paul's ear off by the door. I don't know how I hadn't developed a headache over the last three days through their chatters, but I suppose I had gotten used to them by now.
"Um, just something I have to say," Paul said putting his hand on Cindy's shoulder to excuse himself. She looked like she was about to pass out, "Dinner will be whenever Dhani and Julian get back with Ringo and then we'll eat in the dining room. I hope you kids don't mind having to sit at an extra table. We don't have enough room in the dining room." Serena made a face of disgust and Lilly scrunched her nose.
"Kids table." Lina whispered slumping her shoulders. I snickered and nudged Lilly's shoulder.
"Maybe we should make Georgie sit with them, you know, the youngster." I teased.
"Oi Lennon, you're the teddy! I look older than you do!" George scolded back. I laughed and rolled my eyes before the door closed and a call came from the hall.
"Mum we're back! I got this book that I found. It talks...about...Dad..." Dhani stopped in the doorway and he had a smile on his face until he looked at his father. It faded and he looked close to tears when George enveloped him in a massive hug.
"Dhani? What-" Julian followed and I nearly passed out. He was all grown up! I attacked him before he even could see who I was.
"Julian!" I hollered. He fell on the floor and shoved me off.
"What is wrong with...Dad?" He asked making a face. I laughed and smirked at him. My son! He was sitting right here in front of me and I could barely stand it.
"Hello!" I said getting up off the floor. I helped him up off the floor and he frowned.
"But you're-"
"I swear if you say I'm supposed to be dead, I might hurt you." I sighed. Julian grinned and I clapped him on the back.
"Anyway!" Paul said changing the subject, "Dinner is ready! Nancy and Beatrice are ready in the kitchen and everything so..."
We all nodded and we walked to the dining room to eat. Man I was hungry.

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