Chapter Forty-Nine: George's POV

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George's POV-
John just left me in Serena's room looking like a doofus, and she just stood there looking at me like I was supposed to follow him. But why would I follow him? I didn't know where he was going. He was probably just going to talk to Lilly, since that was the smart idea.
"I'm gonna go for a walk." She said before she randomly walked out of the room. I was going to follow her, and maybe try and talk her out of being mad, since she really had no reason to be.
I stayed in her room instead. She'd decorated it with things she liked. The curtains were green and yellow, and she'd hung up posters on the walls. She'd found books from the library down the hall and most of them were stacked at the end of her bed. She had clothes falling out of the dresser by the closet door, and I found it funny that she seemed incapable of closing the drawers. Shoes were piled in the corner, and the trash bin was over flowed with crumpled pieces of notebook paper.
I turned to go, but something on the floor stopped me. It was a light shining from under the left side of her bed. I got down and picked it up. It was only her phone, but it was on, so I found myself looking at it. It was green, and it had a clear case on it so the color showed through I assumed. One the screen, was a photo of me and John with Lilly and Serena together smiling. I didn't remember taking the picture, but it looked like a nice picture. I swiped my finger across the screen and it unlocked, leading me to a screen of little squares that Lilly and Serena called apps. I didn't have much experience with things like this, so I started to put it down, but it started talking.
"What can I do for you?" I jumped and looked back at it.
"Um, sorry?"
"It's Okay." The voice said.
"I don't understand what you mean..." I said back at it.
"Who, me?" I frowned and picked up the phone.
"Who else would I mean?" I asked slowly.
"Interesting quesion, Serena." It said. I slowly put it down and backed away.
"Okay, well I'm gonna go now..." I quicky left the room. I didn't give the phone a chance to respond. I ran smack into Dhani along the way, he grabbed my arm before I hit the floor, and I found myself clutching onto as well.
"Oh Jeeze, Dad!" He said without thinking. I straightened up and cleared my throat.
"Um, sorry," I said quickly, "I was just, sorry...." I felt stupid, and Dhani seemed to feel awkward, so we just kinda slipped past each other and went on the way we were headed.
He called you Dad.
Serena was mocking me. I rolled my eyes and let out a big sigh as made up my mind on what I wanted to do for the afternoon.
And by the way, Genius, the voice on my phine is Siri, and she answers questions from the interent for you.
Where are you?
So I can come and tackle you.
Um....why would you do that?
It's what you get for teasing me. I heard her laugh and that was the end of the first good conversation we'd had since Liverpool.
I went to the garden where we'd been training and I started shooting at the targets.I hadn't done a lot with my fire powers, but it occurred to me that I should probably work on it before I had to use it and it ended up being more dangerous than helpful.
By the time I was drained for energy, I'd burned up the targets completely. I sat on the ground and looked up at the clouds. There were quite a number of dark ones, and I wondered if it was going to rain.
Of course as soon as the thought entered my mind, it started to pour. I got up and headed for the house. I didn't mind getting wet, and it was warm out, so I took my time. I walked through the front door as thunder rumbled. The little dog that Olivia owned barked at me as it bounded over to me. I scratched it's head before I walked toward the stairs to change. I started thinking about dinner when the doorbell rang. I spun around and looked around. No one was around to answer the door. Someone knocked loudly and I hurried back to the door.
"Hold on a mo." I said as I reached out for the knob. I pulled the door opened and found a girl with her blond hair drenched, and stuck to her face. Her makeup was smudged a bit around her almond shaped brown eyes and her clothes were dripping, and sticking to her small body. She looked to be about 15, but something about her was odd.
"Uh, can I help you?" I asked frowning at her. She raised her eyebrows at me and held her arms around her body, starting to shiver.
"Very funny." She said sarcastically, "The door locked behind you and I couldn't get it, now move so I can go change clothes, George."
"Do I know you?" I asked, looking at her closely. Her shoulders slumped and she looked as if she was getting angry.
"Is this a joke? George, I'm freezing here!" She said with a huff.
"Who are you?" I asked as the wind blew the heavy rain towards us. I felt the spray hit my face.
"I'm Serena! Ya know, the girl you're in love with? The one who's gonna beat the crap out of you if you don't move?"
"You are not Serena." I said seriously, "You don't look anything like her."
She narrowed her eyes at me and I became slightly frightened by this girl. She can claim she's Serena all she liked, I knew what Serena looked like.
"What are you talking about?" She asked rolling her eyes, "I went for a walk, and it started to rain! I had to run back here from the middle of the maze!"
"How do I know you're really her?" I asked cautiously. I knew she wasn't, but it was worth a shot.
George, I don't know what's gotten into you, but if you don't let me in, you aren't going to be able to sit down for a week. I quickly stepped aside and she ran up the steps. I watched her go, wondering how she'd done that. Then it occurred to me. It was her power! She'd looked so different from normal in Liverpool. We'd even talked about it. John noticed it as well, and now she looked like a completely different person totally.
"Wait, Serena!" I ran after her and followed her to her room. "Rena, I figured it out!" She was in her room when I finally caught up to her.
"Figured what out?" She asked pulling a dry shirt and jeans from her drawers.
"Your power!" I said excitedly. Serena rolled her eyes at me and tossed her clothes on her bed before she picked up her phone. She looked at the notifications on the lock screen as I walked over to her.
"George, what are you doing?" She squealed as I pulled her to the vanity by the door. "George, quit, I'm soaked! I need to change!"
"You already did." I said as she looked at herself in the mirror. She dropped her phone and it hit me in the foot.
"Ow!" I yelped and grabbed my toe as she leaned forward to look closer at her face.
"George, that's..." She looked confused for a moment, and then she touched the mirror, "that's what you meant...."
I nodded and she looked at me, a grin appearing on her face, "I have a power!" She seemed excited, though I was sure she wanted nothing to do with all of this before.
"Yeah!" I said smiling for her, "But you've had it this entire time!" She shoved my shoulder and I winced.
"But I didn't know it!" She said looking back to the mirror. She concentrated on her face and it slowly started to look like her own again. It was odd, like a wave washed over her face and suddenly she had her own face again. Her hair slowly started to get darker again and she grew to her normal height. "This is so cool!" She seemed to have forgotten all about her wet clothes. I had until that very second. I shivered in the air conditioning and ruffled my hair.
Serena moved away from the mirror finally and I picked up her phone for her before I turned to look at her. She was pulling her wet shirt off and I quickly shut my eyes and blushed.
"Uhh, I'm gonna go." I said quickly. I left her room before she could answer, not that I thought she would have. I went to my own room and changed quickly before I went back downstairs for dinner. I was starving and there was certainly something to talk about tonight, a few things actually.

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