Chapter Twenty-Five: Serena's POV

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Serena's POV-
That guy just shot Cindy! That guy shot Cindy while Cindy was beating up Stryker! What was going on? I heard Lilly scream and I saw her start to run to Cindy, but John grabbed her arm and held her back. He didn't seem too set on losing her again.
Stryker looked surprised and for a second. He looked as if he'd been the one shot. I was actually shocked anyone had been shot. George grabbed my hand and I looked at him, away from Stryker. He was frowning and I realized I'd been staring at Stryker. A brief fear that he'd been the one that was shot ran through my mind when it happened.
"Are you alright?" George asked me squeezing my hand. I felt my hand start to burn and I jerked my hand away with a gasp. George's eyes got wide and I'm not gonna lie when I say I was a bit scared to touch him after that. He shoved his hands in his pocket quickly just as Stryker ran up and took my arm.
"We have to go." He said quickly, "C'mon." He led the way, pulling me along side him. I hurried along with him and the others followed close behind. Stryker suddenly stopped to think.
"Why'd we stop?" John asked as Stryker turned back around. We walked back down the hall where Lina and Cindy were standing. They were looking at the life-less forms of their other selves.
"Are you two coming with us or are you just gonna stand there?" Stryker asked rolling his eyes. Lina pointed to her other self and I gulped. I hadn't seen that before and she was looking at me like I was the one who did it.
"Hurry up!" I looked over and saw another girl I hadn't noticed. She was standing on Stryker's other side looking impatient. "I've been here for months and I'd like to get out of here!" I frowned before I looked back at Lina and Cindy they were rushing over to us and I realized it was going to be hard to get out of here if we stuck together.
"Um, Stryker," I said timidly squeezing his hand, "We really need to get out of here and everything and-"
"What exactly do you think we're trying to do, girly!?" The, rude, other girl said.
"Midge, shut up." Stryker said focusing on what was in front of him. "You were saying, Serena?" He looked over at me as we came to a Y in the hall.
"I think we need to split up." I said looking at everyone in the group, "There are too many of us to get out like this." He looked at the others as well. They all looked tired and dirty. George, Lilly, and Beatrice especially.
"I agree." Stryker said. Midge made a noise of disapporval.
"What if only one group gets out!?" Midge asked quickly, "What if we get out in different places? How will we know if someone needs help?"
"There are too many of us, Midge, we don't have a choice." Stryker said, "George, you take Cindy, Lina, Neal, and Beatrice and Serena, Lilly, John, and Midge will come with me. Meet back at Louise's house."
"Louise?" George asked frowning slightly. "As in my sister Louise?" I nodded and tried not to smile.
"You know where she lives right?" Stryker asked.
George nodded and cleared his throat, "But what if only one group gets out? What if you guys need help?"
"Wait!" I said suddenly remembering all my dreams. "John you remember when you were dreaming about Lilly?" John nodded and he seemed to understand what I was going for. Lilly gasped suddenly and looked at John with surprise. He smirked and she shoved his shoulder. I smirked, "New plan, George you take Lilly, and we'll take Cindy instead." John shook his head.
"No way." He said, "She's coming with me." He was very protective of Lilly and I knew that, but she was the only one he could communicate with as far as I knew.
"John, I have to!" Lilly said, "I'll be with George, and Neal had a gun! I'll be fine!" John was reluctant, but he let go of Lilly.
"Let's get out of here." Midge said with a huff. I didn't like her already and I'd only just met her. She grabbed Styker and started to pull him down the left hallway. I grabbed George's shoulders.
"If you need help just tell me." I said seriously, I was scared out of my mind at the thought of never seeing him again.
"But how-"
"Lilly will tell you, OK?" I asked before I kissed his lips quickly and grabbed John and Cindy before following Stryker and Midge down the hall. I felt tears falling down my face, but I didn't both acknowledge them as we ran to catch up with the only people who knew how to get out of here.
Styrker easily led us to the stairwell and we walked down and into another maze. It was strange we didn't run into any trouble. I hoped the others were just as lucky. We managed to get to the front door just as an alarm started to blare. I knew the others weren't having such an easy time. I almost asked Stryker if we could turn around and go and find them, but I thought better of it. John much have been thinking the same thing because he squeezed my hand as we walked out the door.
"Lilly said they're fine." He whispered to me as we hurried away from the building, "She said George did that on purpose." I nodded and our group went on their way.
We were back at Louise's house within an hour and I was starting to worry. I had no way of reaching George. I tried to get him to hear me through my mind, but there wasn't ever any answer. I didn't even know if I was able to do it.
I asked John to contact Lilly, but after several minutes he looked just as worried as I was. "John?" I asked slowly. He looked at me and shook his head.
"She won't answer." He said getting up. He looked like all hope was lost. He'd lost Lilly again and he wasn't going to get her back.
"Maybe they're OK." I said trying to make him and myself feel better, "Maybe they just got into a little bind." John nodded and ran his fingers through his hair.
"Right." he said, "They'll be here any minute now."
That any minute now turned into any hour now and by the time 2 a.m. hit I was exhausted and went to bed. I went to my room and curled up in a ball trying to forget that George might not come back. I tried to forget that I could never see my sister or my best friend ever again. I fell asleep within about half an hour and had a vivid dream about fire explosions and loud screams.

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