Chapter Sixty-Nine: Neal's POV

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Neal's POV-
Why did I always wake up so early? It was a nuisance that I desperately wanted to be rid of. But of course I realized I woke up because the mobile phone I was given yesterday was ringing. I looked at the flashing screen and groaned.
"Neal," I said trying not to sound like I'd been asleep.
"Yeah, hey James Peters called me, said he had some information for you." Dhani said, making it obvious how confused he was.
"Oh great!" I said getting up from my bed quickly. I threw on some cleaner clothes - since I only had two shirts - and headed out the door. "Where can I find him?"
"In his office I suppose," Dhani said, unsure of himself, "but why-" I hung up and walked down the hall quickly. As I road in the elevator down to the floor that contained James Peters' office I started wondering what he had found. Could he have already found Hallie? It hadn't been very long at all.
When I came to his office I knocked on the door and it opened without anyone even touching it. I forget most people around here used telekinesis. James turned around and I stepped inside.
"Uh, Dhani said you had information for me?" I asked slowly. He gestured for me to sit down in the chair in front of his desk. He offered me a file, which I took quickly and opened. I saw Hallie's name on the front page with a photo paper clipped to the top of the page. Her hair was longer than I last remember, but it was still as jet black. She was smiling in the picture, and I couldn't figure out why I felt the way I did just looking at her picture.
"Hallie Tyler right?" James said sitting across from me at his desk. I nodded and closed the file back. "Well I do hope you're happy with the results. Of course I can do nothing to help you find her." I didn't think he would be able to find her.
"Thank you." I said sincerely. I left his office quickly and before I realized it, I found myself in the room I had woken up in. I looked at the cover of the folder, wanting to open it, but finding I couldn't bring myself to do it. I knew if I didn't do something, I'd go crazy, and the longer I sat there, the more I wanted to open the file. Only my arms wouldn't move to open it.

Finally, I opened to the first page; the page with the photo. I took it off the clip, holding it to the page. I placed it on the bed next to the file. I turned the page and read from the beginning.

'Hallie Tyler, became an agent of the Alive Again Lookout on December 12, 1958. She woke up from her slumber in a cemetery in West Russia. She worked with the Russian division of training, specializing in shooting and self-defense. Any power she possessed was not recorded. It is unknown whether she had one at all.
'In her time with AAL she had many aliases, all of which related to her given name. She was assigned to a post in Southern Scotland in 1977. These were her last whereabouts.
'Is currently under suspicion of conspiracy and is suspected of going AWOL.'

That was all that was inside the folder. There wasn't another page and there wasn't anything on the back. Just one page with very little information. I already knew she was from Russia. I remembered that months ago. I knew she had aliases. I knew she more than likely went AWOL. What I need to know was where she was now. I looked at the two paragraphs I received again.

'She was assigned a post in Scotland in 1977.'

That's where she'd met me. I was just a kid trying to get out of trouble for accidentally breaking an expensive bowl in some shop. She'd saved me by telling the clerk payment was in the mail. Of course I had no intentions of paying for the bowl, but that didn't matter. I still remember what she looked like as if I'd just met her yesterday.

Her hair was cut short to her chin and it was the darkest black I'd ever seen. She was shorter than me, but she was so much stronger. She was wearing a pair of black and white striped pants and a flamboyantly green blouse.

I sighed and closed the file before I shoved it under my pillow. I didn't want the others finding it. I put her photo in my pocket just as someone knocked on my door.

I answered it quickly and found Serena smiling at me. "Hey," I said, surprised by her appearance. "what's up?"

"Dhani and Midge called a meeting. Hawk gave them some new orders." She said gesturing down the hall, "We're meeting on the roof." I chuckled and nodded.

"Alright, let me get my stuff." I turned and grabbed my phone, gun, and knife before the two of us walked down the hall together.

"So how are you settling in?" She asked as she pressed the button to call the elevator. I shrugged and looked up at the numbers indicating the floor the elevator was on currently. It was slowly making it's way to us.

"Pretty well I think, you?" I glanced at her and she scrunched her nose.

"It's all so different than what I'm used to," She admitted as the doors opened with a ding. "I think I'll be a bit better when I can get some stuff to actually put in my room." I laughed and stepped into the elevator. She pressed the correct button and the doors closed.

"I don't really mind my room being empty," I said looking over at Serena. She was tapping her fingers on the wall behind her. She seemed nervous.

"How's your hunt for Hallie going?" She asked as if she suddenly remembered. I was glad she remembered and grateful she cared enough to ask, but I didn't really want to share it.

"It's okay." I said shrugging, "I've hit a bit of a wall." I said as the doors opened. We stepped outside, our conversation over as we approached the group that waited for us by the far wall.

"So what are we discussing here?" I asked leaning my back against the wall. Dhani moved to the center of the circle with Midge and they looked a little too official.

"We've got three missions." Midge said crossing her arms.

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