Chapter Fourteen: John's POV

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John's POV-
"Are you alright?" I asked Lilly. She nodded quickly and started to mention something about Serena, but she couldn't get it out before George and Stryker left to find her, "Where is she? What happened?"
Lilly suddenly started bawling and I couldn't do anything but hug her. She couldn't speak she was crying so hard and I didn't have a clue where George and Stryker had gone. I looked at Cynthia and she looked worried. Julian was frowning a bit at me, but I couldn't be bothered with him right now.
"Lilly, please tell me what's wrong?" I asked leaning down a bit to look her in the face.
"S-Serena was- was b-bleed-bleeding!" She choked, "An-and then sh-she f-fell down! John, I-I don't know!" I wiped her cheeks free of her tears and I kissed her forehead to try and make her feel better.
"OK, listen, Lilly. Can you stay with Cynthia and Olivia while I go and help George and Stryker?" I asked. Lilly shook her head and clutched onto me tighter.
"I'm scared!" She choked out. I sighed tried to think.
"OK, then you can come with me, but I have to go and help George and Stryker." I said. She nodded and held my hand tight.
"Don't let go." She whispered as we walked down the hall. She gripped tightly to my hand and to my arm as we went and I pulled her along easily, but I was worried about whether something might happen to her as well.
We soon came to George who was helping Stryker tend to Serena. She was bleading heavily from her hip and shoulder. She was shivering violently and barely conscious. I knelt down next to them and George looked at me with those worried eyes of his.
"What happened?" I asked him. He shook his head stiffly and I knew he was scared.
"They've gotten in." Stryker said looking around, "We have to get you, and the girls out of here."
"But what about Paul?" I asked as Lilly whimpered and buried her face in my arm, "He's got his family here! And what about Cynthia and Olivia? Or Jules and Dhani? And Ringo! We can't just leave them here."
"I'm not leaving my family here." George spoke up suddenly. He was daring Stryker to even suggest it.
"OK, OK, just let me think for a second here." Stryker hollered, "I have back up coming in. They should be here any second. I asked for someone to take the others out of here and someplace safe. I don't want anyone getting caught like Midge."
"Midge?" I asked frowning.
"Is she the girl that was supposed to look after Ringo?" Lilly asked, still crying. Stryker nodded and he looked at he like he'd just noticed she was there.
Suddenly there was a scream from the dining room and Paul started yelling loudly, "They're in the dining room!" George hollered. I got up from the floor and Stryker seemed stuck on what to do.
"George, get Serena to the roof. Make sure no one sees you or finds you. We'll meet you up there as soon as we can." He said quickly as he wrapped cloths around Serena's wounds. George lifted Serena up into his arms and he hurried off to find the stairs. I thought maybe Lilly should go with him, but she refused to let go of me.
Stryker led the way back to the dining room. Paul was beating up a man dressed in all black clothes. He had a rather large gun on him, but he never got the chance to reach for it with Paul punching at him. I heard another scream of terror from nearby and Lilly gasped and ran towards it.
"No, Lilly!" I hollered after her. Stryker was getting everyone out of the room giving them instructions to go to the roof and everyone but Paul followed.
"Paul we have to get to the roof!" I said pulling at his arm. He shook his head. He was angry. He was worried and he looked like he could seriously hurt someone.
"John," His voice was different from his features, Scared almost, "They have Bea. I have to save her." I nodded and remembered Lilly had run off after the screams. They must have been Beatrice. Paul and I ran out of the room and into the back yard. Two men were easily fighting off Lilly as she tried to save Beatrice from the men.
"Daddy!" Beatrice squealed reaching for him. Paul put out his arms and tried to grab her, but the man holding her wasn't gonna let that happen.
"Just hang on Bea!" Paul said reassuringly, "I'll get you!" I kicked the guy who had managed to grab a hold of Lilly.
"No! You aren't getting her either." I yelled grabbing her hand and pulling on her. She was still being held on to. I groaned and pulled some more.
"John you're hurting me!" She yelled, crying again. I stopped pulling and I started to panic when Paul lost his balance and fell as the man with Beatrice started to run.
