Chapter Three: George's POV

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George's POV-
There was a loud bang from down the hall and I gasped as Serena hung up the Skype and shoved me under a big fluffy blanket that she was covered up with.
"Serena!" I hollered. She kicked me in the gut and she shushed me. Someone walked in and I tensed up when I heard talking.
"Serena, Mom and Dad said to wash the towels in the bathroom." Kaylie, Lina and Serena's sister, said snobbishly. I scrunched  up my nose at her as Serena groaned.
"Can't you do it!?" She whined.
"Nope." Kaylie snickered, "She wants them cleaned and folded by tonight." Serena sighed and waited for Kaylie to leave before she uncovered my head. She sighed as I sat up and cocked an eyebrow at her.
"I don't want to wash towels." She whined. I laughed at her and she put her head on my shoulder. I wasn't really sure when I decided to flirt so much, but I certainly didn't mind the response I was getting.
"Well you have to." Lina snickered. Serena scowled at her and got up. She walked down the hall and looked into her sister's bedroom. She waved for us to come down the hall. We went into their bedroom and she shut her door before she went digging around on her cluttered desk.
"What are you doing?" Lina asked. I watched her as she produced a jar filled with cash. My eyes got wide and she smirked.
"Birthday cash," she said waggling her eyebrows. I laughed and she pulled it all out, "We're gonna need cash if we're gonna get all the way to McDonough tonight."
"How far away is that?" I asked as she counted her money.
"It's about an hour..." she said, "In a good car.."
"Ok, do you have a car?" I asked as Serena sighed.
"Well not a good one. It's kinda...junky. I got it for my birthday from my uncle, who's a" she said rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly.
I blew the air out of my cheeks roughly, "Um, OK, how much money do you have?" I asked. Serena folded it all up and put it all in her pocket.
"$250," she said, "But $50 goes to the gas to get to McDonough." I nodded then frowned.
"$50?" I asked, "in gas?"
"George, it doesn't cost a nickel anymore." Lina said rolling her eyes. I scoffed.
"Ok, I'm not that old, Lina." I said with a scowl, "but $50? That's a bit much."
"Tell me about it," Serena mumbled. She picked up a deep bag and packed two pairs of jeans and a few shirts, one I noticed was a grey Beatles shirt. She pulled on a pair of grey and light blue tennis shoes, "We're leaving now. I'll tell Kaylie that were out of laundry detergent and that we're going to get some more. It's getting dark, so we should go now anyway." Lina and I nodded and before Serena pulled on a maroon sweat shirt before she peaked out of her room. She gestured for us to go out and down the hall. We quickly went and she stuck her head into her sister's room before she met us outside. She walked past us to a beat up old four door pick up truck. I scrunched up my nose as Serena got in the front seat and pulled the visor down to catch the keys. Lina got in the front seat and I followed her just because the door was open. Serena giggled and rolled her eyes before she started the engine and pulled out of the drive way. She turned left and and headed for a gas station.
Once we got to one Serena got out of the car and so did Lina. Luna walked inside the gas station while Serena filled the car with gas. I slid over to the driver's seat and leaned out the window, "So which state are we in again?"
"Georgia," she responded with a light shiver. It was a bit chilli out.
"I know you've been here at least once before." She said as Lina came back with a bag of stuff. I cocked an eyebrow at her and she handed it to me. There were three bottles of soda, one coke, one Dr. Pepper, and a bottle of sprite. There were three bags of potato chips, a bag of gummy works, a bag of gummy bears, and a bag of Carmel centered hard candy. Lina also had a red slushy in her hand. She handed it to Serena as she paid for the gas. The brunette drank some and then handed it to me. I took it with slight confusion before she opened the door and gestured for me to move. I moved to the middle seat and Lina got in the passenger seat. Serena started the car and she drove away from the gas station.
"So where are we going exactly?" I asked. Serena and Lina shrugged and I frowned, "So you don't know exactly?"
