Chapter Twenty-Three: Serena's POV

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Serena's POV-
"Stryker, what do we do?" I asked starting to panic. He waved his hand at me to be quiet.
"This is what we wanted to happen remember?" He hissed quietly. We were hiding behind a corner like someone walking down the hall wouldn't see us. We'd left Louise's house early this morning.
After we'd eaten dinner and made our plan, we all went to bed for a goodnight's sleep. I got a room all to myself and I was sleeping rather peacefully until I started dreaming. I'd been having loads of dreams about George since he was taken and I couldn't help but think they were somewhat true. This one was definitely interesting.
I could see George sitting in a cell with Lina and Cindy trying to tell them what was going on, but they seemed to be too starstruck to get past that they were talking to George Harrison, which didn't make sense to me at all. They'd met him already. Beatrice was in the corner sitting there, looking gloomy and down. I wanted to reassure her, but I couldn't speak or move from the place I was standing. George was getting frustrated with them and he held up his hand to stop their giggles and babbling. He and the two girls were shocked when a beam of fire shot from his palm and exploded against the wall between Cindy and Lina's heads. Their eyes got as wide as saucers and George stood up and looked between his hands and the wall, which was charred in the place the fire had hit.
"How'd you do that?" Beatrice asked rushing over to him. She took his hands and examined them, but George snatched them from her.
"No, don't touch me." He said quickly. "I don't know what happened. I'm sorry." Lina and Cindy got up and looked at George.
"It's fine!" Cindy reassured quickly.
"You bet it is! That was flipping awesome!" Lina yelled, "Do it again!" George shook his head.
"How?" George asked, looking slightly scared of himself.
"Think about something that upsets you." Beatrice said, "You were geting upset with them when it happened, so get upset."
"What would I think about?" George asked rolling his eyes. Beatrice seemed to be thinking as she walked around behind him.
"Hmm, Daniel." She said. George looked at her and frowned, "You don't like the way he looked at Serena."
"So?" George asked, "They can do what they want." I was a tad hurt by that, but still I couldn't speak.
"But you know Stryker likes her and you don't like him at all." Beatrice said, "Just think about Stryker getting her all to himself. Comforting her while she's hurt. Saving her life." George gritted his teeth and turned to Betrice.
"Stop it!" He said, looking more sad than frustrated.
"Do you even know if she's still alive, George?" Beatrice said egging him on. Realization hit George and it showed. He didn't know if I was alive. "The last time you saw her she was bleeding to death on the roof of my house."
"I said stop it!" He yelled at her. She stepped back with sudden fright and George turned aorund and shot a bright beam of fire right at me. I screamed and ended up waking up as I hit the floor. I fell out of bed. I was startled and I didn't want to be alone anymore.
I'd ended up going downstairs to the living room where Stryker was alseep on the couch. He'd let me cuddle up to him and he stayed awake with me for a while. It was nice, but now I had to focus.
"OK, so the plan is to get caught." John said, breaking me free from my thoughts of George. He'd had this scowl on his face since we got up this morning and I wondered if he's seen something unpleasant in his dreams of Lilly. I never got a chance to ask him.
"Yep," Stryker said peaking around the corner, "But we don't want it to be too easy."
"Should we split up?" I asked. I was scared to say the least and I just wanted to get out of here.
"I think that would be best." John agreed, "But remember, don't get caught if you don't have to. The point is to get George, Lilly, and Beatrice out of here." I nodded and looked at Lina and Cindy who didn't appear to be listening. I didn't care. I was past paying attention to them.
"Alright, Lina, Cindy, you go and make distractions." Stryker said, "I'll go this way looking for Midge, you two go and look for George and Beatrice OK?" John and I nodded and we ran up the steps to the second floor.
"Where do we go now?" Once we were on the second floor we could go in about six directions. John looked at each hallway and pointed to the third on on the left.
"That way." He said firmly. I nodded and we walked down the steadily darkening hallway. We made several turns and we went down differnet hallways for about ten minutes until I thought about how we could be very lost.
"John how do you know where we're going?" I asked following close behind him. He shrugged.
"I dunno, I can just remember the map." He mumbled, stopping in front of a door. It was big and metal and it had about twelve locks on it.
"Wait a second, Stryker said that George and Beatrice would be on the third floor." I said suddenly. John shrugged.
"I'm not looking for George and Beatrice." He mumbled holding up his hand and closing his eyes. For about five minutes he stood there opening each lock and when the door clicked open he pulled it open and found absolutely nothing.
"Who was supposed to be in here?" I asked raising my eyebrows at him.
"Lilly." He said looking heart broken that Lilly wasn't there. I took his hand and pulled him to the stairwell.
"Let's go find George and Beatrice. Maybe they know where Lilly is." John nodded and he took the lead, pulling me upstairs and into the third floor maze. I still didn't know how John knew where he was going, but he stopped in front of a cell door with close to the same amount of locks as before.
I put my ear to the door and tried to listen. I didn't want John waisting ten minutes trying to unlock a door to another empty room. "George?" I called against the door, "Are you there? Please be in here!"
"Rena?" I heard on the other side. I gasped and stood back for John. He closed his eyes and held up his hand. He unlocked the door as fast as he could and as soon as he pulled it open I ran in and found myself with my arms around George. He hugged me tighter than I expected and he spun me around in his arms.
"George!" I exclaimed pulling back. He looked at me like he thought he'd never see me again.
"Serena! I didn't know if you were-" He took in a deep breath and looked at John. He smiled at him and then frowned. "How'd you open the door?"
"I can make stuff move." John responded with a cocky smirk. George frowned some more.
"How?" He asked. I laughed and waggled my eyebrows.
"It's like..." I tried to come up with the word. I could never seem to remember it, "Um, teleka- something."
"Telekineses?" Lina said. I spun around to look at her and she raised her eyebrows at my confused look.
"How'd you get in here?" I asked slowly.
"She and Cindy were in here before I was." George said frowning at me now.
"But they were with us downstairs." I mumbled trying to think.
"No, we've been together for a couple of days now." George said seriously.
"The dreams!" I said loudly looking at John, "They're real! They actually happened!" He looked suddenly alarmed. He ran out of the room and I gasped and followed him. George and Beatrice, along with Cindy and Lina followed close behind us.
"John where are you going?" I said following him quickly.
He stopoped suddenly and glared at me. "To find Lilly." He said before he walked off, "You and George and Lina and Cindy go and find Stryker." He walked off before I could say much. George took my hand and pulled me back down the hall.
"We need to find Stryker." I said. George nodded, somewhat disgruntled, before he looked down the hall after John. "Do you know your way around?" George shrugged and started walking.
"I've been dragged through the hall enough I think." he mumbled, "Let's go."

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