Chapter Thirty-One: Serena's POV

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Serena's POV-
Why was I so terrible? Why had I yelled at Lilly like that? She'd done nothing to me. I was just upset because George seemed like he didn't want to be here. I didn't want to be near them. I hated when people told me how I was feeling, whether it was true or not. I'd snapped and yelled at Lilly because she told me I wasn't as fine as I said I was. which was true, but everyone I knew did that to me and I didn't need it from her.
I was walking down the drive when Stryker caught up to me and he took my hand. I looked at him and he saw I'd been crying.
"Are you OK?" He asked gently. I'd never heard him speak like that. I sighed and shrugged.
"I dunno." I said, "I thought maybe George- He's just not what I thought he'd be." Stryker frowned at me and I kicked dust off the pavement as I walked.
"What do you mean?" He asked squeezing my hand.
"I mean the George Harrison I had in my head, isn't the same that's here in real life. I still love him to death I guess, but he's just..." I stopped and shook my head.
"I get it." Stryker said pulling me closer to his side and wrapping his arm around me. I put my head on his shoulder and smiled to myself.
"What are we gonna do?" I asked sliding my arm around his waist.
"Well before we do anything we have to get Beatrice back to Paul." Stryker said, "Hopefully he's not totally mad at me about it, and maybe he'll let us stay with him for a bit."
"Why would he be mad? It's not your fault she got kidnapped." I said shaking my head.
"I was the one who was supposed to be looking out for him and his family and I failed, so therefore, it's my fault." He said shrugging.
"Well I'm sure he'll be so overjoyed to have her back that he'll forgive you." I said smiling up at him. He smiled back at me and he scrunched up his nose. I laughed.
"What?" I asked leaning my head against his shoulder.
"I know we aren't in the best situation, but you should smile more." He said squeezing my shoulder, "It suits you." I giggled and blushed before Stryker stopped at the end of the drive. He turned around and I saw just how long the drive was. You could barely even seen the house anymore from here.
"Oh, hey I'll race you back to the house." He said, sounding much more his age than I'd ever heard from him. I laughed and shrugged.
"I'm not very good at running." I said making a face at him. He shrugged back kicked some dust up.
"So? Races are fun." He said. I laughed a little harder and shook my head. I stood up on my toes suddenly and kissed him on the cheek before taking off back down the drive. "Hey! Cheater! Come back here!" I was running down the drive, and about halfway there he had almost caught up to me. He caught me in the yard and grabbed me round my waist. He picked me up and spun me around until he fell down. I was laughing harder than I had in a long time, and Stryker was laughing more than I'd ever heard him laugh since I've known him. He turned on his side in the grass and he looked down at me.
"How old are you Stryker?" I asked with a sigh as I tried to catch my breath from running and laughing.
"18." he answered lightly. I scooted closer to him and he put his arm over my waist.
"I've just turned 18." I said put my arm around his neck, "Well not really just. It was in December." Stryker laughed lightly and I smiled.
"Well then you aren't that much younger than me I suppose." He said rolling his eyes playfully. I never noticed how dark his eyes were.
"I suppose not." I said. I pulled myself closer to him. He laughed and shook his head.
"You are a weird little girl." He said. I sat up and scrunched my nose.
"No I am not!" I protested getting up. "Little I mean. I am in fact a weird and I am in fact a girl." Stryker got up and walked up to me.
"That just means you can't do things as well as I can." He said smirking. My smile dropped.
"Oh so you're one of those types of boys." I said shoving his shoulder. He grabbed my hand and tugged me into him.
"Maybe I am." He said slyly, "What will you do about it?" I watched him get closer until right before he was about to touch his lips to mine. I ran away from him and giggled. He ran after me and I ran up the steps and inside. Stryker followed me in and he caught me in the living room. I threw me onto the couch and he started to tickle me. I laughed and tried to shove him away, but he didn't seem to want to give up.
"Alright Daniel!" Beatrice said walking up covering her ears, "She's loud please stop." I laughed and Stryker scooped up Beatrice. She giggled and kissed him on the cheek.
"I'm so sorry, love." He said kissing her cheeks back. She giggled, but he smile dropped and she sighed.
"When can I see Daddy again?" She asked. Of course she missed Paul. Paul wasn't just Paul McCartney to her. He was her dad.
"That's what we're gonna have to talked about soon, Love, OK? Getting you home and back to your dad is our number one priority." Stryker said to her. Beatrice hugged him tight and he set her back down. She ran off and I smiled at Stryker as he sat down next to me.
I looked around the room and saw that Cindy, Lina, and George were all sitting there looking at us. Lina was trying not to laugh, Cindy looked a bit confused, and George looked genuinely hurt. He was staring at me like I'd just killed his puppy.
He had no right to be mad at me.
I thought you were upset.
I looked at George when I heard his voice. He was talking with his mind. John and Lilly had been doing it yesterday, but I didn't really know if George and I could do it too.
I was, but Stryker actually came and made me feel better.
I was going to, but he told me to leave you alone!
Well maybe you shouldn't have said what you did!
What did I say!?
You- I didn't respond. I'd changed my mind. If he didn't know I wasn't going to tell him. I leaned my head against Stryker's arm and sighed. I closed my eyes and he kissed the top of my head when Beatrice and Louise came in.
"Um, we made lunch for everybody." Beatrice said getting everybody's attention.
"We need to talk about everything that's going on with everybody." Lilly said seriously. "Like, super powers that have developed and what we're gonna do next." I agreed and stood up.
"Whattcha make then?" I asked hoping it was tasty.

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