Chapter Thirty-Six: Lilly's POV

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Lilly's POV-
Serena walked outo f the kitchen. She actually just walked out of the kitchen! I mean it was awkward and everything, but sheesh! I know we fought, but she could have at least tried to make conversation! I knew she had a hard time apologizing for things, so I decided to go after her. I saw Stryker pulling her down the hall, so I followed.
Bad idea. Very Bad idea. Very very very very bad idea.
I opened the door to Stryker's room and instantly flushed. There they were, Stryker and Serena, standing there in the middle of the room lockin' lips like there was no tomorrow. I didn't make a sound as I slowly backed away and shut the door behind me. I shivered as Neal walked down the hall. He laughed.
"What was that?" He asked nodding to the door. I shivered again.
"Serena and Stryker are pretty much making out in there." I said scrunching my nose up. Neal laughed and we walked down the hall together. "I mean they shut the door before I got in there, but ew." Neal laughed again and he snatched my hand up as we walked. We sat down in the living room together and I leaned against his chest. He put his arm around me and I sighed. We were the only ones, other than John and Beatrice in the room. John was holding Beatrice in his lap and she was falling asleep while the TV played the best show on the planet. The Monkees. It was the episode where Davy Jones helped the poor little shy doppleganger prince snag a girl to marry.
George walked in and sat down next to John. He looked embarrassed, but I wasn't sure what by. Perhaps he saw Stryker kissing Serena too.
Beatrice gasped and climbed over onto the couch to curl up next to him. George put his arm around her with a smile before she actually closed her eyes and went to sleep. It was cute to see, and I knew that George had made her feel better when we were at Bellamy's. She was a bit attatched to him.
After the show ended and Davy kissed the girl, George made a childish 'ew' sound and John joined in. I laughed at them and Neal chuckled at them right when Louise, Midge, Cindy, and Lina all walked in and sat down in various places.
"Alright we have some things to talk over." Louise said clapping her hands together. I stood up suddenly.
"We need Stryker and Serena." I said quickly, "Hang on." I ran out of the room and down the hall. I knocked on Stryker's door. I slowly and hesitantly pushed it open to find Stryker lying on the bed with his arms wrapped around Serena as she cuddled up to him.
"Sorry to interrupt," I said awkwardly, "Louise wants to talk." Serena sighed and sat up. She got up off the bed and walked out of the room. Stryker stayed on the bed and said he'd be there in a minute. I believed him and followed Serena.
I sat back down next to Neal on the couch and Serena sat next to me as Stryker walked in. He sat on the arm of the couch next to Serena.
"Alrighty, now that we're all here," Louise said seriously, "We leave in the morning. Stryker, you are clearly in charge of watching out for Beatrice. I'm sure John and George can looked after themselves and help you if there's any trouble, but there shouldn't be. It's a quick plane trip and agents are picking you up. Make sure you get in the right car. You must be absolutely positive that you get in right car with the right people."
Stryker nodded and the conversation went on.
"Midge is taking Cindy and Lina to Paul's back in California to get supplies. They'll meet the rest of you at Friar Park eventually. They'll be hitch hiking on the way back, so I don't know how long it will take to get to you." Louise said, "Just please all of you be careful."
"You know we will." Stryker said quietly. I looked at Serena and she had gone a bit pale. I didn't know if it was because she was scared or if she was worried about whether she'd ever see Lina after tonight. I didn't know, and I knew I was feeling both.
"Now, all of you get something to eat for dinner and then go to bed. You'll need your sleep." Louise stood up and took a look in George's direction. I wondered if she was worried about him.
"Georgie, you mind letting Beatrice bunck with you tonight?" George shook his head and looked down at the little girl snuggled up to him. "Alright, I'll let the rest of you figure out who sleeps where, just no girls in the boy's rooms please?" I giggled and Serena blushed before Louise walked back out of the room.
"I'm not hungry." I said getting up, "I'm going to bed." I walked out the room and into the bedroom I was told I was allowed to sleep in. I didn't really know where we were all sleeping, but there were enough couches sure, but a lot of us wanted to sleep on a bed. I crawled into the bed and pulled the covers over my head. I closed my eyes when the door opened.
"Lilly," It was Serena.
"Yeah?" I asked peaking over the covers.
"Can I sleep in here?" She asked. I nodded and scooted over. She got in the bed next to me and we were just looking at each other for a while. Until Serena sighed.
"I'm sorry." She blurted. I looked at her and laughed, "I shouldn't have yelled at you. It's not your fault. None of anything I said is true and I'm sorry I said it."
"It's OK." I said, "I know this is all really difficult, and trust me. I really wanna go home too."
"But that's the problem." Serena sighed and turned on her back, "I don't wanna go home. I'll do anything to not go home. I'd rather be here, far far away from home doing anything possible. I guess that's probably why I was so upset. I realized I'd just rather not be home when everyone else just wanted to go back home." I nodded and yawned.
"Yeah well," I said curling up in a ball, "I'm going to sleep."
"Goodnight Lil." Serena said clsoing her eyes.
"Goodnight Rena." I said with a sigh, "Oh by the way, I saw you kissing Stryker." Serena squealed lightly and covered her face with the blankets. I smirked and turned over and went to sleep, feeling much better than before.

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