Chapter Seven: George's POV

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George's POV-
We walked for a long time, and I found my back starting to ache from the heavy pack I was carrying. Serena noticed and she tried to take the pack from me.
"Nope, I'm carrying it," I said shaking my head at her.
She only sighed and rolled her eyes before she walked on ahead to check on Lilly. She seemed a bit frightened and John seemed to be the one who wanted to comfort her. He didn't let Serena get close enough to talk to Lilly because he put his arm around her. Serena only sighed and Cindy started to talk to her about something I couldn't really hear. Lina fell in step with me and smiled.
"Hiya," she said enthusiastically. I smiled and looked at the ground as I walked.
"Hi," I said with a sigh, "What's gotten into John?" I nodded to the clingy man I used to know very well.
Lina shrugged, "I dunno. Lilly was being really nice to him yesterday and I think he's a bit attached to her." she said scrunching up her nose. I scrunched mine back and she giggled.
"What's gotten into Serena?" I asked looking at the pretty brunette I was constantly flirting with, mostly without even trying to. She was checking her mobile phone again. She looked like she really wanted to answer it, but something was stopping her. She declined the call once again and put the phone in her pocket with a sigh.
"I dunno," Lina responded.
"She keeps looking at her phone." I said, "Who keeps calling her?"
"Probably her parents!" Lina giggled. That struck me as a bit odd. Weren't they Lina's parents too?
"Why doesn't she answer them?" I asked frowning as I readjusted the pack on my back.
"Well they're not really the easiest people to talk to." Lina said making a face, "She has a hard enough time talking to them when she doesn't do anything wrong and they tend to yell quite a bit."
"Oh." I said. Lina nodded and she walked beside me silently for a while, "I'm sure they're only worried about you."
"Hmm?" Lina asked frowning, "Oh yeah, worried." She walked off and I frowned. That was majorly weird. I didn't have a lot of thinking time on it because a large van pulled up and a man stuck his head out of the window.
"You kids need a lift?" he asked in a slight Texas drawl.
"Who're you calling kids?" John asked with a scowl. The man cleared his throat.
"Do you need a lift or not?" he asked with raised eyebrows. John was about to retort when I knocked him back and smiled.
"Yes, just to the closest town if you can." I said politely.
"You got money?" the guy asked sitting up a bit straighter. Serena stepped up and produced some money.
"Not a lot," she said shyly, "But we really need this for food."
"Oh that's alright sweetie!" he said with a devilish smile, "You don't have to pay, but only if you'll sit up in the front with me." Serena gulped and glanced over at me. I raised my eyebrows and I saw John cross his arms over his chest with a smirk.
"Fine." she said quickly.
"Great! Hop in!" the guy said opening the door. Serena started to get in, but I grabbed her hand before she could get all the way in. Her eyes locked with mine and she could tell I wasn't so sure about this guy.
"I'll be fine," she said getting in. I made sure to get in after her before the others climbed in the back seat.
"So where're you kids headed?" the guy asked.
"We aren't-"
"We're headed to Beverly hills, but our truck was smashed to pieces and we don't have much of a way to get there." Serena said quickly, cutting off John.
"Oh well that's terrible!" The man said putting his arm sleazily around Serena's shoulders. I gritted my teeth and tried to ignore it. I knew Serena wouldn't like me interfering. If it got us a ride I'm sure she'd endure anything. That wasn't necessarily a good thing.
"Is there a train station or something close by?" I asked, ignoring the annoyance of this guys as he rubbed his hand along Serena's shoulders and down her arm.
I was ignored of course as the guy kept talking to Serena.
"What's you're name, Darlin'?"
"Lindsay." she said quickly. I cocked an eyebrow at her and she gave me a glare to play along.
"What a pretty name." the guy asked, "How come you're hanging around these kids?"
"We aren't-"
"We aren't kids," Serena said scowling, "Well Paul and Richie aren't." I started to laugh a bit, but I managed to rein it in.
"Well they look it." the guy said, "M'name's Carl."
"Well Carl," I said through gritted teeth, "I'd like to know where the closest transportation to Beverly Hills is."
"Yeah yeah," Carl said in annoyance, "I'll get to that, Bub."
"It's Richie!" I said rolling my eyes.
"Whatever." Carl said rolling his eyes, "Doesn't matter much to me." Serena shifted in her seat and she glanced at me. I cocked an eyebrow before Carl started playing with her hair.
"Where can we get a ride to Beverly hills?" Lilly asked leaning forward.
"Well aren't you a pretty one?" Carl smirked, "I didn't even see you before! How'd you weasel on past me, hmm?"
"Oh, um," Lilly blushed and John pulled her back protectively.
"Could you answer her question?" he sneered. I looked at Carl and he didn't seem to hear John.
