Chapter Fifty-Eight: Dhani's POV

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Dhani's POV-
"What do you mean Stryker has Serena?" I asked as George pulled me down the hall.
"I mean, she was talking to Midge, and Midge found her out, but she wasn't mad." George said quickly, "And then they went in and Stryker was there and he was being super creeper."
"Okay," I stopped and George's hands clentched into fists, "First, don't say 'super creeper' ever again, you sound like a teenage girl, second, how do you know he's gonna hurt her? She looked like Sophie, right?"
"Yeah, but he's taking her to the garage." George said frantically, "He's angry, Dhani." I hadn't seen him look at me like that in a long time. I felt like a little kid again, like I'd done something, or broken something and he was mad at me.
"Alright, just..." I turned into my bedroom, the one I'd had for as long as I could remember, and I grabbed the gun issued to me by The AAL. "Let's go." George looked at me with wide eye and I rolled mine.
"If he's hurting her then we have to have a way to make him stop!" I said walking out of the room. George followed without a word. I thought he'd protest, but he didn't. It bothered me.
We walked to the garage and I stopped behind one of the many cars in there.
"You know, Sophie, I've been watching you." Stryker said harshly, "You sure do disappear quickly around here."
"What? Daniel, I don't know what-" Serena screamed and George looked at me, his eyes wide; pleading. I looked over the hood of the car and I saw Strkyer had Serena -who was dressed and looked like Sophie- pinned to the wall. She was struggling to get free, but Stryker was strong. I would know, I was the agent to train him.
"Dhani, do something." George whispered quickly. I tried to think.
"Okay," I said quickly, "Um..let me...erm..." I looked around and I could see a straight line to Stryker I could take to go unnoticed. "Da- uh George, when I tell you, use your telepathy to make the alarms in the cars go off. I'll grab Stryker and then Serena can get away." He shook his head and looked at the line of cars.
"I- I don't know if I can-"
"You have to." I said. He nodded and I started toward Stryker silently, and I saw Serena looked at me over his shoulder. She shoved Stryker again, but he didn't let up.
"Let me go." She yelled. Stryker didn't respond, but I couldn't see his face. He started whispering to her, and she froze. What was he saying to her. I glanced back at George, but he wasn't listening to it. He was focusing on me. I nodded to him and he took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Suddenly, all the alarms were blaring and Stryker jumped away from Serena. I grabbed him and he struggled. He was strong, but I was stronger. Serena ran to George as he stopped the alarms. Neal came running in with Mum behind him looking worried. Serena bursted into tears, and I'd never seen her do that before. George must not have either because he had a wide eyed expression as well.
"What are you doing?" Stryker yelled as I let him go. He knew we were here now, he wouldn't pull anything now.
"What are you doing?" George yelled back. Stryker narrowed his eyes.
"Oh I forgot! You have a thing for Sophie." He sneered, "Just like you did for Serena." He hadn't caught on. He didn't know Serena was Sophie. George didn't respond to him. Mum walked over to Serena and she put her arm around her.
"It's okay," She said gently, "Come with me, you need a bandage." I hadn't noticed, but Sophie had a cut on her forehead. She nodded and led her away. I looked at Neal and he came foreward.
"Take Agent Stryker to the sound room." I said, "George you go with them. I'll be up in a minute. I need to find Midge." George nodded and grabbed Stryker by the arm. He and Neal pulled him roughly back inside the house. I went out the back door to try and find Midge. I had no idea where she'd be, and this house was huge. I ran into everyone, including little Valerie, who was crawling around the living room with John.
I asked him if he knew where Midge was and he said he saw her run upstairs. I went upstairs and knocked on her door, but there wasn't a response. I pushed her door opened and I saw her lying on her bed, staring at the cieling.
"Hey," I said gently, so not to scare her, "Can I talk to you?" She sat up and nodded. I walked into the room and shut the door.
"What about?" She asked as I stood in front of her at the end of her bed.
"About Bellamy." I said causing her to look away, "I know Serena trusts you. I trust you. But you have to tell me what happened in Missouri." Midge shook her head and she pulled her knees to her chest.
