Chapter Forty-Six: John's POV

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John's POV
Sitting at the dining room table for breakfast was something we hadn't done since all of this started. The longest we sat at a table was at Paul's for dinner in Beverley Hills, but that was interrupted. Now, it was called for by Olivia, who had just returned from out of town that morning. Dhani wanted her to rest, but she insisted we have a proper meal
"I'm sure all they've had since they got here is fast food and pizza." She'd said. It made me laugh, because it was true.
Beatrice, Lilly, and I were the only ones in the kitchen speaking to her as she cooked. She was making eggs, bacon, and french toast because when she'd asked that's what Beatrice said she wanted. She was really nice, and exactly like Dhani had said she was. Lilly seemed really excited to be meeting her again as well.
"Oh my gosh, I gotta go get Serena!" She said suddenly, "She's gonna flip! She's always wanted to meet you." She said excitedly. Olivia laughed and mentioned the Serena had already met her, but Lilly ran off to find Serena, who was probably still sleeping. I helped Olivia set the table and finish making the food while Lilly complained about being lost.
You're headed towards Geo's room, Lil.
Oh...Well he needs to get up anyways....She stopped in the hall at a dead end.
Turn around and turn left, genius. Lilly didn't respond, but she did what I said and she seemed to get where she was going. She blocked me out after that. George had told me he could control what he saw from Serena's mind, but I never had to try. Lilly was really good at blocking me out when I was unwanted. I didn't think she knew she did it to begin with.
Oh my gosh, John! I jumped and looked around. I was sure Lilly was so loud everyone else had heard her, but it had been completely in my head.
What's wrong?
Lilly giggled and I rolled my eyes. Strange girl...
Nothing's wrong. She seemed strangely calm. I sighed and she shut me back out again. I sat down at the table as Dhani came in carrying a trey of coffee and juice.
"Morning." he said nodding. I nodded back to him as he sat down. I remembered then about going to Liverpool and sat forward in my chair.
"I wanted to ask you," I said as George showed up in a t shirt and a pair of jeans. He looked like the rest of the guys I'd seen around, dressed like he didn't care. That was the style now a days. Dhani and I both glanced at him as I went on, "if I could take Lilly to Liverpool for the day. It's only a three hour drive from here, so I was thinking we could take the afternoon and-"
"Why are you asking me?" Dhani asked as Olivia came in with all the food. I saw George stiffen a little as she set it down on the table. She hadn't noticed him as of yet.
"Well because I figured you'd know if it was safe or not." I shrugged and Dhani shrugged back as the girls walked in giggling together. I noticed Lilly had changed into a pair of jeans and a striped, hooded shirt that had three quarter sleeves. She was also wearing a pair of chuck taylors and her hair was tied in a knot as best it could knot with how short it was. I also noticed that Serena looked completely different. She was wearing a flowered skirt with a purple tank top. Her hair had grown incredibly long since it was cut and it was nearly the length it had been before Midge so cruelly chopped it off. She and Lilly sat down together and Serena looked over and found herself next to Dhani. He nodded politely to her, and he could tell she looked different as well.
"I don't see why it'd be dangerous." Dhani said, looking back to me, "Bellamy can't do you any harm until he's recovered from the danage you all did to his hide out in Missourri. So you can go if you like. You're adults. You can judge it for yourselves." Dhani started making himself a plate of eggs.
"Where are we goin'?" Serena asked pouring herself some coffee. She looked at me and I sighed.
"Well, I was planning to take Lilly to Liverpool." I said looking at my empty plate. I didn't really expect Serena to want to come along.
"That sounds like a nice idea." George said grabbing a slice of toast. He was looking at Olivia, but she had yet to look up from what she was reading now at the opposite end of the table from him.
"Oh, but we don't have to go," Serena said quickly just as Stryker and Neal came in. I couldn't tell if they were together or if they'd just made it to the door at the same time. Stryker sat next to George and I saw Serena's fists clentch on the table. Was she over him? She told me he scared her, but I didn't think she'd get over him so quickly.
"Go where?" Stryker asked making himself a plate.
"Liverpool." George said shortly. Stryler didn't say anything else, and I was about to tell them they couldn't come when Lilly spoke up.
"You guys can come if you like." She said smiling, "I'm sure you don't plan on hanging around me and John the entire time, but I'm sure we could carpool or whatever." She shrugged and looked at me, like she was asking permission for something she'd already offered. I nodded and she smiled.
"Alright, then," George said smiling, "Serena and I can go off on our own when we get there." Serena nodded and smiled.
"Who's car are you taking?" Olivia asked, startling all of us (mostly George). We'd forgotten she was there.
"Oh..." Serena mumbled to herself, "That could be a problem."
"You can take the van." Dhani said shrugging, "It's inconspicuous, in case there is trouble, and it's big enough for all four of you." I nodded and I started to volunteer to drive before George cut in.
"I get driving dibs!" He said raising his hand. Serena and Lilly laughed at him, but I just scowled
"Fine, but I drive home." I said rolling my eyes, "And Lilly and I get to use it through the day." Serena moaned and she put her head down on the table.
"I hate walking." She complained and Lilly laughed.
"We can park it somewhere." Lilly said tossing a bit of toast at me. I rolled my eyes and sighed.
"Fine." I grumbled.
"Dhani, I swear they're just like your normal friends." Olivia said looking at her son.
"They're all like ten years younger than me." Dhani said rolling his eyes. George blushed and Olivia winked at him playfully. Serena bursted out laughing and I suddenly found I had no idea what was going on. Lilly giggled and I frowned, only making her laugh harder.
"John's lost." she said smirking. Everyone laughed again until Stryker stood up and walked out of the room noisily. Serena watched him go, but it wasn't like she used to watch him. It was out of suspision.
"Well, we need to get ready to go then!" Lilly said getting up, breaking the tension, "Come on, Rena." Serena stood up and they walked toward the door. Serena ruffled George's hair playfully before they left. He made a terrible face and swatted her hand away.

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