Chapter Two: John's POV

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John's POV-
Well this was new. I was strolling around a nice house that seemed to be empty. I'd woken up on a couch and in too much pain to describe. The last thing I remember is being shot while Yoko screamed out for help. Now, I wasn't shot, and I didn't have a clue where I was. I was upstairs on the second floor looking at a bedroom with a TV in it. I wondered who's room this was, when suddenly the sound of a door opening and closing reached my ear. I started to panic when I heard voices.
"C'mon, Serena said we could Skype today and I wanna do it now." A girl's voice said.
"I know, Lilly, but mom said we had to get the kitchen cleaned before she got back." Another voice said. I could hear them getting closer and I knew they were coming in here. I had to hide. I saw the closet and got in quickly. I shut the door behind me, and I peaked out of the little crack to see two girls walk in and flop on the bed.
"Well we'll do it after we Skype." The one called Lilly said picking up a black rectangle and making it light up. I raised my eyebrows and watched in amazement. What was that?
"Fine!" The other girl sighed. Lilly tapped her foot and hummed a familiar tune as she tapped around on the lit rectangle. Suddenly more voices joined in the conversation.
"Hello!" A girl's voice said giggling.
"Hi Rena!" Lilly said waving.
"Wazzup!?" Another girl's voice said. Lilly laughed and so did the other girl that was with Lilly.
"Not much," the girl said.
"Well maybe you should do something, Cindy!" Serena said sarcastically. Who were these people? I shifted on my feet because my back was starting to cramp up. I was afraid I was giving myself away to move though.
"Ha ha, well I am!" Cindy said rolling her eyes. The four girls laughed and I rolled my eyes. Giggling girls. I needed to get out of here without being noticed, but there was no way that was gonna happen with these girls here. I was coming up with an escape plan when I heard a voice that I hadn't heard in a long long time.
"Serena is there any food around here- oh hello!"
"Who is that and why does he look like George Harrison?" Cindy gasped. I watched to the best of my ability and I found my breathing had picked up.
"Well he's George." The other girl said sounding a bit sarcastic.
"Yes thank you, Lina." Serena said I'm sure with an eye roll. Lilly suddenly moved and I could see the rectangle she was looking at. It was really small now. It looked bigger from the angle I was just in.
"Well who is he!?" Lilly squealed.
"You're gonna think I've lost it, Lil!" Serena whined. Cindy rolled her eyes and laughed.
"We already think that." She said jokingly.
"Ha ha very funny." Serena said with a huff, "but really!"
"Oh just tell 'em, Rena!" Lina said rolling her eyes. Serena sighed roughly and pulled George up to her.
"This is George Harrison. The real George Harrison. He showed up asleep in my bed morning and we've been trying to figure out how he got here." She said quickly. Lilly and Cindy were quiet for a long time before I decided I'd better make my exit while they were paying attention. I opened the door slowly and I silently stepped out of the closet. I crept toward the door and I nearly made it out when I heard Lina say; "Who's that behind you?" I froze where I was and I slowly turned around. The two girls on the bed gasped and Serena's eyes got wide.
"John!" George hollered, "I'm not the only one!" He seemed thrilled out of his mind that he wasn't alone anymore. I gave a cheeky grin before I casually strolled over to the bed. I sat down and wiggled my fingers at them.
"Hello." I said trying to pretend I belonged.
"But you're-" Lilly was at a loss for words. I suddenly realized these girls looked rather young. Serena looked the oldest, but not by much compared with Lilly and Cindy.
"J-John Lennon!" Cindy finished, also just as surprised.
"Hello" I repeated. George giggled and I looked at him.
"George, you look so young! Last I saw ya, you were all bearded and all transcendental meditation-y!" I said rolling my eyes. George looked away from what ever Serena was holding, "What happened? You look like a youngster again!"
"The same thing that happened to you John." He said without looking at me.
"You got...shot?" I asked slowly.
"He died!" Lina said quickly.
"Touchy subject!" Serena yelled, "New topic! How did you guys not know he was at your house?"
"We just got home a few minutes ago!" Lilly exclaimed, "We had things to do all morning and we just got home!"
