Chapter Twenty-Six: Lilly's POV

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Lilly's POV-
Serena kissed George, surprising him, before she ran off after Stryker with John and Cindy. I watched them go, wishing I could've hugged John or my sister once before they left. I felt someone grab my hand and I looked over to find Beatrice looking frightened.
"What now?" Neal asked. George looked down the other hall and pointed. 
"We go that way."  he said confidently, "Let's get out of here." We all nodded and followed him down the hall. Beatrice clung to my hand as we followed George. Lina and Neal followed next. The hallway was getting really dark and pretty soon I couldn't see my hand in front of my face. Beatrice whimpered next to me and I ran into George, who'd stopped and turned around.
"Are you OK, Beatrice?" He asked gently. She sniffled and I would have guessed she'd been crying.
"I'm scared." She whispered. Motion caught my attention and Beatrice gasped.
"It's OK." George said. "I'm just gonna give you a piggy back ride." I smiled to myself as we started to go on.
"It's really dark down here." Lina said, her voice shaking a bit.
"Oh hang on," Neal said before a flash appeared and we could all see again. George was in fact carrying Beatrice on his back. She had her face nuzzled into his shoulder. I looked at Neal and he smiled.
"OK, you go up front." George said stepping aside. Neal nodded and George walked next to him with his flashlight. Lina walked next to me and we followed George and Neal. We went around corners and down stairs until we were actually close to an exit. I thought maybe we'd get out of here without any trouble until something hit me on the back of the head. I groaned and fell.
"Lilly!" I heard Neal gasp as he turned aorund. He helped me up and I felt woozy.
"What was that?" I asked. Neal shined his light around the room and stopped on someone standing down the hall.
"Drop all your weapons and put your hands in the air." A man said in an official sounding voice. I looked at George and he didn't seem to know what to do. I felt incredibly dizzy and I felt like I was gonna pass out at any second. What had hit me?
"George, call Serena." I said, my words slurred a bit and I couldn't focus on him. He looked at me woriedly and shut his eyes. I knew he had no idea what he was doing, and I didn't know how to explain it to him, but he suddenly had a better plan.
George put Beartice's arms around his neck and he told her to hold on tight to him. She did as she was told and George let go of her. He closed his eyes and held his hands out in front of him. Things started to rumble and shake and suddenly the ceiling collapsed in on itself right in front of where the guard was standing. An alarm blared near us.
"We gotta go!" Neal said grabbed my hand. I started to take a step, but I tripped over nothing. Neal picked me up and I started to walk, stumbling and tripping over my own two feet as we went. Lina had caught up to George and was following us to the exit, but Neal was having a difficult time keeping me on my feet. Suddenly pain exploded in the back of my mind. I screamed and gasped for air.
Are you OK? It was John. He'd heard the alarms. I looked at Neal, who looked incredibly worried.
We're fine. George did that on purpose. There wasn't a response, but I don't think I could've handled another one. Why had that hurt so bad? It didn't hurt the first time he'd done if before he left with Serena.
"Are you OK?" Neal asked. I nodded and wobbled a bit on my feet. Great. I was falling over without even moving now.
"I'm not so sure." I panted, grabbing Neal's arm. He picked me up suddenly and carried my behind George and Lina.
I closed my eyes, not being able to keep them open any longer and after a few minutes I felt the cool breeze of outside brush my face. We were out, as far as I knew.
"What's going on?" I asked as loud booms shook the ground and light flashed over my eyelids.
"George is trying to blow up the gates so we can get out of here." Neal said like it was the most normal thing. I decided to freak out over all this later. I was too exhausted to care.
"Did he get it?" I asked sleepily. I could feel Neal looking at me.
"Yep," He said, "We'll be with the others soon." Lina suddenly screamed and everything went into darkness as I finally passed out from the pain in my head and my pure exhaustion.

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