Chapter Sixty-Eight: Serena's POV

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Serena's POV-
I was lying in bed next to Lilly. About an hour ago we were talking about everything that's happened in the last month. It was hard on me, I knew, but it was so much harder for her in most ways. She had to deal with having a real life actual baby to take care of and she was only, sixteen? I couldn't remember how old we actually are. She had fallen asleep about a half hour ago and I knew she was exhausted just from worrying about Valeri. Now she had John to worry about as well. I was too worried about George to sleep right now. I don't know how much longer I could take this. They'd been gone all day, and it was getting into late afternoon. I hadn't seen Midge since she took me and Neal to get our weapons and our phones. I had the same sort of phone I had before it was just the next generation. It was better and faster plus I had my photos and music like I had asked for.
I sighed and looked at my hand clasped around Lilly's. I felt this temptation to contact George but I knew it wouldn't be good if I did. Midge said it wasn't allowed while agents were out on a mission. A knock on the door startled me, and I sat up quickly. The knock came again  and I got up and opened the door slowly. It was Midge and she looked frantic.
"They're back," she said quickly. I went over to Lilly and shook her awake.
"Lil, wake up, they're back." I said as she rubbed her eyes.
"They're back?" She asked sleepily. I nodded a she got up quickly. Midge led the way to the elevator where she pushed the button to the third floor and we were headed down. I tapped my fingers against my leg impatiently as the doors opened to a large room with people bustling around. We went through double doors with the words INFIRMARY of the door way. I noticed all the locations had titles and took note of where they all were. Midge led us over to the far right corner and I had myself wrapped around George before I really even knew what I was doing.
"I'm okay, Rena." He said chuckling, "I'm fine."'
"I know." I said squeezing my eyes shut, "I was worried about you." He laughed again and pulled me away from him. I looked over to John and Lilly and saw Lilly holding onto Valeri. They both looked happy to be back together. I was glad she was okay. George put his arm around my waist and kissed the side of my head.
"Okay, well," Dhani said glancing at Midge, "I think John and George should go get some sleep. Serena, come with me I need your help with something." I glanced at George and he shrugged. I followed him into the elevator and we started going up. Dhani was like the boss, and if he was in charge wanting me alone, there was something up. And then I remembered the paper I had signed my name to.
He pressed the emergency stop and I took in a sudden breath. "Why'd you stop it?" I asked slowly. Dhani leaned back against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest. "Dhani?"
"I know you saw it." He couldn't meet my gaze. "I know you saw my signature." That's not all I saw. On that page in neat columns were names, dates, cause of death, and power. I saw all of Dhani's column. His name in neat letters on the end, the date he signed, the cause of his death, and his power.
"I saw all of it." I said looking away from him.
"Only Midge and Ollie know." He said seriously, "I'd rather you not tell-"
"Why would I tell anyone?" I asked quickly, "It's personal." We looked at each other for a while and Dhani sighed.
"It wasn't long after Dad died," he said looking up at the ceiling, "It was a lot for me to handle, and then Midge's parents were killed and I couldn't take anymore. So one night after my Mum had gone to bed I took an entire bottle of pain killers and went to sleep. Only I woke up days later feeling cold and empty. I came here to see what had went wrong and then I discovered I had this power I had no idea how to use."
"Invisibility." I said lightly. He nodded, "You tried to commit suicide, but the AAL grabbed you before you could die." I was a bit smug about this, but he didn't notice.
"I joined up completely and I've been an agent ever since." He concluded. I nodded and tapped my fingers awkwardly.
"I won't tell." I said seriously, "I wasn't going to tell anyone anyway. You didn't really have to lock me in the elevator." Dhani chuckled and let the elevator go up. When it stopped, he gestured for me to follow him. We were on the roof of the huge AAL Headquarters. The view was amazing and couldn't help the gasp that escaped my lips. The view I had from my room was pretty great but this beat it by a lot.
"My mum doesn't even know what I did." He said looking down to the ground as people walked along the sidewalk below us. "I don't really know what she'd say about it." I rubbed his shoulder and and he looked over at me.
"I don't either to be honest." I said shrugging, "All I can say is it's already happened and you're alive now, and that's what matters." Dhani raised an eyebrow at me and I laughed. "What?"
"You are the most laid back, uptight person I've ever met." He said rolling his eyes.
"I don't think you can be both." I said narrowing my eyes at him. He laughed and shrugged again.
"Well you manage to be." He said shaking his head. No one said anything for a while and I was wondering if he was starting to feel as awkward as I was. "Come on." He said suddenly moving for the elevator. I followed him and we went back down to the third floor.
/Can you come to my room?/
I smiled to myself as I stepped off. Dhani followed me and he went straight to what I knew was Midge's room.
/What's the number?/
/It's 234./ I walked past my own room and counted the doors. I came to 234 and knocked quickly. George opened up and smiled.
"Hey." He let me in and I closed the door behind me. "What did Dhani want?" I shrugged and sat on his bed. I was a little discouraged it wasn't as creaky as mine.
"He was just telling me what happened." I shrugged and George sat next to me. I wasn't exactly lying to him. Dhani had been telling me what had happened, just not what had happened on their mission. "Can I ask you something?"
"You just did, Serena." He said chuckling. I shook my head at him and he sighed, "Go ahead."
"We're you scared?" He looked at me and I looked back at him. He touched my face lightly and let out a deep breath.
"I didn't think about being scared." He said shaking his head, "I...don't know why. I was just going." I nodded and grabbed his wrist.
"I don't know if I thought signing that book through properly." I admitted. "I can't come up with any good reason why I signed that book. I don't want to go out on any sort of dangerous missions. I don't even want to learn how to use my powers anymore. I mean
"Serena," George put his hand on my knee and I froze. "You already signed. Talk to Dhani and see what he can do." I nodded and looked away from him. I heard him sigh before he moved closer and kissed my cheek.
"Can I ask you something now?" He asked as I looked at him again. His nose touched mine and I sighed.
"Sure," I said, feeling warm inside. "If you want."
"Stay in here with me?" Suddenly his lips were on mine and I couldn't say no. I couldn't say anything. Everything I'd been thinking about and worrying about melted away and I let myself fall into him.
"Okay," I said before he pulled the blankets over us. It wasn't quite dark yet, but I didn't care. He put his arms around me and I felt safe. Feeling safe wasn't something I felt often anymore and I rather liked it. "Have you remembered anything else from your past?" I haven't thought my past a lot from the start. I don't want to learn anything else. It was too painful. George shook his head and I turned onto my side.
"I've been a bit busy recently." He said scrunching his nose. I nuzzled into the side of his neck and I felt his fingers tangle into my hair loosely. "What are we?" It was a bit random, but we seemed to be taking turns asking questions. I just didn't know exactly what he meant.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean I've been telling you how I feel since...I don't know how long, and now that we're here...." He trailed and tried to come up with better words, "I mean, you're in my bed and I've just kissed you. I kissed you the other night and you didn't say anything about it." I closed my eyes and slid my arms around his waist.
"I don't know what we are," I whispered, "but I don't want it to stop, okay?" All I heard for a few minutes after that was George's heartbeat.
"Okay." He said quietly, brushing my hair off my cheek.

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