"But he had to have been there when you woke up!" Serena said reasonably, "George was here when I woke up.
"Well we left relatively early." Cindy put in, "what time did you get up?"
"8:00 a.m. same as always " Lina said shrugging.
"Well maybe they appeared between the time we left and the time you woke up." Lilly suggested. I frowned. They were talking about me and George like we weren't even there. It was unbearable.
"Um, hello still here remember?" George said putting his head between Serena's and Lina's.
"Sorry, not used to you being here when we talk about you." Serena said smirking before she teasingly pecked his cheek, "There's Spaghettios in the cabinet. You can put them in the microwave." George nodded and left the screen. I frowned and Lina giggled at me. I made a face at her and Serena laughed.
"Serena how do I get this can open!?" George called from the background.
"Use the electric opener like I showed you earlier!" She called over her shoulder. Cindy laughed and Lilly giggled.
"Well we have to figure out how they got here." Cindy said.
"Who cares? This is the best day ever!" Lina exclaimed. Serena scoffed and rolled her eyes.
"I agree with Cindy, Lina," Serena said nodding, "George had a piece of paper shoved in his pocket. It was all crumpled up and half the writing was missing, but maybe that could help."
"What's it say?" Lilly asked excitedly.
"Um, well it looks like some address," she said unfolding a piece of paper, "Its says something about Beverly hills."
"Hmm." Cindy pondered. She rubbed her chin thoughtfully and she looked up at the ceiling.
"What's in Beverly hills?" I asked.
"Serena help!" George helped suddenly. Serena huffed and handed Lina their screen. She hurried away and Lina laughed.
"He's got this thing where he can't work the microwave. It's really quite entertaining." She said giggling.
"Why can't he work the microwave?" I asked seriously.
"It's got a lot of complicated buttons and settings I'm sure." Lilly said putting her hand on my shoulder.
"He couldn't figure out what setting to put in." Serena said coming back with red sauce on the side of her face, "and then George dropped his bowl of Spaghettios, the helpless little bugger." She wiped the food from her face and we all laughed at her.
"Oh laugh now, but wait till you see George. He got it in his hair." She smirked. Cindy and Lilly laughed and I rolled my eyes.
"We need to meet up somewhere." Serena suddenly decided. Cindy agreed, but Lilly looked a bit skeptical.
"There's no way we can! Mom didn't even let us go to Serena's party and I'm sure as soon as she finds out about John she's gonna kick him out." She said shaking her head.
"Well just..." Serena bit her lip in thought as George plopped down next to her, Spaghettios sauce in his hair and on his cheek, "Just try and keep him there until we can get there. We'll sneak out tonight."
"No we can't!" Lina moaned, "We have group meeting tomorrow!"
"You'll have to get over it, Lin, this is more important!" Serena groaned, "We'll go next month." Lina crossed her arms over her chest and pouted.
"Fine." She mumbled. George scratched his face. Serena giggled at him and she wiped the food from his cheek and he suddenly kissed her cheek. She blushed and Lilly and Cindy snickered. I was surprised however. George was being rather bold.
"Well we have to go," Cindy said, "we have to figure out how to hide John from our parents and Miranda and we have to clean up the kitchen before our mom gets home." Serena nodded and sighed.
"Ok, we'll be seeing you then." She said, "I have yet to tell my mom and dad about George....and Kaylie doesn't know about him either."
"Well get here soon so we don't have to hide him for so long!" Cindy said. I nodded in agreement and Serena rolled her eyes.
"Ok, bye." Serena said.
"Bye!!!" Lina exclaimed loudly. There was a loud bang and George's eyes hot wide.
Serena hung up and the screen went dark. I watched Lilly toss the little dark rectangle on the bed and she and Cindy looked at me and grinned.
"This is great." Lilly squealed, "So..."
"How old are you!?" I asked suddenly. She looked much too young to me.
"Um, well, I'm actually 16, but I'll be 17 soon!" She said quickly.
"16!? You look at least 19'" I said, "How old are you?"
"Um, 17 but nearly 18" she said nervously.
"What about those two girls?"
"Serena is 19 and Lina is 17." Cindy said clasping her hand together.
"Great, I'm working with children." I mumbled. This should be fun.

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