"Not really."Serena said taking the red slushy from me. She took several sips of it as she drove down the road. It was dark by now and I noticed that there were Christmas decorations on most of the telephone poles. Lina snatched the bag from my lap and she opened the bottle of Coke before she took a big drink.
"You can have one of those drinks, George." Serena said as she turned on the radio. It was on a country station and all the songs sounded the same to me.
"Rena can we listen to something else?" I asked. Serena looked at me as she stopped at a stop light. She nodded and pulled a medium size box filled with CDs out from under her seat.
"Take you're pick, Georgie." She sighed as the light turned green. I looked through them and recognized most of the artists, but some I'd never heard of. "Just make sure it's something I can sing loud to."
"Right." I said flipping through the CDs. Lina suddenly took a CD and shoved it in the CD player. Buddy Holly started playing through the speakers and Lina started singing loudly. Serena hummed along and I laughed at them. I didn't realize I was still holding a CD until Lina snatched it from me.
"George Harrison- Let it Roll: Greatest Hits." She snickered. I took it back and looked at it. It was me on the cover and I was surprised. I'd never seen that photo before. Serena giggled and promised to listen to it next.
Buddy Holly played through and Lina ended up falling asleep against the window. I yawned and leaned my head back against the seat.
"You can go to sleep if you want. We'll be there in a few minutes." Serena said quietly. She sounded sleepy.
"Awe, but then you'll be awake all by yourself." I said playfully putting my head on her shoulder.
"Then stay awake." She shrugged. I chuckled and she put in my album. I smiled. I liked most of the songs listed on the back of the case.
Suddenly Serena pulled over and took out what looked like a mobile phone, but it had a big screen and she used it to navigate on it. She dialed a number and then she held the phone to her ear.
"Hey, Lil, what's your address? We're in McDonough, but I don't have a clue where you are." Serena paused and tapped her fingers on the steering wheel while someone talked. She grabbed a pen and she wrote some thing on my left arm. I frowned as she thanked Lilly and hung up.
"Why my arm?" I asked. Serena shrugged and yawned as she pulled onto the road again.
"I dunno, Lina was too far away?" She suggested. I laughed and she was really quiet the rest of the car ride. We pulled up a few minutes later to a big house with a couple of lights on. Serena's phone rang and she looked hesitant to answer it. She put it on mute before she got out of the car. Someone walked outside the house and Serena hugged her quickly before Serena opened the passenger door. Linda fell out and hit the ground with a yelp and a groan. She hopped up and rubbed her butt.
"Ow," she mumbled. I got out of the car and I was ambushed suddenly by a girl.
"Hi! I'm Lilly!" She giggled, "Um you guys have to be tired, c'mon inside. Cindy is keeping an eye on John." I nodded, suddenly excited to see John after so long. I was also exhausted. It wasn't really that late, but sitting still for so long makes you tired.
Serena took my hand and she leaned against me as we walked into the big house. Lilly led us sneakily upstairs to a bedroom where John was sitting talking to another girl. I expected this was Cindy. We'd talked to them before, but I didn't remember their names.
"Hey," Serena said letting go of my hand. She waved and Cindy smiled.
"Gosh you look tired." She said. John laughed and he stood up. We looked at each other and I scrunched my nose up.
"You look like a Teddy." I said in distaste. John rolled his eyes and we shook hands before we shared a quick hug.
"Time for bed," Lina said as she trudged in, "where can I sleep?"
"Well you guys can sleep in here and me and Cindy will sleep in my room." Lina nodded and flopped on the bed. She curled up and went back to sleep. Serena rolled her eyes and sat down.
"I guess we'll take the floor." I said as I looked for a place to sleep. Serena threw a pillow at me and I smirked and threw it back at her. I got down on the floor and Lilly gave me and John blankets.
"Hey, toss a pillow down, love" John said. Serena tossed a pillow and crawled under the covers.
"I need that other one back, Rena." I whispered as Cindy shut off the light and shut the door. I pillow hit me in the face and I scowled.
"Thanks," I mumbled before I got as comfortable as I was gonna get on the floor.
"I try." Serena said sleepily, "good night George." 
"Good night, Serena."

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