Part Four - Chapter Fifty-Six: Lilly's POV

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Part four
Lilly's POV-
We were all gathering in the garden to train. I was glad to be back and working personally, but Serena, John, and George seemed bothered by Dhani's insistance. Midge had showed up and started listening to what Dhani was saying we were going to do.
"We're gonna play a little game." Dhani said smiling wickedly.
"A game!" Serena asked smiling. "I love games!"
"Good," Dhani said opening a crate behind him, "We're gonna play paintball." I raised my hand slowly and he sighed a nodded.
"I don't know how to play paintball?" I wasn't so sure about this.
"Well, since Midge showed up, we'll do boys against girls." Dhani said smirking as he handed out the guns. I held mine gingerly in my hand. It was heavy, and I glanced at Serena and she was exaniming her gun.
"No fair!" Midge said, "You're good at paintball." She held her gun with confidence. I didn't want to use a gun so often I'm comfortable being around one.
"So are you," Dhani said, "Now, the boundries are the entrance of the maze to the pond. Anything in between is in zone. George and John are with me. Serena, Lilly, you're with Midge." 
John raised his hand now, "What if one of the girls tries to see where we are through their mind?" He asked. Serena crossed her arms like she'd already had that idea.
"That's the point." Dhani said, "There are people who are strong enough in their telapathy to use their mind against you. You've got to learn to block it out, but you also need to learn how to use it without the other person knowing. You can feel each other there, so you have to figure out a way to see what the other is doing without their knowing."
I glanced at John and he seemed to be thinking hard about how to accopmlish that.
"So," Serena said, "How do we shoot this?" She couldn't seem to figure out the mechanism. DHani walked over to her and heheld her arm up and out. He pulled the trigger and she squeezed her eyes shut as paint splattered onto a tree.
"Like that." He said before he grabbed his own gun. "Now, there are three flags around the garden. The first team that gets all of them wins. These guns don't injure you, so don't be afraid to shoot them at each other. Just...aim above the belt for some." Dhani handed out vests in green and brown.
"What happens if you're shot?" I asked glancing at John and George, who seemed to be making a game plan.
"You'll be incapacitated for 25 seconds. The shot won't hurt you, but the vests keep you from moving until the timer runs out. If no one get the flags in 30 minutes then your vests will flash and the game is over." Dhani hit a switch on the crate and he smiled. "Timer is running. Go!" I looked at Midge and Serena. They looked back as the boys ran off into the trees. Midge seemed to be thinking, but none of us moved.
"Okay, so game plan." Serena said, "Clearly find the flags, but we don't know where they are. How do we find them?"
"Well Dhani said that the Maze was the boundry, so lets start there." Midge said shrugging. It struck me as odd that she was being civil to Serena. We ran in that direction and by the time we got there, I was out of breath and tired of running.
"Okay, here's what we need to do," Midge said, seeming to take the spot of the leader, "One two people go in, one waits here. Since I'm a better shot, I'll stay here and fend off the boys if they show up." I nodded, but Serena seemed ready to protest.
"No, I think the better shot should go in and get the flag, and we should stay out and if they get passed us, then you can defend yourself better than we would be able to." She said.
"No way," Midge said shaking her head. I rolled my eyes and walked into the maze. I wasn't gonna listen to them argue. I walked through the maze as quietly as I could. I knew the paths, but I checked all the dead ends just in case. I found the path to the middle, but I had to hide because John, George, and Dhani were there. I couldn't hear what they were saying. It could have been important, so I looked for a way to get closer without being seen. But there wasn't one.
"Use your telepathy against them." Dhani had said. I closed my eyes and focused on John. He noticed me because I heard him talking, and his tone changed a little. I waited to do anything else if I did something right off, he'd know for sure I was there.
I didn't respond. I made the thought of blocking him, but I didn't completely shut him out. I looked around the corner and I aimed at Dhani. Take out the best shot first. I pulled the trigger and it hit him in the leg. He stumbled and couldn't move. 25 seconds starting now. I shot down George, hitting him in the chest and came around the corner. John held up his gun and I moved closer quickly.
"Shoot her!" Dhani yelled frantically. John shot at me, but I moved out of the way before he could hit me.
My time was running short. I shot at Dhani before he had a chance to move. George was up and shooting at me before I could shoot him again.
"I'm getting the flag." I knew that would take out John for the moment. He dropped his gun and clutched his head.
"Why would you do that?" He asked. George flinched and I wondered if I could do it to him as well.
"Move out of the way." I said concentrating on George as well as John. George groaned and shot at me a few times.
"That's not very fair!" He complained. I shot Dhani for an extra 25 seconds before I grabbed the flag and bolted.
"Go after her!" Dhani yelled, despite being stuck in his place. I heard George and John running after me and as I reached the exit I grabbed Serena.
"Run!" I yelled. I shoved the flag in the front pocket on my vest as we moved into the trees.
"Where'd they go?" I heard John asked loudly. I looked at Midge and she led the way to a thick brush. We hid there as George and John ran passed us.
"That was epic." I said giggling. Serena smirked and she picked up a stick.
"What now?" She asked whispering.  Midge looked over the brush to see if anyone was nearby.
"We have one flag." She said looking at us. "Dhani said we had to get all of them to win, so we can either hold on to this one and wait for the time to run out, or we can go find the others."
