Chapter Eight: John's POV

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John's POV-
"John" A whisper tickled my ear and I grimaced, "John, the others left, and I'm bored."
"Well I'm tired, now leave me alone." I grumbled in annoyance.
"Please, John!"
I opened my eyes and looked at Lilly. She looked tired and she also looked incredibly bored. She was giving me a pitiful puppy dog look and she looked kinda cute. I rolled my eyes and she smiled, knowing I'd caved.
"So, what's Beverly Hills like? I've never really been anywhere except Georgia." she asked scooting closer to my side. She grabbed my arm affectionately and looked up at me.
"Its...well I don't know." I said, "I haven't been there in so long and things from the way things have changed it can't be the same."
"Hmm," she said putting her head on my shoulder. We were really quiet for a while and I looked over at her again, about to start talking about something when I saw she'd gone to sleep. I put my arm around her shoulders as George and Serena walked in. Serena was blushing deeply and George looked rather happy with himself. I cocked an eyebrow at them and Serena only looked away from me in embarrassment. George plopped down across from me and Serena sat down next to Lilly, disappointing George a little.
"Where's Cindy and Lina?" She asked leaning her head back against the seat.
I restrained from shrugging, "I dunno," I said gently, "They left a few minutes ago. I was half asleep, but Lilly woke me up."
"And then she went to sleep?" George asked raising his eyebrows. I nodded and looked down at her. She was frowning a bit as she slept, like there was something going on in her head that wasn't right.
"Yes she went to sleep," I sighed, "But I don't care. It just means I get to go to sleep without her jabbers." I didn't mean that of course, but George and Serena didn't need to know that.
"Well I'm sleepy, so..." Serena curled up in her seat and she closed her eyes.
After a while we had all slept and gotten over our tired and cranky attitudes and we were all somewhat happy again. We were just really hungry now.
"Well we did get meals out of this." George said as Serena stretched and Lilly rubbed her eyes.
Lina and Cindy had yet to make a reappearance and Serena was starting to get worried, so we looked for them as we went to the food cart.
That's actually where they were. They were talking to each other and eating some sort of sandwich.
"I think their suspecting something-" Cindy was talking and Lilly cleared her throat, causing her to stop.
"Who's suspecting what?" I asked sitting down. Lilly sat next to me and George pulled a chair up to the end of the table. Serena sat looking over the back of the booth next to us.
"None of your business," Lina sneered. Serena frowned and smacked her.
"Don't be so mean." she said with a scowl. Lina snarled at her and Serena clearly found that odd. She frowned and we all stared at her.
"O-K, new topic." George said making a weird face at Lina, "What's the food taste like?"
"It's OK," Cindy shrugged. She leaned forward on her elbows and she looked at George strangely. I cleared my throat.
"Right, um...let's get some food." I got up and Serena followed me.
"I'll help you." She said stiffly. We walked over to the counter and ordered some sandwiches.
"What's got you so jittered?" I asked seriously. I was tried of annoying people so much. I annoyed people when I was alive before, but now I didn't really have to, so I decided to keep it to a minimum for now.
"George," She admitted as a girl behind the counter handed her drinks.
"What did he do? I saw you blushing before." I said. She scowled and rolled her eyes.
"Go ahead and tease," She sighed playing with a straw.
"I wasn't going to," I said shrugging, "Anyway I also saw him kiss you earlier." Serena's blush suddenly appeared and I laughed lightly.
"Please leave me alone about it?" She pleaded.
"I'm not picking on you! I'm just trying to make conversation is all." I said shrugging, "But if you're worried about why he did it, it's because he really likes you."
"He can't. He's old and he's married and he's got a son that's older than me." She said with a slight grimace, "anyway, what's going with you and Lilly? She really seems attached to you." I looked over at the girl and I was glad to see her smiling as George told the girls something funny.
"Yeah," I sighed, "She's nice and everything and she seemed scared, so I figured..."
"Awe! John! That's cute!"
"It's not like you and George!" I said quickly, "I don't like her like that! Really, she's just a kid, but she is sweet and I never really paid much attention to kids before and-"
"I know John." Serena giggled as the waitress gave me a tray of sandwiches. We walked back over to the table and I plopped down next to Lilly. She smiled at me and I smiled back.
"Nice to see you're feeling better." I said. She giggled as I handed her a sandwich that was wrapped in white paper. She unwrapped it and took a bite.
"I'm starving." she said with her mouth full. Serena passed out drinks and straws and she sat in the chair next to George and Cindy.
"Right, so we need a plan." She said unwrapping her food. We all stopped to think and found this was a lot harder than before.

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