Chapter Thirty-Two: Lilly's POV

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Lilly's POV-
We were all sitting at the dining room table eating silently. It was all a bit awkward. I was sitting between John and Neal. Louise was at the head of the table next to Neal. Next to Louise was Stryker and then Serena with George on her other side. Beatrice insisted on sitting next to George and after Beatrice was the head of the table where Midge, who'd been sleeping all this time, decided to join us. Then there was Lina and Cindy were next to John.
I was mad at Serena, and Serena was mad at me. George was mad at Stryker because he thought Serena liked Stryker. Lina and Cindy appeared to just be glad to be alive, and Midge looked mad at Stryker, or Serena I wasn't sure. Beatrice looked extremely homesick and Neal was just playing with his food, obviously taking notice of the awkward. John was going for a second helping of food and he didn't seem to notice anything.
I cleared my throat and put my fork down. "So, um I thought we were going to talk?" I looked at George and he looked back like he didn't know what to say.
"Where do you want to start?" He asked gently.
"You have powers." I said seriously, "I wanna know what else you and John can do."
"I can't do anything," John said shaking his head.
"That's not true." Serena said shaking her head, "You can move things. We all saw it. You unlocked the doors to get everyone free and Bellamy's, and you saved Neal."
"I don't know what that was." John said rolling his eyes, "It just happened."
"You did it to help Lilly too." George said. Everyone was quiet, like if someone spoke too loud something might happen. "I did it to Midge at Bellamy's."
"Thanks for that my the way." She mumbled. George nodded ot her.
"Georgie can make fire." Beatrice said like it was the coolest thing in the world. "With his hands."
"Yes, thank you, Bea." George sighed. "Have we found anything out about your eyes, Lilly?" I shook my head.
"No," I said, "Louise gave me this ring and it helps me see normally, but there are still a few things that aren't clear or that I can see through." We were all silent again.
"I want to go home." Lina said suddenly and shakily. "I want to go home. I don't want to deal with all this. There's nothing wrong with me and I don't want anything to do with this. I want to go home and I never want to talk about any of this ever again." Serena looked at her sister shocked. I frowned. Wasn't it only an hour ago that Serena was yelling at me about wanting to go home?
"I want to go home too." Cindy said. I spun to the side to look at her. "All this is too much, and Lina's right. We have nothing to do with any of this."
"Yes we do." Serena said, "George and John showed up at our houses. That's got to mean something."
"For you guys," Lina said shaking her head, "Cindy and I weren't even there when they showed up at our houses. You and Serena are the only ones attached to this."
"We're just dead weight pretty much." Cindy confirmed.
"You're right," Louise said nodding, "But you can't go home. The police are looking for you and they know what you all look like."
"What are we supposed to do?" Lina asked, like she really would rather not be involved, "I just want all this to end."
"You'll go with the others to the McCartney's and stay there to help." Louise said as if she was giving an order. "You can at least help there without being bothered."
"Help with what?" Serena asked frowning.
"Beleive it or not, Paul and I are apart of all of this. He knows what to do and he'll explain it all when you get there." Louise said seriously, "But right now, I'm not at liberty to tell you anything." George dropped his fork and stood up.
"Lovely." He said with a scowl, "I'm going for a walk."
"Why?" Serena asked looking a bit worried about him.
"Because I don't know what's going on and this conversation is totally pointless if Louise isn't going to give us any information." He said. He walked out and Serena sighed and put her head down on the table.
"Someone needs to explain to me why we have these weird ass powers." John said changing the subject.
Louise took in a deep breath, "I'm not-"
"Yeah well I don't have a boss to listen to and I know." Stryker interrupted with a huff, "The place that Midge and I work for is called AAL, it stands for Alive Again Lookout. Our job is so make sure that people who 'come back from the dead' stay safe and don't end up there all over again."
"Well there's a problem with that, Daniel." Midge said, "That makes it seem like they were dead once. No one can actually come back from the dead."
"I could name one..." Lina mumbled. Serena and I snickered until Cindy kicked me under the table.
"Right," Stryker said, "No one can come back to life after being dead. So technically, you and George weren't ever dead to begin with."
"But the last thing I remember is being shot. I was dying. I was feeling the pain." John said seriously. His words had a larger affect on me than I thought they would.
"We don't know why it happens." Stryker said shaking his head, "It's like people are chosen right before they die and they just go into this comatose state until they're awake again. We don't know when or where or why they show up. All we can do is find them and protect them."
"Sometimes when people come back they have these powers. Ranging from telekinesis to...pretty much anything you can think of." Midge said swirling her drink around in it's glass.
"What kind of people usually come back?" John asked sitting forward.
Stryker shook his head and shrugged, "It's all sorts of people. Most people who's lives were cut short. It ranges from little kids who didn't have ten years, to Beatles who lived to forty years and were shot." He said seriously.
"But why do we have the powers?"
Midge sighed and shook her head, "We don't know John. It just happens. We can't stop it, and the only thing we can do is teach you how to control them." She said.
"How could you teach them?" Serena asked frowning, "How would you know how to teach them?"
"That's enough." Louise said standing up, "Daniel, I forbid you from telling them any more." Stryker looked at Louise and then down at his plate. He didn't say another word.
"Why not?" I asked. Everyone seemed to have forgotten I was there. "Why won't you tell us anything if you want us to help?"
"Because Louise is scared we can't trust you." Midge said with a scowl.
"That's enough Midge." Louise said warningly.
"She deosn't even trust her own brother." Midge threw her napkin on her plate.
"I said that's enough."
"How do you expect them to even want to help us if you won't tell them what's going one!?" Midge exploded. I jumped and looked at John. He looked just as surprised as I was. "You said they needed to help and they're willing to, but there's gotta be give and take! They're actually asking the right questions, and the least we could do is tell them what they want to know!"
"I said that's enough!" Louise yelled standing up. Midge gritted her teeth and stormed down the hall. A door slammed and I jumped. I looked at John and he looked back, unsure of what that was all about.

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