Chapter Thirty-Four: Lilly's POV

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Lilly's POV-
We were all sitting around the table agin in mostly the same order as before. The only difference was that Midge refused to join and Stryker had sat down in her seat across from Louise.
Evidently, we were going to discuss important plans, but I really felt that Midge should hear all this.
"Alright," Louise said slapping her hands down on the table. "First priority?"
"Getting Beatrice back to Paul." Stryker said daring Louise to deny him. She only nodded.
"Good we can take care of two things at once then." Louise said smirking smuggly at the young man across from her. "Paul and Ringo are in England, as well as the head agents of AAL."
"They're in the same place?" I asked narrowing my eyes. "That's a great plan."
"You don't know who the head agents are." Stryker mumbled, "Where in England are they?"
"Friar Park." Louise said. We all snapped our attention to George. He was staring at Louise.
"You mean my house was turned into some sort of secret headquarters!?" He asked. I wasn't sure of his words were out of anger.
"It was just a floor of it." Louise said sighing at her little brother, "And only because Olivia gave the okay. It was all Dhani's idea." Her tone was one of 'as a matter of fact'. George sat back in his seat, looking warn out and defeated.
"So how are we gonna get there?" Lina asked looking excited, whether it was to help or to meet Paul and Ringo, I didn't know.
"We are not going." Louise said sternly. Lina's expression fell and she looked disappointed. I frowned. Earlier today she wanted nothing more than to go home and have nothing to do with any of this. "You and Cindy will be accompanying Midge and Me. Stryker will be taking George, John, Serena, Lilly, and Beatrice to Friar Park to deal with what's going on there."
"What about me?" Everyone's head snapped around to Neal, who'd been silent this entire time.
"You aren't entirely trusted." Stryker admitted. I saw Serena glare at him, which surprised me.
"But he saved Lilly and Midge!" She protested, "You're not gonna trust him after he helped us escape from Bellamy's?"
Everyone was silent and I looked between Serena and Neal. Neal sighed finally.
"What do you plan to do with me then?" Neal asked sounding as if he understood why he wasn't trusted. I mean he did work for the bad guy twenty-four hours ago.
"You'll go with Daniel and the others to Friar Park, but you won't be permitted to see or know what's going on there unless told otherwise." Louise said putting on a face that reminded me of Professor McGonagall in Harry Potter. Neal nodded and his part was said and settled.
"How are we gonna get there?" Serena asked changing the subject.
"There's a private plane that will take you to the airport in England, and then agents will take you to Friar Park."
"What about us?" Cindy asked with a sigh, "Where are we going exactly?" Louise looked at my sister and then at Lina.
"We will talk about that once Midge has graced us with her presence again." Louise said rolling her eyes. "But in the mean time there is a matter of how you all look." That didn't sound good.
"What about the way we look?" Serena asked looking worried.
"You have to change it. The police are looking for you and you all need new haircuts and new clothes."
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!" Serena protested as we all gathered in the kitchen. We all had to do something to change the way we looked. Serena was up first and she refused to let anyone cut or color her hair. "You're not cutting my hair! And you're not dying it any sort of color either!"
"Serena we have to!" Midge said. She'd returned from her room after Louise demanded she help. She was a little too happy to be the one that got to cut Serena's hair. "You gotta looked different!"
"Maybe I don't wanna look different!" Serena protested covering her head with her arms.
"Your hair will grow back." John said rolling his eyes at Serena. He clearly did not understand how important her hair was to her. Serena looked like she was gonna cry.
"I know, but I like my hair!" She whimpered.
"You don't have to cut it that short." I said with a sigh, "just shorter." Serena's hair reached her mid back and she could cut it just to her shoulders and be perfectly fine. Serena looked at the ends of her hair and sighed defeatedly.
"OK, but not too short." She sat down and Midge smirked before she snipped at her hair. About an hour later, Serena had locked herself in the bathroom and refused to come out. I knocked and knocked on the door calling her to come out, but she refused. I will admit that Midge did go a bit overbaord with the cutting and the coloring, but it didn't look bad.
"C'mon, Rena!" I sighed, "I have to get my hair done too!"
"Well it won't be as bad as mine!" She yelled apparently throwing something at the door since there was a loud noise and the door shook a bit.
"Lilly!" I heard Midge calling me from the kitchen. I left Serena in the bathroom and sat down. "Any idea what you want?"
"I've always wanted red hair." I said grinning. Midge laughed and shook her head.
"I don't think that will suit you." She said before she got started. She cut my hair to my shoulders, which wasn't a lot less than its already existing length. I was finished within the next hour and a half. I looked in the mirror and grinned.
"It's perfect!" I giggled. I looked at John who was standing in the doorway watching, "You like it?" I spun around for him and he chuckled.
"It's very nice isn't it!" He asked. I giggled as George walked in.
"What's wrong with Rena?" He asked looking at Midge. I sighed as Midge answered.
"She's mad because we made her get her hair cut and dyed." Midge said waving it off.
"You dyed her hair?" George asked making a face. I nodded and huffed.
"She's locked herself in the bathroom." I sighed, "She won't come out."
"I'm sure it's not that bad." George insisted.
"Go tell her that then." I laughed as he turned on his heals confidently and left. John shook his head as Cindy and Lina walked in.
"So while we're doing hair here, you two don't have to, but if you want I can cut your hair." Lina plopped down and smiled.
"Is Serena pouting about her hair?" Lina asked as Cindy stood against the counter looking at her nails.
"Yeah she won't come out of the bathroom." I said again.
"You did cut it a bit short, Midge." John said obviously trying not to laugh. "Anyway, it's just hair. It'll grow back."
"Yeah, but Serena loves her hair. She's been growing it out for two years or something crazy like that." Lina said as Midge started cutting her hair, more for a trim than a cut.
"Well it's obvious." Midge mumbled, "She whimpered everytime I made a cut. I don't see how either George or Stryker like her." I frowned at Midge and so did Cindy. Lina was frowning, just not at the girl since she was cutting her hair.
"Hey, just because she didn't want to get her hair cut doesn't mean that no one likes her." Cindy said suddenly, "I can see why she'd rather not cut her hair if she's been growing it out for two years."
"Yeah, but all I'm saying is she's a bit of a drama queen." Midge shrugged and finished with Lina's hair. It's a good thing too because she stood up and looked like she was about to hit Midge. John grabbed her wrist quickly. Lina looked at him and then back at Midge.
"Don't talk about my sister like that." She said before she stormed off. I could already tell there were gonna be some problems with their team.
"What was that about?" I mumbled. John shook his head and he poked my hair. I laughed at him and grabbed his hand. He grabbed me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I hugged him back and he kissed the top of my head. I didn't want to go anywhere anymore. I didn't care about Bellamy or the stupid powers I had or that John and George had. I just wanted to stay here and hug John forever.
Me too

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