Chaoter Thirty-Seven: Serena's POV

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Serena's POV
The next morning I was standing next to the van waiting for the others to show up so we could go to the airport. We were taking a private jet to London where we'd be getting a ride to Paul's.
"You ready?" George asked as he walked up to me. He looked like I'd embarrassed him and I hadn't even said anything yet.
"Yeah," I said nodding, "Are you?" George shrugged and gave a sigh.
"I guess." He said looking at me, "But listen, we need to talk." I raised my eyebrows at him and moved away from leaning against the van.
"Yeah," He said shyly, "About this connection thing, because I do not want to see you making out with Stryker again." I blushed and looked away from him as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.
"I know, George. I don't want you to see that either." I admitted, "But how am I supposed to know when you're seeing what I'm doing?" George thought about it for a bit.
"It's only when we're apart." He said suddenly. I thought he was trying to find a way to keep me away from Stryker, but he suddenly shook his head, "But I can't stick to you all the time."
"No you can't." I agreed.
"Well what are we gonna do?" George asked. His brow was furrowed and I tried hard not to let him hear how cute I thought he looked. George was grinning suddenly and I knew he'd heard me thinking it.
"George!" I yelled at him. George smirked and rolled his eyes. I knew he had to try some to hear my thoughts when he was standing next to me. "I don't want you in my head!"
"I know!" George said clutching his head suddenly. "You can quit screaming it!"
"Get out of my head!" I yelled at him.
"I can't!" He yelled back, "I can only control what I hear sometimes! I can't get completely out!" George was getting a headache from my thoughts and it was starting to leak over into my mind. I clutched my head myself and cleared my thoughts. George was breathing heavily next to me and I was trying to keep calm, when suddenly a mesh of memories came rushing into my thoughts.
George was standing playing in the Cavern Club with John, Paul, and Ringo. George was singing 'Do you Want to Know a Secret' and I was standing on the front row singing along with him. We were making major eye contact and he was singing to me.
Things suddenly shifted and I was giggling and walking down the street with George. He had his arm around my shoulders and I was holding onto his hands. He was kissing and nuzzling into my cheek and neck as we walked. I kept pushing him away and laughing at him, but he merely ignored it and continued. George stopped walking all of a sudden and wrapped both his arms around me, kissing me full on the lips.
Next we were at a restaurant, and George was sitting across from me. He was just staring at me and all I could do was blush and pretend not to notice. We were eating dinner together, but then strangely we were on the front steps of what appeared to be my house. He was kissing me, and I had my arms around his neck, kissing him back. But it didn't last.
Everything went hazy and then there was a chest rattling sound of metal being crushed together. I heard myself scream, but I wasn't sure if it really came out of my mouth. George called my name and all I could see was pitch black. Then white light shined abruptly in my face. It faded to normal and George was standing in a cemetery with a man and woman, holding flowers. He collapsed on the ground and he put the flowers down at a head stone. George started sobbing and it wasn't until then did I notice that George looked to be about 20 or 21. He had his mop-top and he looked early Beatle era. I found I was able to move, and I walked up to him, wanting to comfort him. I got down on my knees and out my arm around his shoulders. He didn't seem to notice. I felt sick to my stomach when I found out why. In dark grey, curly letters the headstone in front of George read:
Here lies Serena Diana Bishop
December 12, 1945 - January 24, 1964
Loving Sister, Daughter, and Friend

"Rena!" Lina said shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes suddenly and gasped. I had tears streaming down my cheeks and I couldn't help myself as I sobbed. "What's wrong? You screamed." I shook my head and sat down on the back bumper of the van. George had moved away. He was backing up away from me, and I felt physically hurt by him. My mind was reeling and his were meshing with mine, making it hard to hear and think straight. I just continued crying when Stryker grabbed my hands.
"Serena." He said seriously, "What happened? What did George do to you?" I jerked away from him angrily.
"He didn't do anything!" I cried shoving him, "Go away!" I got up and ran after George. I didn't know where he'd gone, and I couldn't see through his mind either.
George, where are you?
I sniffled and wiped my face. He didn't answer. Louise appeared in my path suddenly.
"Serena, what's wrong?" She asked, grabbing my arm. It suddenly occurred to me that she would have known about all those memories.
"Why didn't you say anything?" I asked vaguely. I was suddenly glad she was going with Lina and Cindy. I didn't want to see her. She knows all these things that she refuses to tell us.
"About what?" She asked frowning. I rolled my eyes and saw George by the front door. He looked sad. "Will you go and find George? We should get going." I didn't respond as I walked passed her to George. I sat next to him and sighed.
"Louise said we need to go." I whispered.
"We knew each other." He said in a hoarse whisper.
"I know." I said wringing my hands together. "But we need to go."
"I loved you." He said, staring at the concrete between his feet.
"I know." I said again. I felt worse the more he went on about it.
"I still love you." He said shaking his head. He seemed confused.
"I know."
"Something happened to you." He said, sounding scared.
"I know." I sighed.
"You were killed."
"George, I know!" I got up and turned my back to him. I heard him get up and I felt him standing behind me. He reached his hand out and he touched my shoulder.
I'm sorry, Rena
"Why didn't anyone tell us?" I asked spinning around. I buried myself in his chest and he caught me as if I was falling and he was trying to save me. I was crying again and I barely knew what to do; what to think.
"How would they know?" George asked rubbing my back comfortingly.
"Louise would have. She's your sister. Paul would have. Ringo would have." I sniffled. George hugged me and I sighed. "Why didn't I remember?"
"Why didn't I remember?" George asked. I pulled away from him and walked toward the van. The only seats left were the front seat and the seat in the back. Stryker was driving, and Beatrice was in the middle up front. In the back, John was next to Lilly, who sat in the middle. Neal was next to her. I looked at George and he looked back.
"Georgie, come sit with me!" Beatrice said suddenly. She patted the seat and George looked at her. He got in the front seat and I climbed in the back seat. I saw my backpack sitting next to the seat and I sighed. I heard my phone vibrating and I wanted to see who was calling, but I was scared to look after what my aunt had said to me.
At least look. I looked up and George was looking back at me. I dug around in my backpack and pulled out my phone.
Mom calling... flashed as my phone continued to vibrate. I hit ignore and tossed my phone back in my bag. I couldn't talk to them. Maybe I should call them and leave a message. Maybe I'll text message them before we get on the plane. I won't tell them where I'm going obviously, but I hated that they are so worried.
You should do that. I looked at George again and nodded. He gave me a small smile. I leaned my head against my window and closed my eyes. Are you OK?
No. I wasn't. I just learned I was alive and in a real actual relationship with George Harrison, and in the middle of it, I was somehow killed.
What do you want me to do? I felt tears starting to fall again. Everything was so wrong. Lina was going off in the other direction, my parents had no idea where we were, and I was involved in this bizarre problem that no one will tell me about. I didn't want to go home, and I wanted George. I wanted Stryker. I wanted to be left alone, but I didn't want to be by myself. I was confused and I didn't know what I really wanted. I was miserable, and no one was telling me what was going on.
I want you to talk to me.
What do you want me to say? George sounded confused. I sniffled and closed my eyes tighter.
Tell me anything you want to. Tell me about the things you remember about your past.
OK. . . .

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