A little town came into view and I was relieved this would be over soon at least. Carl ignored John and he went back to Serena. I didn't like this at all. It was driving me mad the way he was letting him touch her and I was getting, believe it or not, jealous. Carl stopped outside the town and I opened the door. I got out and so did Lilly, Lina, and Cindy. John was starting to get out when Carl trapped Serena inside.
"No!" I said climbing back up to the front seat. I grabbed Serena by the elbow and she struggled against Carl.
"Let me go!" She said. Carl forced his mouth onto the side of her neck and she grimaced. She shoved on his chest and I pulled on her arm.
"Let go of her!" I grunted pulling on her. It wasn't helping much, and I'm sure I was hurting her.
"But what about payment, Darlin'?" Carl murmured. Serena scoffed and gave a hard shove before I gave another hard tug on her arm. I got her out of the car and and I shut the door. Carl got out and grabbed onto Lilly from behind. She squealed and John became even more outraged than before. He ripped Lilly away without a thought.
"Don't touch her!" he said before he hit Carl square in the nose. Carl stumbled back and slammed against the car. John grabbed Lilly's hand and she hugged him, looking more frightened then before. Serena was panting and rubbing her elbow.
"Are you alright?" I asked her gently. She nodded and pulled her sleeve back down over her arms.
"Fine, can we just go now?" She asked with a shutter. I nodded and took her hand in mine before we started to walk together into town. The others followed us and Lilly clung to John for dear life until I spotted a train station.
"Hey, Geo, did you have a plan?" Lina asked meeting my steps as we walked up the stairs to the train station. A man was at the window and I smiled.
"Hello folks," he said kindly with the same sort of accent as Carl, "What can I do for you?"
"Um, do you have a train to Beverly Hills?" Serena asked hopefully.
"Do you kids have money?" he asked. Serena nodded and produced a wad of cash.
"Yes we do," Lina said nodding.
"Well I can't get you a train to Beverly Hills, kids, but I can get you as far as Flagstaff, Arizona." He said. I looked at Serena and she sighed.
"I guess that'll work." I said, "How much for tickets for all of us?"
The man took in a deep breath, "Look, you kids look exhausted and I think you're running out of money fast, so I'll say I'll give you six tickets and six meals for $50." the man said with a wink. I grinned and nodded. Serena laughed in surprise and counted out the money before she handed it over. The man gave us tickets and I thanked him before we sat down to wait for our train, which was leaving in about ten minutes.
Serena was talking to Lilly and Lilly looked like she was still a little scared, but she looked a lot better. John sat next to me and smirked.
"You were worried about Serena!" he said under his breath.
"You were worried about Lilly!" I said back.
"Awe that's not fair! She's a 16 year old girl and I feel bad for her!" John said, "You like Serena though! I can tell!"
I crossed my arms over my chest and scoffed, "No I don't!" I lied. I did like her a lot and I didn't seem to care about the real age difference or that fact that I was still technically married to Olivia
"Yes you do," John said, "I saw the looked you kept giving her when she was being fondled by Carl. And I saw the looks of anger and fury you gave Carl when he wouldn't let her out of the car."
"That was because we need her." I rolled my eyes, "She knows where we're going and she has all the money."
"Yeah OK," John said sarcastically.
"Really!" I insisted as I looked at Serena. She was looking at her phone again. It was singing gently and she looked like she was gonna answer it this time. Her thumb hung over the answer button, but at the last second she hit decline instead. I sighed and John smirked before I looked back at him, "OK, I like her a little....OK a lot! But that's not important! What would she think? I'm four times her age! She'd think I was some of pedi file something!"
"Don't worry about it, George." John said winking, "I'm pretty sure we're only alive for a limited amount of time here, so enjoy it while you can."
"What does that even mean!?" I asked laughing at him.
"Just, kiss her or something!" he said rolling his eyes, "Be bold for once!"
"How is that gonna-"
"Right now!" John said, "Kiss her right now and then walk away, just to see what she does." I shook my head and got up. I leaned against the brick wall as the train pulled up. Serena stood next to me and she took my hand in hers.
"You should call them back." I said gently. She frowned as I looked at her. I really wanted to kiss her.
"Call who-" I didn't let her finish before I kissed her lips quickly. Her eyes got wide and she blushed and put her hand over her lips.
"Let's go." I mumbled walking away, over to the train. John clapped me on the back as we boarded the plane.
"Good job, Georgie." He winked at me. I rolled my eyes and sat down in a seat with the pack I was carrying. Serena plopped next to me and as the train started to move, she put her head on my shoulder and she nuzzled into the side of my neck before she sighed and closed her eyes.
I put my arm around her and she put hers around my waist. I saw John smirk at me from his seat as Lilly snuggled into him. He didn't seem to mind and I suddenly wondered why he was letting her get so close to him. He never let a lot of people cuddle him and he wasn't really one for underaged teenagers, especially insecure ones.
This was definitely the most interesting trip I've ever been on, and I'd been on a lot of trips.

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