Chapter Ten: John's POV

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John's POV-
Everyone was asleep. And now, I was bored. Lilly had her head in my lap and Serena was curled up next to her. She had a scowl on her face because she'd fallen asleep watching Cindy cuddle up to George, who'd gone to sleep long before her. Lina was in the same position as her sister, except she wasn't scowling.
I tried to go to sleep, but Lilly either moved or George snored whenever I got close. It was late and I was sure we'd be arriving in Flagstaff soon. Which wasn't a bad thing. Those guys were not something I wanted on our tail. We had to get off this train as soon as possible. Who they were, I didn't know. What they wanted? That was a while different question all together. I was worried. What if they caught us? What if they caught one of the girls? What if they caught me? All these thoughts contributed to my lack of sleep, and I knew I'd hate it more when we were off this stupid train.
I also knew we needed a way to get some more money. We needed it badly and if Serena wasn't gonna let us knick a car and George was against hitching a ride, then we had to come up with some way to get money. We couldn't get a train from flagstaff without some ticket money. We couldn't get a bus without bus fair. We couldn't catch a cab most of the way without payment. We needed some money for a ride and we also needed money for food. This was clearly not the easiest thing in the world. I knew it was gonna get hard eventually, but not this soon. We were only getting into our second day of the trip. We should be getting into Califonia by tomorrow if we can get a ride, but that still didn't mean much of anything.
I sighed in frustration and squeezed my eyes shut as Lilly sat up suddenly.
"What's wrong?" I asked looking at her. She blinked sleepily and she sniffled before she rubbed her head, messing up her loose ponytail.
"Bad dream." she mumbled putting her head on my shoulder instead, "Did I wake you up?" She asled worriedly. I shook my head and sighed.
"Nope," I said wrapping my arm around her shoulders, "I haven't been to sleep."
"Well you should. You stayed up all night last night in the truck and you've been awake all day." She said closing her eyes, "I'll stay awake and keep watch if that's what you're worried about."
"I'm not," I said knowing she was gonna go back to sleep whether she said she'd stay awake or not.
"Well go to sleep anyway," She said wrapping both her arms around my waist. She yawned and sighed deeply before I knew she was asleep again. I chuckled at her and leaned my cheek against the top of her head. I closed my eyes and dozed off ever so slightly when I was suddenly being shaken awake. I sat up and looked around, slightly alarmed. George was looking at me with raised eyebrows.
"What's wrong?" I asked quickly, looking over to make sure it wasn't Lilly that was upset or in trouble. She was sitting up rubbing her eyes sleepily.
"Nothing," George said picking up his book bag, "The train stopped." He handed me the pack I was carrying and he walked to the door. He unlocked it and peaked out to the corridor.
He held out his hand and looked at Lilly. She looked at me and I shrugged. He looked back at Serena and raised his eyebrows at her. She quickly grabbed his hand and he led the way off the train. I made sure Lina and Cindy went before Lilly and me, before I shut the door and followed behind.
There was something off about them and I still needed to talk to George about it. I didn't know if I was the only one to notice it. I couldn't ask Lilly or Serena because they were their sisters, but I could ask George. He'd tell me if he noticed anything.
We got off the train and I could tell George was keeping an eye out for those men. I was too, but I didn't see them. It was like they'd disappeared into thin air.
"What are we gonna do now?" Lilly asked me. I'd forgotten she was even there briefly.
"I don't know." I said looking around, "We'll have to regroup and talk about it again."
"How are we gonna get a ride?" Lilly went on.
"I don't know." I repeated. Lilly sighed.
"What are we gonna do about food?"
"Lilly! I don't know, OK?" I asked realizing I'd snapped at her. I looked at her and she was looking at the ground as she walked. Her grip on my hand loosened and I sighed, "I'm sorry." She looked up at me, shocked.
"John Lennon doesn't apologize." She said before she let go of my hand and walked on ahead. She fell in step with Cindy and Lina and I sighed.
"Maybe I don't wanna be John Lennon anymore." I mumbled looking around and shoving my hands in my pockets, "Maybe I really am sorry." I continued muttering to myself when I spotted them; the men in the black suits. And they saw me. This wasn't good.  They were coming closer to our group and I had to warn the others before they got to us.
"Lilly!" I said over the crowds. She didn't turn to look at me, "Lilly please!" I caught up to her and took her hand. She glared at me and I shook my head. She stopped walking, but I pulled her along.
"What?" She hissed trying to pull her hand from mine.
"Don't stop." I said without looking at her. I tapped George's shoulder and he nearly stopped walking too. What was wrong with these people, "Keep walking, and don't stop, whatever you do." He nodded and saw the men before he gripped onto Serena tighter. He grabbed Cindy's wrist and pulled her along as well. Lilly grabbed Lina and we made it outside. We needed a place to hide.
I looked around to find somewhere when a car rolled up and someone jumped out. They grabbed Serena and pulled her in. She screamed and George hollered loudly as he tried to pulled her back. He let go of Cindy in the process. Lina just stood there and watched as her sister was nearly kidnapped, which struck me as alarming. I let go of Lilly to help George, but he was pulled in with Serena.
"Oh no you don't!" I said grabbing George by the arm. I looked around and I saw the men getting closer. I had to decide who was the bigger threat here.
"If you want to get away, let him go and get in the car!" A guy hollered from inside the car. I looked back at Lilly and Lina and I saw one of the men from before reach out for Lina I let go of George and grabbed Lilly instead of Lina. I pushed her to the car and I grabbed onto Lina. She screamed and kicked, but something was still off about it. Cindy was just standing by and it was really weird.
"Cindy, get in the car!" I yelled trying to get Lina free.
"What!? Are you kidding me!? You don't know who they are!" She yelled.
"Well they're better than these guys!" I yelled getting a hold on Lina's hands. I looked at the man and found I couldn't see his eyes through his sunglasses. I looked at Lina and she was screaming and kicking but she didn't look truly scared like a normal person would be if they were being grabbed at by an unwanted person. Something caught my eyes and I gasped. This guy had a gun! This only got seven times worse.
"Let her go!"
"Just leave her!" The man from the car yelled, "The other one's getting closer!"
"NO!" Serena screamed, "Don't leave her! You can't!"
I really didn't see much other option, but I couldn't just leave Lina, no matter my doubts about her. I finally freed her from the man and I tossed her to the car. I grabbed Cindy and pushed her into the car before getting in myself.
The car skidded away and I was panting heavily while the others just looked at me wide eyed.
"What the hell was that!?" George hollered loudly.

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