Chapter Fifty: John's POV

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John's POV-
I woke up in a cold sweat. I didn't know why. I couldn't remember the dream I'd had, so I wasnt really sure if that's what woke me up. It was too early in the morning for the sun to be up, so my room was still completely dark. I felt something in me twisting together. Something was wrong, but I couldn't put my finger on what it was.
Lilly, are you okay? I was positive she was asleep, but I had to ask. Something was wrong, I could feel it. Are you alseep?
She didn't respond, so she was either asleep or in trouble. If she was in trouble she'd still be able to hear me, and more than likely respond, so I was sure she was just asleep. I needed to make sure though.
I got out of bed slowly and quietly. This was a big house, so there wasn't any danger of waking anyone up, but there still a bit of a chance. I made my way to Lilly's room. She wasn't far from my room, none of the other's rooms were much farther down the hall either. I knocked on Lilly's door and I tried to see into her thoughts. George had mentioned knowing if Serena was asleep based on what he saw in her head. I couldn't see anything in her head. I'd never tried to see her dreams, like George seemed to see Serena's. I knocked again and pursed my lips, waiting for her to answer the door. When there wasn't an answer, I reached out for the knob, but Lilly startled me when she screamed.
I groaned and clutched my head. She'd done it in her mind, but the sight of George and Neal rushing out of their rooms looking worried, I knew she'd screamed out loud as well.
"What's going on?" Neal asked wide eyed. I shook my head and blinked away the remainded of the pain I felt in my head.
George pushed open Lilly's door. We looked in and saw her sitting up in bed panting. She looked back at us with equally wide eyes. I walked over to her slowly and her eyes followed my movements.
"What's wrong?" I whispered. Serena and Dhani rushed in then and Lilly turned her gaze to them quickly.
George looked between Dhani and Serena curiously, but seemed to forget his thoughts when Neal moved toward us as well.
"What's going on?" Serena asked. She sounded frightened, and Lilly looked at her and took a deep breath in.
"I don't think this is a normal pregnancy." She said slowly. I frowned and Dhani moved over next to her.
"How do you know?" He asked lightly. I touched her cheek lightly and Lilly got up out of the bed. Everyone took a step back and Lilly stood awkwardly. Her stomach had stretched incredibly in the last few hours. She looked nine months pregnant, and she also looked terrified.
"It hurts," She said, sounding as if she was in fact in immense pain, "John, please help me." I winced and grabbed her hand.
"Okay," I said gently, "How do I do that?" I glanced at Dhani and he shook his head. I was really hoping he'd know what to do. He was the one in charge here.
"What do you mean you don't know?" Serena asked, sounding like she might burst into tears.
"What?" Dhani asked raising his hands in defense, "I'm not a doctor! I don't know anything about this!"
"Stop!" George said, in a very father like tone. It surprised me, and Dhani. George didn't seem the least bit phased, "If you don't know what to do, then we take her to someone who does." He seemed the only one who was calm enough to think. I'm sure I looked calm, but inside I was certainly not calm.
"The hospital then." Neal said, snapping me out of my thoughts. Lilly nodded and started to move for the door. She stumbled and I caught her quickly. Neal helped and Dhani raced out of the room talking about getting the car. He must have never been through the panic of a woman going into labor before. It occurred to me all the people who were panicking outwardly had never had a kid before. Serena, Neal, Dhani, and even Lilly, all seemed to be having panic attacks. George was calm on the outside, but I had no idea what was going on in his head.
We helped Lilly downstairs carefully. We had to stop a few times because she was in too much pain to move. I was starting to feel the pain she felt spill over into my mind, and I wondered how she could take this. George opened the door for us, and as I helped Lilly into the van, I saw him talking to Serena carefully before he shut the door. Neal stood outside the van, looking like he didn't know what he should do.
"Are you coming or not?" I asked holding the door open for him. He climbed in quickly and I slammed the door as Dhani hit the gas.
I don't know why I wanted Neal to come. He was just a kid, but I felt like Lilly would like someone else to be there, and I didn't need it to be a whimpering girl. Neal was my only other option. Dhani was only coming along becuase I didn't know the way to the hospital.
The entire drive, Lilly squeezed my hand. "It'll be okay, Lilly." I said kissing her forehead, "You'll be okay." She closed her eyes and tried to relax, but I could feel the pain she was in.
At the hospital, Lilly was taken to a room quickly, and Dhani, Neal, and I were banished to the waiting room. It was complete torture sitting there doing nothing while I could still feel Lilly's pain.
"Hey, John," Dhani said sounding agitated, "Sit down. Please." I didn't realize I'd been pacing. I sat down in the seat next to Neal. I felt jittery, and I felt like I needed to do something, anything, to help. But I was stuck here in the waiting room.
"John, sit still." Neal complained. He grabbed my leg and I jumped. Aparently I had a nervous tick.
"Sorry." I said, tapping my fingers against one another.
"She'll be fine, John." Neal said seriously, "Babies are born all the time." I nodded and tried to sit still. It didn't work well, but Neal ad Dhani quit trying to make me sit still.
We waited, and waited, and waited until the sun was well up in the sky. Dhani had fallen asleep in his seat and Neal was playing with a bracelet of some kind. I let out a sigh, and found that I didn't feel any pain anymore.
Lilly, talk to me please? I waited a few minutes, but there wasn't anything. I'm worried out of my mind, Lil. Please be okay.
I got up, feeling my legs start to cramp. I stretched a little bit, and I tried not to let it show that I was beginning to panic. It was an irrational fear that anything could happen to Lilly on a deadly scale. She couldn't die from desease or natural causes. But did childbirth count as a desease or sickenss?
I'm okay
And that was all I needed to feel less panicked.

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