"I can't, Dhani." She said seriously. I'd known her for most of her life. I'd known Stryker most of his life as well, but he wasn't as close to me as Midge was. We spent a lot of time together when her parents went out on missions. I was her babysitter for a long time, and then we were friends when she was old enough to look after herself.
"Midge, you can trust me," I said shrugging, "You know that."
"I thought I could trust Daniel too," She said testily, "But I was wrong about that."
"Midge," I said seriously, "You told Serena that Valerie could be in danger. You're the closest thing we have to anything like her. You know why Bellamy would want to take her. It could be the only-"
"You don't have to ask me to find out, Dhani!" She said getting up quickly, "You can just look in my head like you always do!"
"No I can't!" I said in protest, "I haven't been able to since before you got out of Missouri." She looked broken suddenly and she collapsed onto the bed again.
"But you knew I told Serena about Valerie." She looked confused and I shook my head.
"I can only hear things you're saying sometimes." I said looking away from her. When we were kids, she was 9 and I was 18, Midge established a telepathic link with me. We talked a lot through it. She became like a little sister to me, and now that link was practically gone.
"I just thought you didn't trust me anymore." She said rubbing her face. "I thought you'd seen what happened and you didn't want to-"
"Midge, I don't know what happened." I said shaking my head, "I couldn't talk to you. I even went looking for you when you didn't show up for monthly evaluation at HQ."
Midge didn't say anything for a long time. I sat down next to her and she sighed. I didn't know what to say, so I didn't say anything. Her head fell onto my shoulder and I looked at her. She closed her eyes and I brushed her hair out of her face.
"I've always, really liked you, Dhani." She said, whispering, "A lot. When I made that link, I thought you'd be mad at me, but you weren't. You liked talking to me. I don't even remember how I made the link." She chuckled and sat up.
"Did you just say you-"
"It's not important," She said looking away, "I can't tell you what happened, because I don't know how to tell you. I don't have the words." I looked at her and sighed.
"You can't try?" I put my hand on her shoulder and she looked back at me. "Midge a little girl's life could depend on-"
Midge's hands touched my face. I stopped talking and she moved forward. Her lips touched mine and a flash blinded me for a moment before I was in total darkness.
Midge was tied down to a thin metal table. She screamed, wanting to be set free. I could feel her pain. It was unbearable. Standing behind a sheet was a figure, a man. I knew it was Bellamy. It had to be.
Midge had tubes attached to her head and to her arms. She was constantly screaming, and it hurt my head. I felt like the life was being sucked out of me. Bellamy stepped out from behind the sheet. He had tubes attatched to himself as well. It was odd.
I followed the lines from his body to a machine that I didn't realize until just then, was loud and banging.
"Fine!" Midge screamed, "I'll tell you! Please make it stop!" Bellamy chuckled darkly and he stood over her.
"Tell me where the headquarters is," He said touching her hair, almost gently, "And I'll stop."
"No!" She winced, "That isn't want you wanted before!"
"That was then," Bellamy sneered, "This is now." Midge sobbed and the link slowly started to flicker.
"I don't know that!" Midge yelled, "I only know where Harrison is." I gasped and then a new flash came. I was standing next to Midge. She was crying.
"Please, Dhani I'm sorry." She sobbed into her knees, "He took my powers. I can't hide anymore. Please help me."
Midge moved away, and I found myself trying to catch my breath. "What did you..." Midge was close to tears now, "What did you tell him?" Midge shook her head.
"I just told him Louise's address. He didn't know it until he caught George and Lilly." She said. "I didn't tell him anything important."
"What did he want to know before he-"
"He was asking where the AAL kids were." She said, "I don't know why. He knows how to take away powers, Dhani." Tears fell down her cheeks and I wrapped her in a tight hug.
"I know." I said, "He's not gonna hurt you again."
"There's nothing else he can take Dhani." She said clutching onto the front of my shirt.
"It'll be okay." I said, "I'm gonna call HQ. They don't know we have John and George. They also don't know about Lilly and Serena. Furthermore, they don't know about Valerie. They'll have to let them in."

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