Chapter Thirty-Five: Serena's POV

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Serena's POV-
My hair was awful. I couldn't stop looking at it. It was cut just over my shoulders and it was dyed dark black. It was terrible. It made me look pale and It was just ugh. I scowled at my reflection. Lilly had left and I wished she'd come back. I needed her to tell me that my hair wasn't as bad as I thought it was. I wanted her to stop being mad at me and I wanted her to be my best friend again.
There was a knock on the door and I looked at it suddenly, "Rena?" It was Stryker. I made a face at the door. I liked Stryker, but he couldn't help me with this.
"Go away Stryker!" I said with a sigh, "Your girlfriend messed up my hair!" I heard Stryker chuckle. "It's not funny!"
"She's not my girlfriend, Serena." He said, "And I'm sure your hair is fine!"
"How would you know!?" I asked nearly crying all over again.
"I know because..." Stryker hesitated, "I" He didn't sound too sure. I rolled my eyes and leaned my back against the door.
"Then go away." I huffed putting my hands in my face.
What George?
Are you OK?
Can I come in?
Are you just gonna tell me that my hair's fine and that I'm over reacting?
Then you can come in. I turned around and unlocked the door. I opened it and peaked out. George was standing there next to Stryker. Both looked like they were coming in. I looked between them and grabbed George's hand and pulled him in through the tiny space in the door. I shut it back and locked it before Stryker could think to come in after George.
George and I looked at each other and in the silence before I bursted into tears. George sighed and wrapped his arms around me.
"I know I said I wouldn't tell you that your hair's fine, but it really is, Rena." He said runing his fingers through it, "I promise." I sighed and nuzzled into him. I took a deep breath in and found he smelled rather nice.
"You swear?" I asked pulling back. George nodded and kissed my cheek.
"I swear." He said smiling, "You look even better than before even!" I laughed at him and hugged him again.
"Thank you." I said lightly, "I know I hurt your feelings and it's nice of you to, you know, make me feel better even though I don't deserve it." George squeezed me tight and I closed my eyes.
"It's no problem, love." He said lightly, "Besides, I got a wife and kid remember?" I laughed at him and shoved his shoulder. "And if you like Stryker than I can't really stop you, can I?" I rolled my eyes at him and sighed.
"I just hate that I hurt your feelings. You did kiss me pretty nicely outside." I said blushing. George brushed his knuckles against my cheek and I looked at him.
"Look I know that you don't like me and everything, but couldn't I just kiss you one more time? I only got to do it once and I thought maybe..." George sighed and I giggled.
"You're insane." I said shaking my head.
"Well?" He asked taking my hand. I stood up on my toes and kissed his lips lightly. I started to pull back, but George wrapped his arms around me and kissed back, holding me against him. I counted every second. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10....
George let go and opened the bathroom door. I was totally breathless and I knew my face was red. George left the bathroom and walked down the hall in a hurry. I sighed and blinked a few times to try and clean my head. George's kisses were nothing really special, I've just never been kissed by anyone before. George was the first and I didn't have anything to compare him to. Maybe I should kiss Stryker? I was confused about how I felt about all this, and I needed to think about what we had to do and not boys, which was really hard when you spend twenty-four hours with the ones you think about. I actually envied Lilly for her relationship with John. It was simple and they didn't have any feelings for each other than sibling love. I didn't think that was going to last long though. I knew how much Lilly loved him.
I looked out into the hall and saw Sytker standing there looking like he knew what I'd done. I felt so terrible and he knew it. He shook his head and I walked out of the bathroom. I needed to get away from him. I needed to talk to someone.
Where's Lilly?
I think she's in the kitchen with Johnny. I nodded to myself and walked into the kitchen just as Lina was coming out. She smiled at me.
"Nice hair." I touched the top of my head self consciously as I entered the kitchen. I saw John hugging Lilly while she laughed at him. He kissed the top of her head and I found I needed a hug too.
"Look who emerged from her hide out!" Midge exclaimed. I scowled at her and she rolled her eyes and left.
"Nice girl." Cindy mumbled. I sighed and shook my head.
"She's just jealous." I said. Cindy shrugged and I stood next to her. She put her arm around me and I leaned my head on her shoulder. I sighed and she poked my side. "Don't do that." I said sounding like Micky Dolenz in the Monkees. Lilly giggled again and I looked over at her. John was tickling her sides and she was trying to get away from him.
I rolled my eyes at them until Lina came in and cleared her throat obnoxiously. "Louise said that since Midge is currently present that we need to talk, Cin." She said. Cindy nodded and walked out behind Lina.
"Your hair is nice, Serena." John said. I sighed and shook my head at him.
"You're just being nice bacause I hate it." I mumbled.
"Fine, I'm just being nice," John said, "But nobody is gonna tell you it looks bad."
"Because it doesn't." Lilly said smiling at me. John cleared his throat and he slowly and awkwardly walked out of the room, leving me and Lilly alone. We stood there and I knew I should apologize to her for everything I said to her, but most of the time when the situation comes up and I know I should say something, I don't. Ever. And I hated it.
Lilly and I stood there for ten minutes without speaking a word and I just wanted to get out, so I did. I left the kitchen and ran right into Stryker, who pulled me by the hnad into his room and shut the door. I raised my eyebrows at him and he grabbed my hands and jerked me into him.
"Stryker!" I gasped right before he put his lips over mine. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck. He ran his fingers through my hair and Stryker held me tighter.
When he pulled away and I gasped for air and Stryker put his forehead agaisnt mine.
"That was..." I had no words to discribe what that was. Good? Bad? Weird?
"Yeah." He agreed, making my giggled. I kissed the tip of his nose and nuzzled into his shoulder. Maybe this wasn't as hard as I thought.

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