Chapter Forty-Eight: John's POV

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John's POV-
The days we spent in Friar Park were normal, or as normal as days could be when you were four young people with super powers. Dhani had made the decision that we were to live at Friar Park at least until Bellamy was completely recooperated and started causing trouble.
George had asked why we didn't strike him while he was down, but Dhani said they'd lost him when his hide out exploded. He'd said it a bit testily, and George took some offense.
"I could have just let everyone stay there and die..." He'd muttered back.
Olivia suggested we learn how to use our powers, so we'd be ready when Bellamy attacked next. But how do you control the power to turn things to metal? How can you use it in a fight? Lilly's power wa a more stratigic power, seeing through walls and what not.
George's power was a fighting power most definitely. He could shoot fire out of his hands for Pete's sake! His power was probably the easiest to find a use for.
But then there was Serena who didn't seem to have a power. No one could figure it out. She'd discovered she had the telekenisis a few days after Liverpool, and Dhani worked with her on that to boost her confidence a little since she seemed bummed about not having anything.
We all got used to getting up, eating breakfast, get dressed, go to the garden where Dhani set up targets and things for 'training', go back in, have a meal, rest for a bit, go back out, train, when it gets dark, go back in and go to bed. It was a routine we all got into quite easily, so when it took Lilly waking me up around noon, I wondered what was going on.
"Nothing," She said, when I asked in a blind panic. "Dhani just figured we needed a day off." I flopped back down into the pillows and Lilly cuddled up next to me. I put my arm around her and she closed her eyes. I kissed her forehead and started to go back to sleep. I thoughts Lilly had gone to sleep as well, but she hadn't.
She suddenly hopped up and ran out of the room. I sat up and frowned, "Lilly, where are you going?" I followed her quickly, and I caught sight of her just as she shut the door to the bathroom loudly. I knocked roughly, but there was no answer.
"Lilly, what's wrong? Are you okay?" I knocked again and the door gave, letting me inside. She was sitting on the floor, looking a bit green. "You're ill?" Lilly shook her head and I sat next to her against the bath tub.
"I'm not sick, John." She sighed and looked at her hands awkwardly, "There's something I need to tell you." I nodded slowly, and her worried expression started to make me worried as well.
"What kind of something?" I asked as she moved away from me. She ran her fingers through her hair and took in a deep breath.
"I'm pregnant, John." She said quickly, sounding like she'd explode if she waited much longer. My eyes got wide and my eyebrows shot up as I took a look at her. She did look a bit....not as thin as before.
Then it hit me, we hadn't slept together, so she had to have slept with someone else. The only other person I could think of was Neal, and then I felt a bit bad. I was actually starting to really like her, and I didn't even know about her feelings for Neal, but maybe I was wrong.
"Oh..." I said standing, "Um...I gotta go....find George..." I left her standing there in the bathroom, unsure what to think. I didn't know if I was hurt, or relieved, or I don't even know what. I found George faster than I wanted to really find anyone.
"Hey John," He said waving, "Whoa, you don't look so good."
"Lilly's..." I sat down in the chair nearby and George tilted his head to the side.
"Lilly's what?" He asked slowly.
I looked at him and he looked confused, "She's pregnant."
"What? John!" He said loudly. I got up and covered his mouth.
"Shhh," I said quickly, "It's not mine! We haven't...done that!" He seemed a bit more calm and I let him go.
"Then who's is it?" He asked cautiously. I shrugged and sat down again.
"No idea." George sat down in the chair next to mine and he sighed.
"We should talk to Dhani." He said. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.
"No way, she told me and I don't know if shew wants anyone else to know." I said waving my hands at him, "I don't know who else knows about it."
"I've got a feeling Serena knows." George said thoughfully, "We should ask her." He grabbed my arm and he started dragging me down the hall.
"Wait, wait," I said dragging my feet, "I thought you were mad at each other!"
"Oh, yeah, but this is important!" he insisted. He drug me to Serena's room and he entered without knocking. She looked up from the book she was reading on her bed.
"Knock much?" She asked scowling at George.
"Oh shut up," He sighed, "Did you know that Lilly is pregnant?" Her eyes got wide and she looked between George and me frantically.
"No!" She squeaked, "I mean, uh, why would I know that? Pshhh." George rolled his eyes.
"Why didn't you tell anyone?" He asked seriously.
"She asked me not to!" She huffed, "She only told me because she was scared, and she didn't know how it happened."
