Chapter Nine: George's POV

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George's POV
"We need a plan," Serena said. We all nodded in agreement and we all started to think. It seemed a lot harder than before and none of us could come up with anything.
"We could try and catch the next train to Beverly Hills from Flagstaff." Lilly said shrugging as she balled up the paper from her sandwich.
"How are we gonna pay for it though?" Cindy asked, still pondering ideas.
Serena pulled out the rest of the money we had. "We only have about a hundred left." She sighed, "We got a deal with the guy back there, and I doubt we'll find someone so nice."
"How much do train tickets cost?" Lina asked leaning forward on her elbows. Serena shrugged.
"$70, maybe more." She sighed, looking frustrated.
"We could hitch hike it." John said shrugging, "We used to hitch hike all the time when we were kids."
Lina rolled her eyes, "Yes, that was also in England in the 1950s." she said, "We're in America 2013." I scratched my head and thought a bit harder.
"And you saw the was Carl acted. There are a lot worse than him." Serena said with a shutter. I scowled at the very mention of Carl, and Serena seemed to notice my distaste.
"Well there has to be something." Cindy said shaking her head, "There's gotta be some way to get there other than walking."
"Well walking is all we have at the moment," I sighed, "Unless one of you girls knows anyone in Flagstaff, Arizona."
"I've never been out of the east coast." Serena said grimacing, "Barely out of Georgia except when we were living in Tennessee."
"Well that's just dandy." John said in aggravation. He ruffled his hair roughly and Serena rolled her eyes at him.
"Well maybe we could..." Lilly stopped and everyone looked at her.
"What?" Lina asked as we all leaned forward toward Lilly. She blushed and looked at John. He raised his eyebrows at her and she sighed.
"OK, well I'd never ever ever ever ever suggest this if it wasn't a last resort, but maybe we could, I don't know, get a car?"
"We have limited money, Lil," Cindy scoffed rolling her eyes. John smirked and nudged Lilly's arm. He got what she was saying, and maybe I did too, it just never expected her to suggest it.
"I dunno, maybe Georgie and I could do it." he said waggling his eyebrows at me. I frowned.
"How exactly are we gonna get a car without any money, John?" I asked rubbing my brow. He was suddenly annoying me.
"Well, I don't think Lilly was going for the, um, legal way to get a car." John said discreetly. Serena jumped at the idea and she shook her head.
"No way! We're doing bad enough as it is! We don't need to be under the spot light of the police too!" She exclaimed. John and I shushed her quickly.
"Like I said before," Lilly said in a whisper, "It's a last resort." She looked at Serena seriously and then over her shoulder for a second before she did I double take. John and I followed her gaze and John shot up from his seat. Lilly pulled him back down by the hand and shook her head.
"We should go," I said casually under my breath. Lina and Cindy frowned.
"What do you mean go?" Lina asked whispering like I had.
"Those men over there?" I said nudging my head slightly, "Don't everybody look, Serena don't even try, but I don't think they're here for the sandwiches."
"Maybe they're looking for someone?" Lilly asked whispering. She looked scared again.
"No, we're the only ones in here." John said shaking his head as we all leaned into the table more.
"Maybe they're waiting for someone." Serena whispered as her fingers tightly curled around mine in pure fear.
I shook my head, "Not unless it's us. No one has come in since us." I said. Lina and Cindy looked at each other in what appeared to be alarm and they stood up. I pulled Lina back down and shook my head, "We can't make it look like we know they're there."
"But we do know they're there." Cindy hissed as she sat back down.
"Well they don't know that!" John hissed back, "Just, let's all get up, casually, and walked out. Smile and act as normal as possible OK?" Lilly clutched onto his hand and he looked at her worriedly. She looked back and he smiled at her, trying to cheer her up. He got up first and he started to swing his and Lilly's arm back and forth, making her giggle. I could tell it was fake, I only hoped that the men in black over there at the bar didn't.
Cindy and Lina got up next and I pulled Serena to follow. Lilly did good pretending to be happy and not scared, while Serena looked utterly terrified.
"Are you OK?" I asked, trying to throw the men off our scent. She looked at me and I raised my eyebrows at her, trying to tell her to be cool. She smiled and nodded before she squeezed my hand and leaned against me a bit.
"Fine!" She said happily. I smiled back at her and she stood on her toes and kissed my cheek as we reached the door that John was holding open for us.
He cocked an eyebrow and I nodded as we made it to the next car where our compartment was. I happened to glance behind me and I saw the two men glance at each other before they slowly started following us. John shut the door and he grabbed Serena by the arm and she gasped.
"John, what're you doing?" She hissed before he shoved her into the compartment with the other girls.
"They're following us," I said quickly. John's eyes shifted a bit and he seemed to be thinking.
"I'll tell you later then..." He mumbled shoving me in before he came in after me and shut the door. He hit the lock and closed the blinds so the men wouldn't see us. He stood in front of the door as I sat down in between Cindy and Lina. Serena was sitting next to Lilly holding her hand. Out of the two, Serena looked more frightened, which surprised me.
"John what's-"
"Shh!" John said holding his finger to his lips as he looked at Serena. She'd been the one he interrupted. He peaked out of the blinds as the two men ran past talking loudly. After they'd gone, John slid down into the seat next to Lilly and he let out a deep breath.
"What's going on?" Lilly whispered, so John wouldn't cut her off with his shushing.
"I don't know," he said, "But it's not good."
We all exchanged looks of fear and worry before Lilly leaned against John. It was getting dark and I realized we'd be at Flagstaff soon. Better sooner than later in my opinion.

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