"Why not do both?" Serena asked standing up, "I think I saw an orange flag while we were running."
"Where?" Midge asked looking in the same direction she was. Serena pointed and Midge nodded. "Are you sure?" Serena nodded and I stood up too.
"Fine, but we've gotta watch out for Dhani," I said looking for him, "I shot him a few extra times, and he got separated from George and John." Midge nodded and we followed Serena to where she saw the flag. It was sitting there, tied to a tree. She grinned and grabbed it. I started to take it from her but she shook her head.
"I think we should keep the flags we have separated." She said. Midge nodded in agreement, "It keeps them from getting all of them if one of us gets caught." I nodded and grinned. We were winning.
"Now," Midge said, "Where's the other flag?" I wondered how much time we had left in this game.
"I think...wait..." She stopped and looked off into the woods. "I can see where they are. I don't think George knows I'm linked to him."
"Where are they?" I asked trying to get to John, but he was blocking me out. No matter what I tried he didn't let me in. He wasn't easy to get by like this.
"They're at the lake," she said, "They're trying to get to the flag. It's on the bridge." I looked around. I could see the bridge from where we were, but I couldn't see the flag.
"Hey, lets go." I said heading that way. We could make it to the bridge first if we were quick.
"No, wait," Midge said, "We don't have to go all the way there. We just have to be able to see it." She stood where no one would see her and held out her hand.
"I'm gonna go distract the boys." Serena said. Midge nodded and I watched her move the flag off the bridge slowly. I followed Serena down to the edge of the water and skidded to a stop when John caught me with the end of his gun.
"Hold it." He said quickly. George appeared behind Serena and she made a face.
"You thought I didn't know I could feel your link." He smirked and John laughed.
"Well Dhani's getting the flag," John said looking around, "Now where's Midge?"
"Oh like we'd tell you." Serena scowled.
"She has the flags no doubt. She's the one in charge." John said. Serena glanced at me and I tried not to smirk.
"All the more reason for us not to tell you where she is." I said rolling my eyes. There were several pops and I saw George doubled over. Serena held her gun up to John and shot him right in the shoulder, splattering paint on my cheek. I moved away from John and ran for the bridge. Serena followed me and I didn't see the flag on the bridge. I saw Dhani fighting Midge by the trees. Neither of them had it though. I looked around for it, but I didn't see it.
George was running toward me. I started to run just as the flag came into my line of vision.
Serena! I was more thinking she could grab it since no one was paying her any attention but she actually responded.
Whoa hey!
Get the flag! It's by the water!
I didn't expect her to respond. It was an exciting new developement. George caught up to me and knocked me down.
"Watch it Harrison, I've got a baby to take care of remember." I said just before he shot me in the stomach. It didn't hurt, but everything in my body froze. It was a really weird feeling. NO matter what I did I couldn't move. I saw Serena running for the flag, but so was Dhani. He'd taken out Midge by the bridge, and George and John were searching her for the other flags.
Serena reached the flag, but Dhani shoved her back. John and George were coming toward me and I tried to move. I picked up my gun and tried to shoot it, but my vest wouldn't let it go off. I groaned and tried moving again.
"Stop!" I yelled. Both John and George winced and I smirked, "What did I ever do to you?"
George and John reached me just as I was able to move again. I held up my gun and shot them both square in the chest, knocking them back. I got up and ran toward Serena to try and help her. Midge was running toward her now too.
Get the flag! I heard Serena yelled as she shot at Dhani, missing him just barely.
I saw it lying there, wet, half way in the water. I looked at Midge and she leaned down and picked it up just as she was knocked down. She kept a tight hold on the flag as George fought her for it. This game was getting violent. She smacked him in the side of the head and he fell over. I reached for the flag, but right when my fingers reached it, it shot away from me. I watched it move to Serena. She had her hand held out, and as she grabbed onto it I felt a feeling of triumph.
Now we just had to keep it.
Serena bolted away, and I figured I'd follow her since I had the other flag. We ran all the way back to where we'd started before Dhani and George caught up to us. Dhani was about to shoot at us, but our vests lit up and started to flash.
We'd won! I grinned as Midge and John walked back to us, laughing at each other. Midge had paint splattered in her hair, and John had it on his face.
"Well that was fun!" Serena said putting her gun down. She waved the two flags she'd gotten at George and he rolled his eyes.
"I didn't expect you girls to win." Dhani said taking off his vest. Midge laughed and slammed her gun into his chest.
"Course not." She said before she took off her own vest. "It was fun. I've gotta go talk to Sophie about something." She ran off after she dropped her vest on the ground and Serena's eyes got wide.
"Crap!" Serena ran away quickly to get inside before Midge. I laughed and walked up to John.
"We beat you!" I said showing him my flag. He took it from me and put it on top of my head.
"I know!" He said before he kissed my cheek. Just then it started raining and we all ran to the front door quickly, meeting up with Midge and Sophie sitting on the front porch. They were talking and I couldn't help but wonder how she'd changed so quickly.
"Hey, I'm gonna go shower." I said kissing John's cheek, "And then I'll see what we can do about dinner." I hurried upstairs and hoped Olivia could watch Valerie for just a few more mintes.

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