"Well obviously she slept with someone." I said rolling my eyes.
Serena sighed roughly and she closed her book. She pulled her hair up into a messy bun on top of her head as she stood up from her seat. "I'm aware of how it works, Lennon." She snapped, "But she hasn't done any of that. She can't understand how it happened. I told her to tell someone, other than me, but she said no! So I guess she told you now, but you obviously didn't sleep with her, so you probably..."
Serena's rambling faded and I tried ot listen to Lilly.
You don't hate me do you? I don't know how it happened, I swear. I thought telling you would help, and I tried to tell you while we were in Liverpool, but stuff kept interupting!
I don't hate you, Lilly. Serena told us you don't know how it happened.
Serena told you!?
Where are you? We need to talk.
Outside in the garden.
"So sorry to interrupt, Serena, but I gotta go." I left before George or Serena could protest. I hurried outside, and found Lilly sitting outside on a bench. She looked like she'd been crying, so I sat next to her and pulled her into a tight hug.
"John..." She said, muffled into my shoulder. She relaxed a little and I pulled away a little.
"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, Lil." I said quickly, "I just thought if you were...that you'd....and I thought...." Lilly shook her head, unable to understand anything I was saying.
"John!" She said loudly, "It's all so confusing, and I only told Serena because-"
"You were scared." She nodded and I kissed her cheeks.
"And I wanted to tell you because theoretically, the only person I've ever....been you." She said slowly. I frowned and shook my head.
"We've never-"
"No, I mean before!" She said quickly, "When we were alive together before. I was trying to ask you while we were at Tasha's in Liverpool if you remember if I was pregnant when I died. That's the only way it could make sense to me."
I thought for a long time, but nothing came to mind, "I don't know, Lil. I can't remember." I said sighing. Dhani appeared with us, his hands in his pockets, "Hey Dhani, come here." He walked over and raised his eyebrows.
"Okay, so we've got a question." I said casually. Dhani nodded and I went on carefully, "So you said that we didn't actually die right?" Dhani nodded and I continued, "Okay, so if someone, say was murdered in an ally, but that someone was pregnant when they presumably died, and they came back, oh say, 60 years later, could they still be pregnant?" Lilly rolled her eyes and Dhani looked lost.
"Okay, so what you want to know is if someone dies, can things from their past life still happen, like a pregnancy?" He asked, recapping. I nodded and Lilly waited patiently for him to go on, "Theoretically, I suppose it could be possible, but both the father and the mother would have to....come back." He seemed to catch on quickly and he glared at me. "You got her pregnant didn't you?"
"It's....possible." Lilly said blushing.
"Are you?" He asked in a deadpan.
"Well, yes, but-"
"Then yes, clearly it's possible." He said angrilly, "But you do realize that this baby died with you, Lilly. That means that it's going to have some kind of power as well. It's possible it will have both your power and John's. It will be more powerful than any normal AAL agent or otherwise."
"Well I'm so sorry I didn't know I was gonna die!" Lilly said testily. "Besides, there's nothing we can do about it now. We'll just have to look after it and keep it safe."
"I suppose." Dhani said. He seemed to be thinking, "But, if you were pregnant 60 years ago, then your pregnancy will try and catch up on itself, so theoretically, you could only be pregnant for a few days, a couple weeks at the most."
"But we've been here for two weeks now, and another week of traveling and-"
"It was theoretical Lilly." Dhani siad rolling his eyes, "You could just have a normal pregnancy." Lilly nodded and twisted her fingers together. She seemed nervous.
"But it could also be just a matter of days before you go into labor." Dhani said, making Lilly whimper.
"Not helping." I mumbled.
"Thanks Dhani." Lilly said quietly. He walked off and I looked over at Lilly. She sniffled and she had tears running down her cheeks. I turned her face to look at me and I wiped her tears away.
"It'll be okay, Lilly." I said seriously, "I'm here to help when you need it."
"Really?" She asked sniffling. I nodded and brushed her hair out of her face.
"Of course! It's my kid too, remember?" She giggled and I smiled at her. She put her arms around my neck and I kissed her lips. She closed her eyes and relaxed against me, kissing back. Her lips were the best thing I've ever kissed, and they tasted like strawberries.
I pulled away and she smiled at me. I smiled back at her and kissed her again. She laughed and ruffled my hair.
"We should go inside." She said getting up and pulling my hand. I followed her and we went inside together. This had certainly been an odd afternoon, and I was still in my pajamas.

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