Chapter Forty-Three: George's POV

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George's POV
Sitting in some sitting room with a record player seemed like an ideal way to spend a lazy hour. I had been all alone most of the morning, and now, late into the afternoon, I was still alone was I listened to an old Bob Dylan record. I wondered what Serena was up to, but I didn't bother trying to find her thoughts. She was probably still upset with me, but I still didn't understand what for.
I'd run into Lilly and Neal in the lounge. They'd been talking about something serioous it appeared, so I just left them alone and made my way here. I hadn't seen anyone else all day. Dhani seemed to be running around every which way, trying to get in touch with the AAL HQ, and Paul seemed to be taking care of Beatrice. He wouldn't let her out of his sight, and I could understand his worry, but she was safe here most definitely.
Bellamy and his gang didn't have any idea we were here. They couldn't know unless somone gave us away. I had a guess on who might have if that was the case, but I felt it was a guess led by blind jealously and dropped the thought.
I remembered Olivia suddenly and I wondered why I hadn't seen her. Maybe she was gone somewhere. I couldn't remember if Dhani had mentioned her being out of town, but then again it wasn't really that important.
I closed my eyes, feeling a sleepiness settle over me as I sat int he quiet of the living room. The record had stopped, and I was too lazy to get up and turn it over, so I just let it turn the way it was.
I saw some bright flashes behind my eyes and I frowned a little. What was that? I was too drowsy to open my eyes and look. They continued until I fell asleep and the flashes occurred in my dreams.
It was a nice warm day, and I was walking next to Serena. She was smiling and happy, and she was holding my hand and humming. Her hair was long and curled and she looked really nice. I'd never seen her look so pretty before. She looked different.
We walked for a long time, and suddenly it was dark out. It was very dark, and I could barely see the street in front of me. I'd also lost Serena. She'd let go of my hand and she wasn't nearby anymore. I frowned and called out her name, but my voice wasn't working as well as I'd hoped.
Suddenly, rain started to fall, and it had completely wet my hair before I heard Serena tell me to get in the car. I didn't see the car until then. It wasn't one I recognized, but I was the one to drive.
I had a sick feeling in my stomach, like something terrible was going to happen, but I got in anways. I drove us down the road, but it was hazy, and completely blurred. I just saw the red and green traffic lights as we drove under them and I saw the passing headlights of other cars, but I didn't see the set on my right.
My light was green, blurred, but most definitely green, but the headlights still got closer and then there was that bang that I remembered from the memories I'd shared with Serena. She screamed and I gasped.
I sat up and clutched at my chest, panting heavily. What an awful dream. Only I knew it wasn't a dream. It was another memory.The memory of how Serena died. I ran my hands over my face roughly as I tried to regain a normal breathing pattern. Serena seemed to feel my discomfort and terror because she found my thoughts suddnely.
You okay?
Just her voice in my mind helped me feel better. I don't know yet.
What happened? It made my head ache something terrible.
I stood up and turned off the record player, so not to ruin the needle. I fell asleep and I had a dream.
What were you dreaming to make my head hurt? She sounded amused, but it wasn't a very amusing idea. I didn't want to tell her. She didn't know how she died, and I did. She asked me not to tell, and I wasn't going to tell her unless she asked me to.
It wasn't really a good dream, love. She didn't respond after that, and I sighed. I needed to talk to her, but I had no actual idea where she was. I hadn't seen her all day, and I didn't think I'd see her the rest of the evening either.
I walked down the corridor, not really sure where I was going, but I ended up in the studio where I recorded a lot of my later music. I picked up one of my guitars and started to pick around, but nothing sounded good to me. I couldn't seem to get my fingers to work right on the strings, and I groaned and set it aside when Dhani entered the room. 
"Oh sorry," He said quickly, "I didn't mean to interrupt." He started out the door, but I grabbed his wrist lightly.
"It's alright." I said quickly, "Do you play?" Dhani sat down and nodded.
"Yeah, you taught me, remember?" He asked picking up the guitar I'd been using.
"I don't." I said, coming to the startling realization. "Anyways, I can't seem to remember anything these days. Including how to play." I must have sounded frustrated before Dhani laughed and handed me an acoustic.
"You'll remember," He said giving a pick. "Do you remember the Chuck Berry Song you sang? Roll Over Beethoven?" I laughed and nodded.
"Sure, but I don't know if I'll be able to play it." Dhani started to play the riff, in his own style, and I listened to him. My fingers picked up the riff suddenly and I was playing along.
"I'm gonna write a little letter gonna mail it to my local DJ!" Paul came in singing and I laughed. "Look at that, George and Dhani playing together." Dhani and I looked at each other and I started to pick out some random notes. I remembered how to play again and it made me feel a million times better than I had before.
"Oh, Paul, what's that song you've got on the new record?" Dhani asked, "I really like it, oh the one about the early days?" Paul chuckled and grabbed another acoustic hanging on the wall.
"You like that one?" Paul asked as I sat back and watched him. He started playing the chords to the song, and I'd never heard it before. I wouldn't have would I, if it's new. "They can't take it from me, if they tried. I lived through those early days. So many times I had to change the pain to laughter...." I zoned out a little and I started to think about my life as a Beatle.
There wasn't a lot there, but what I did remember, it was a really great experience. I wanted to remember all of it, and I stopped Paul's singing, so he could tell me about it. He told me a lot about shows and recording, and I remembered every one of our songs, but another thought came to mind.
"Paul, do you remember Serena?" Paul frowned at me and thought for a moment.
"Why?" He glanced at Dhani, who only looked back at him. 
"Well when we found out she was like me, and John, she wondered why no one mentioned it before, and I was starting to wonder if anyone remembered her to begin with." I said thinking it over. Maybe she was erased from everyone's memories.
"I remember her a little bit," Paul said, "But she wasn't something you talked about a lot. All we knew about her was she was your girl, and you were quite serious about her and your relationship." I nodded and thought of Lilly and John.
"What about Lilly? I think she and John were in a relationship, but I don't remember her, and it might have been before I knew him." I said putting my guitar down again.
"Yeah, I'd met him just right before she was killed. He was crushed. I didn't know her very well, I'd only met her maybe once, but John talked about her a lot after she died. He'd talked about having a family with her, and I thought he was mad since he was only, what, 17? 18 years old? He always told me it didn't matter anymore anyways." I nodded and got up.
"I should go look for Serena," I said, "I gotta talk to her about a few things." Dhani nodded and I smiled at him before Paul waved. I walked down the hall again and toward where I knew the front door was. I opened the door and I saw Serena's short hair fly around a corner of the maze with Lilly. I walked after them and followed their voices until I turned the corner where they'd stopped.
"I don't know, Serena. I never thought about it." Lilly said, looking worried. I'd never seen her like that before. "What if he finds out though? Oh gosh, don't tell him okay?" I frowned and Serena saw me walking up to them.
"Hey, I'm not interrupting anything am I?" I asked as Serena touched LIlly's shoulder comfortingly. She nodded and I looked around, "Um, okay, uh, Rena I need to talk to you, so can you come find me when you through talking to Lilly?" She nodded quickly and I smiled at Lilly, trying to make her feel better about whatever they were talking about before I walked off.
I smacked into John at the entrance of the maze, and I grabbed him. I was sure Serena and Lilly didn't want him hearing anything if I wasn't allowed to hear.
"Hey, I was lookin' for you." I said quickly.
"Yeah?" He asked, shoving his hands in his pockets. I nodded and we walked in the oposite direction of the maze.
"Yeah I need to ask you," I said, coming up with something quickly, "How you do tell your dead/not dead ex girlfriend that you know how she died without upsetting her?"

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