Chapter Thirty: Lilly's POV

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Lilly's POV-
I was woken up by yelling and it wasn't happy yelling; if there is a such thing. I sat up and Neal coughed as he rubbed his eyes. He must have gone to sleep as well. I wondered what time it was as Serena walked out of the sitting room and out the front door. I frowned and stood up. I followed her and ran up to her as we made it to the end of the drive.
"Rena, what's wrong?" I asked taking her hand. She shook her head and sniffled. She wiped her face to try and hide the tears she was shedding.
"Nothing, I'm fine." She said. I knew she was lying. She was always lying when she told anybody she was fine.
"No you're not." I responded shaking my head, "I know you."
"No you don't!" Serena snapped and looked at me. "You've never even met me before a few weeks ago! How can you possibly know when I'm fine and when I'm not fine!? We talk over text message and over Skype! The only thing we have in common is that we like the same classic rock band! How can you know me!?"
I looked at her shocked. What had caused that? What had I missed?
"And I'm stuck here with George Harrison, my favorite person that every could exsist and he doesn't even want to be alive! Lina was kidnapped and I didn't even notice it, and now I get a call from my Aunt Janie telling me that my parents sent the police out on me because George blew up a building!" I watched as Serena ran her fingers through her hair and pulled a little like it was going to make her feel better.
"Well what am I supposed to do about that!?" I asked, angry that she'd say all that.
"I don't know!" Serena groaned like it was all my fault. "I want to go back home. I want to go back to my stupid older sister who bosses me around, and I want to go back to ignoring my parents and being yelled at for everything!" I scoffed and rolled my eyes.
"It's not my fault we're here! It was your idea to go and look for Paul!" I hollered. "And I can't just go home! Not until I figure out how to fix my eyes!" Serena screamed suddenly and I knew it was out of frustration.
"Gosh! Lilly why is everything always such a big deal to you!?" She asked rolling her eyes, "Something happens and you freak out! You're fine! Louise even said you were!"
"Well how am I supposed to explian that my eyes can change colors to my parents!? How am I supposed to tell them what we've been up to if we go home!? Serena, jeeze! Not everything is about you!"
"Nothing is ever about me! It's always about someone else, and I'm just tagging along for the ride! I am the only one here who could go home without a tramatizing experience! Cindy and Lina were kidnapped, You got this freaky power with your eyes, John and George are a big deal in themselves! Midge and Stryker are some sort of secret agents, and Beatrice is Paul friggin' McCartney's daughter and she got kidnapped! I am the only one who doesn't have anything to do with this!"
"Oh quit being dramamtic! George can talk to you just like John can talk to me! You and George are connected somehow!" I insisted. Serena shook her head and walked away. I didn't stop her. I just watched her go. I knew I'd be mad at myself if I didn't stop her, but John took over my thoughts.
Come inside.
I shook my head. I was mad. I didn't want to talk to him or anyone. I wanted to stay outside.
Then I'll come outside. I groaned.
No, I don't want to talk to you right now.
You girls don't make any sense to me at all.
I don't care, John. Leave me alone. Serena and I just had a shouting match and I'm not in the mood.
I'm coming outside.
I rolled my eyes and sat down on the front steps. John sat next to me a few minutes later and sighed.
"What did ya shout about?" John asked, making me look at him. I knew my eyes gave away my mood.
"She just wants to go home. Apparently George said something and it hurt her and she just wants to go back home and pretend none of this happened." I said shaking my head. John put his arm around me and I sighed. I felt awkward around him and he could sense it. I don't know if he knew why I felt awkward, but I still felt it.
"John, um I had this dream..."
"About me." He finished. I nodded and looked at my lap.
"Yeah, you saw?" I asked slowly. He nodded and I looked at him. "Um I mean you don't like...think that maybe..."
"What? No you're 15! I'm...70...something..." John said. His cheeks turned red and I giggled.
"I'm 16 actually..." I mumbled, "But um, I mean you've kinda just become like...I dunno my big brother I guess." John nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, well you're the best little sister I've ever had." He said. I laughed and nudged his shoulder. He nudged me back when the screen door opened and George and Stryker came out argueing.
"It is not my fault!" George hollered, "How is it possibly my fault!?" Stryker just gave an eyeroll and ran between me and John down the steps and down the drive after Serena.
"It was kinda your fault." John said. I didn't even know if John knew what they were fighting about, but he gave me sly wink so I guessed he didn't have a clue.
"I know." George said sitting down next to John, "I just really don't like that git." George glared after Stryker and I shook my head at him.
"She doesn't him you know." I said. "She likes you, George, but I don't think that she finds you as a realistic option compared to Stryker."
"Oh and I'm sure you and John are already planning to get married." George said getting up in a huff. I frowned.
"No! He's way too old." I said shoving John, "We're friends."
"Besides, We couldn't get married anyways." John teased scrunching his nose. "She's only 15." I rolled my eyes and George watched down the road. Stryker had caught up with Serena and he was walking with her, holding her hand.
I got up and suddenly remembered I needed to talk to my sister. We all really needed to talk, and we'd all have to sit down together eventually, so I went inside to strike up a plan with Cindy.

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