Chapter Twenty-Eight: Lilly's POV

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Lilly's POV-
"Alright, all of you have to go out." Louise said. I was watching how George was just looking at her like he wanted to clobber her. It was kinda funny to imagine. He stood up and just stood there. John and Serena left with Neal trailing behind. The room was emptied out except for George. "George, you too." George jumped with surprise and cleared his throat.
"Yeah, um," He said ruffling his hair, "Um, yeah..." He walked out awkwardly and shut the door behind him. My fears and horrors came back suddenly.
"Alright, what's your name?" Louise asked gently.
"Lilly." I said shyly, Louise took my hand and I jumped. I was sensitive to touch and I just wanted to go to sleep.
"Alright Lilly," Louise said kindly, "I want you to tell me what you remember." I nodded and took a breath.
"Where do you want me to start?" I asked unsure what she wanted to hear.
"Start when things started to change." She said soothingly. Strangely I knew what she wanted and cleared my throat. "Close your eyes and think."
"We were almost out."
"Who?" Louise wanted specifics.
"George, Neal, Beatrice, Lina, and me." I said counting them all off, "We were near the exit when something hit me. I fell down and Neal helped me up. A guard had shot something at me. Neal said he didn't know what it was. I kept falling down and Neal picked me up and carried me out. I passed out after that. I don't know what happened." I kept my eyes closed as I tried to come up with something else to say.
"You were hit with one of Bellamy's weapons. We don't know what they all do or what most of them are called, but some of them cause things like this to happen." Louise said, "Whether this is something that's good or bad, I can't tell just by what you've told me."
"What do I do then?" I asked, becoming frustrated.
"All you can do is wait and see if anything develops." Louise said shaking her head, "And teach you how to control your sight again."
"But how do I do that?" I asked groaning and running my hands over my face.
Louise took my hands and waved her hand down over my eyes. She put something in my hands and my eyes fluttered closed and a sigh escaped my lips.
"Keep this." Louise said sliding a ring onto my middle finger of my right hand. I opened my eyes and everything was clear except a few things here and there. Everything was solid again. I looked at the ring on my finger and saw there were colors swirling around where a gemstone normally would be placed. It was pretty and I wondered if my eyes were still different colors.
"How long does this last?" I asked looking up at Louise. She sighed.
"Just until you can control it yourself." Louise said seriously, "Keep that on. As long as it's on, most everything will look normal. Take it off..." Louise pulled the ring off my finger and everything went blurry before things faded and became see-through again. Louise pushed the ring back on and I saw everything go back to normal.
"What about my eyes?" I asked, referring to the color. Louise chuckled and stood up. She pulled me by the wrist over to a mirror hanging on the wall.
They were a bland grey color. I didn't like it much but I suppose it matched how I was feeling, bland and tired.
"They'll change every now and then. Sometimes to match how you feel as long as you keep the ring on. Take it off and they go back to what they were a few minutes ago. Do you understand?" Louise asked seriously. I nodded and sighed. This was a lot to take in. How was I supposed to control this?
"I understand." I said lightly. Louise touched my shoulder and I gave a forced smile before Louise nodded and walked out of the room. I sat back on the couch and closed my eyes. My exhaustion washed over me and I fell asleep, falling into a dream.
The day was warm and bright and I was outside. I didn't know where I was, but I was in some sort of park or garden maybe. It was odd. I'd never been here before, but there were flowers everywhere. I liked flowers. I liked sunshine. This was perfect. A hand clamped onto mine and spun me around. I looked and found John smiling at me. I smiled back at him and he kissed my cheek lightly.
"Won't you dance with me, Lilly?" He asked taking my other hand as well. I nodded and giggled at him as he spun me around. The sundress I was wearing flowed out as I spun around and John pulled me back into him.
Music played around us as birds and butterflies floated in the air. I felt like I was flying.
"Your eyes are gorgeous." John said sweetly. I giggled at him and slid my arms around his neck.
"What color are they?" I asked gently, sweeping his dark brown hair across his forehead.
"They're bright purple." He responded looking into them, "The prettiest color purple I've ever seen." I felt my face flush at his compliment and he smiled before he leaned down. John touched the side of my face and I sighed as he started to lean more, going for a kiss. I stood up straighter and got up on my toes a little. Right as our lips touched I was jerked awake.
I gasped and opened my eyes. All I could see was a blurry mess. I rubbed my eyes only to create and even bigger mess.
"John!" I yelled sitting up and reaching my hands out in front of me. "John I need you!" Someone grabbed my hand and I gasped. That wasn't John's hand. I knew what that felt like.
"What's wrong?" It was Neal's hand. I tried not to smile suddenly as my dream rushed back to me.
"Um, do you have any glasses or anything?" I asked squeezing my eyes shut, "Everything's a blur." Neal cleared his throat.
"Um..." He didn't know what to do. I suddenly realized my ring was missing as well.
"Oh wait, look for a ring." I said searching the blanket I'd been wrapped up in.
"Oh here, is this it?" Neal slid it on my middle finger and I waited for something to happen. It took a few minutes but I could see straight again. "You OK?" Neal asked concerned. I chuckled and nodded.
"Yeah," I said looking at him, "I'm OK." He nodded and smiled back before he got up.
"Good, um," He awkwardly scratched the back of his head, "The others are all asleep." I nodded and pulled my legs up close to my chest.
"Even John?" I asked a strange thought going through my mind. What if he'd seen my dream? He could talk to me through his mind, but could he see what I was thinking too?
"Yeah," Neal said, "He and George and Serena all fell asleep in the sitting room." I nodded. That didn't help my thoughts. Maybe he'd had the same dream and he'd seen all that? That's be embarrassing.
"What time is it?" I asked suddenly, hating how quite it was. Neal just stared at me and I raised my eyebrows.
"Were your eyes always purple?" He asked randomly. I blushed and giggled.
"No they used to be blue." I said shaking my head, "Um, can you tell me the time?"
"Oh, yeah sorry," Neal said. He looked at the watch on his wrist and I saw a blush creep onto his face, "It's 6:45." I looked out the window. The sun was coming up and I was glad yesterday was finally over.
"I hate getting up early." I said with a laugh and a yawn. Neal laughed as I stretched. I leaned against him when I relaxed again and he put his arm around my shoulders. I closed my eyes again and just sank into Neal.
"Thank you by the way." I said, feeling sleep drawing close again. He looked down at me and frowned.
"What for?" He asked rolling his eyes. "George was the one who got us out." Neal sighed and I huffed.
"You helped get all of us out." I said seriously, "You were told to put us in that cell, or kill us, I don't remember, and instead you let us out and you helped us escape." Neal laughed and shook his head.
"But I didn't do a thing!" He protested.
"You're too modest." I said, sighing sleepily, "Besides, you were the one to carry me out of there when I tripped." I fell asleep cuddled into Neal's arms. I felt his arm move around me comfortably as sleep washed over me again. I was happy and safe for the moment.

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