Chapter Fifty-Nine: Serena's POV

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Serena's POV-
I went to the sound room where George was sitting with Neal as they watched Stryker. I'd changed back to myself, but the cut on my forehead was still there. I was worried I'd be caught, but I managed to cover it pretty well with my bangs. Dhani came up to the door right behind me, and he grabbed my arm.
"Are you alright?" He asked. He looked strange. I couldn't figure out why, but he seemed different. "He was pretty rough."
"Yeah, I'm fine," I said quietly, "Are you?"
"What? Yeah I'm fine," He said frowning a little, "Can you go find John and Lilly, make sure they have Valerie, and bring them to the green house."
"What for?" I asked frowning. Dhani looked at me like I didn't need to be asking questions.
"Just make sure they're safe." He said, "We'll meet you there. We need to talk." I nodded quickly and glanced at George. He hadn't even noticed me, which I found odd. He was talking to Neal.
I left down the hall looking for Lilly and John. I had no idea how to find them. I only ever had to find George, and he was easy to find. I went downstairs and went into the living room. John was sitting on the couch watching TV.
"Hey, Dhani said to meet in the greenhouse with Val." I said quickly, "Where's Lilly?" John picked up Valerie and stood up.
"What for?" John asked frowning. I shrugged and John kissed Valerie's cheek as she started to cry. She wanted to keep playing. "Lilly was taking a shower last I thought. She could still be upstairs. You go ahead to the greenhouse. I'll find Lilly." I thought for a moment.
"Can I take Valerie?" John looked at me funny, but I held out my arms to him, "Dhani made it sound like she was in danger, and if you're meeting me there, then I gotta make sure Valerie gets there." John nodded and I took Valerie from him. John left the room to go find Lilly, and I headed outside for the greenhouse. Valerie babbled and flapped her arms around as we went.
In the greenhouse, Midge was standing by a table with purple flowers on it. She looked at me with Valerie and she smiled. "Dhani will be here in a minute. He had to talk to Stryker." She said. I nodded put Valerie down. She started to play in the dirt as Lilly and John appeared. Lilly picked her back up and Valerie squealed. Lilly kissed her cheeks and she looked relieved.
When everyone had showed up, we all pulled up a chair and sat around the table. Dhani and George moved the flower pots away and Dhani put down a map of the world. He had a container of push pins in front of him.
"Tell me where you've been." He said pulling out a pin.
"McDonough." Lilly said pointing to Georgia on the map.
"Snellville." I said, "Close to the same location." Dhani put in two pins.
"Then we went to Beverley Hills." John said, "But we went through a bunch of states."
"That doesn't matter." Dhani said putting a pin in California.
"Then we went to Missouri." George said, "To Louise's house." Dhani put in another pin.
  "And from there, we came here." I said. "Not a lot of places that are relevant." Dhani looked at the map after he put a pin in England.
"Midge gave Bellamy the address to Louise's house." He said, "Bellamy thought she was giving him this address, and he didn't find out he was misinformed until you showed up at his HQ."
"Why would he want this address?" I asked. George sat up and Dhani sighed.
"Because he wants you." Midge said crossing her arms, "I learned a lot while I was there. He's draining people's powers. I don't know what he does with them though. He took mine. He wants yours, and more importantly, when he finds out about Valerie, he'll want to find her and take her."
"What?" John sat forward and he looked at Lilly. I saw her clutch Valerie closer to her, "Why? What could she do? She's just a baby!"
"Believe it or not, that's when her powers would be the strongest." Midge said, "I'm like her. My parents are agents, and they have powers of their own. I had both of their powers. Bellamy wants the powers of the AAL kids because they're more powerful than their parents without even trying to be."
"So he steals their powers and uses them for himself?" I asked frowning, "What else would he want them for?"
"So we have to keep Valerie safe." George said looking at the baby. She was wearing a green dress with yellow flowers on it. She had a headband in her blond hair.
"How can we keep Bellamy from getting her?" Lilly asked, sounding as if she might start crying.
"I called HQ," Dhani said, "My head supervisor is sending a helicopter in three days. We have until then to try and keep her out of Bellamy's reach."
"Try?" John asked standing up, "If Bellamy wants my daughter, he's going to have to get through me first."
"That's what I want to hear." Dhani said smiling gently, "Keep her close. Now, there's the issue of Stryker. He has a way of contacting Bellamy, but we don't know what it is. I say we get rid of him."
"Get rid of him...." I mumbled frowning. Dhani didn't mean kill him did he?
"No!" George jumped up and slammed his hand onto the table. "He might be a traitor, but now we have some leverage on him."
"This whole time, you've wanted him gone," Dhani said, "And now when he needs to go, you say no?"
"Sophie can get information from him." George said looking at me.
"But the longer he's here the more information he gets." Dhani protested, "He needs to be gone!"
"And I can't get anything from him!" I said shaking my head, "He doesn't trust me. He thinks that Sophie is too close to you." George looked at the map and he seemed to be thinking hard about it.
"How are you thinking of getting rid of him?" He asked looking at Dhani closely.
"He already knows we're onto him," Dhani said, "We need to keep him contained until the helicopter gets here. Then we can take him to HQ and they can deal with him properly."
"What if he gets out?" Neal asked. I forgot he was even here. "What if we can't keep him contained?"
"We'll cross that bridge if we get there." Dhani said, "In the next three days, get ready to leave, and keep Valerie safe." He looked at Lilly and John, and they nodded.
The next three days were going to be rough.

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