She screamed and kicked against the man, but he was too strong. Paul got up and started to run after him, but he was suddenly hit from behind.
I had been distracted too long, and Lilly was suddenly pulled out of my reach and into the sky.
"No! Lilly!" I yelled. She reached her hand out and I could almost reach her if I jumped, but then she was too far away.
"John!" She screamed. I looked and saw Stryker just standing there watching with his mouth hanging open. Paul was at the edge of the yard looking for anywhere Beatrice could be. But she was gone. Gone with Lilly and those men. I could barely breath. I ran to Paul and he looked distraught.
"What do I do?" He asked sounding near tears, "John, where did they take her?"
I shook my head, "I don't know." I panted, "They got Lilly too."
"What do we do?" Paul asked in a panic.
"We go to the roof like I said!" Stryker hollered from the door, "Come on before more of these guys show up!"
I nodded and Paul and I hurried up to the roof after Stryker. When we go there, everyone was waiting for us. Dhani and Olivia were trying to help with Serena. Cindy and Lina looked worried and I knew I had to tell Cindy I couldn't save her sister. Nancy was pacing back and forth while Cynthia tried to calm her down a bit, though I knew she was just as worried. Julian was just sitting there unsure of what to think or do.
When Nancy saw Paul she ran to him and he hugged her, but he seemed about to collapse into tears.
"Where's Beatrice?" She asked looking at him with wide eyes.
"I-I couldn't" Paul stopped and took in a deep breath, "I couldn't save her." He looked as if he didn't believe his own words.
"We'll get her back Paul." Stryker promised, "I swear." He didn't look the least bit guilty. It was his fault she was gone now wasn't it?
"You better, Stryker." Paul said angrily, "And she better not have a bruise or scratch on her anywhere!" Stryker nodded and he hurried over to Dhani and Olivia to check on Serena. He didn't say a word about Lilly to me or to anyone. I suddenly disliked him a lot more than before.
"Paul, we can't stay here!" I heard Nancy say before Cynthia hurried up to me.
"What happened?" She asked, knowing my expression was one that I didn't show often.
"I don't know. They got Beatrice and Lilly." I said looking up. I saw now they'd left in a helicopter or a jet of some sort, "But I'm gonna get them back."
"John!" Stryker yelled and gestured for me to come over to him. I did and I suddenly couldn't see George anywhere.
"Where's George?" I asked suddenly. I was angry and I wasn't just gonna let him forget it was his fault we didn't have Beatrice or Lilly.
"I don't know." Stryker mumbled. I looked around and I was sure he got taken with Lilly and Beatrice.
"And where's the back up you ordered?"
"It's just-"
"Where is it!?" I yelled, "This is your fault!"
"My fault!?" Stryker yelled.
"Yes! Your's! George, Lilly and Beatrice all would be here and safe if you hadn't just stood there watching! You didn't help! You could have done something! You let them take Lilly!"
"John!" Lina yelled over me, "Stop it! He couldn't help any more than you!"
"Yes he coul-" I was cut off by the sound of helicopters. Two were racing toward the roof. They landed a few minutes later and Stryker ordered Olivia, Cynthia, Dhani, and Julian inside one. Nancy and Paul were to follow with Ringo close behind. They listened without hesitation, but only after I got a hug from my little family.
"John help me get Serena inside." Stryker said opening the door to the second helicopter, "Cindy and Lina get inside here as well!" I almost defied his orders, but Lina looked at me pleadingly. I knew she was worried about Serena and she needed me to cooperate if she was gonna get her help. I nodded and helped Stryker get Serena into the helicopter. I got in after them and I helped Stryker settle in Serena. Stryker got in and shut the door before he gestured for the pilot to take off.
I stared out the window at the dark night sky while I tried to figure out how we were gonna get out of this mess. Paul was clearly just as pissed as I was about those two little girls getting kidnapped.
The only word that kept running through my head were the ones that were said when Stryker had said that Midge was mostly likely being tortured for their whereabout. My heart clenched at the vey idea of Lilly being hurt. I cared about her I suddenly realized, and for once in my whole life; now and the first on, I didn't try to hide it.

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