Chapter Eleven: George's POV

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George's POV-
"What the hell was that!?" I hollered at the top of my lungs. We were all staring at John. He was panting, but he'd just saved Lina. She was looking at him funny and Cindy was looking at Lina like she'd done something wrong.
"You saved Lina!" Serena said grabbing him and hugging him, "Thank you!" He shoved her off of him and scowled.
"Well we couldn't just leave her could we?" He asked brushing himself off. Serena sighed and realized he wasn't gonna except her thank you.
"Who are you?" Lilly asked. We all looked at her and then followed her gaze to a guy with dark hair and dark eyes. Serena was gawking at him and I felt my jealously flaring up again.
"Daniel Stryker." he said sesriously, "Or Stryker."
"So..." Lilly said also staring at him, "You're Daniel."
"Stryker." he corrected sternly. Lilly held up her hands as if to surrender. I wasn't really sure how to feel about him so far.
"Styker." She repeated with a nod.
"Who are you?" John said seriously. He seemed to be sick of people ignoring our questions. I was too, but it was nice having someone with similar feelings about it.
"He just said, John," Lilly said rolling her eyes. I frowned. Why was she acting that way? Weren't they 'buddies' or whatever?
"No, I meant..." John sighed and looked like he didn't like Lilly being mad at him. He didn't finish his sentence, but he didn't really have to.
"I can't tell you who I am right now, but you're gonna have to trust me." Stryker said.
"And why's that?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest. We didn't really have to do anything.
"Because," Stryker smirked, "I'm you're only chance to get to Beverly Hills." I frowned and I looked at Serena who was grinning. She giggled and I rolled my eyes.
"How'd you know wer were going to Bverly Hills?" Lina sneered. She clearly didn't like this Stryker character either.
"Well those guys aren't the only ones looking for you." Stryker scoffed, "I mean come on! George Harrison and John Lennon back from the dead!? This is the biggest thing to happen since....since forever!" He seemed a bit too excited before he went back to his serious self, "But it's not important why we're looking for you. What is important is getting you to Paul and then possibly to Ringo if we can."
"Ringo?" I asked. I didn't expect him to come into this at all. I was hoping we'd meet up with Paul, but I didn't even think about Ringo, "He'll be there too?"
Stryker nodded, "Most likely. He visits Paul around Christmas time every year and he's there now, I know. We just have to get you there." he said, "And there will be a few others there that I'm sure you'd like to see again."
"Like who?" John asked looking like he was hoping for someone in particular. Yoko no doubt, but I'm sure Paul wouldn't invite Yoko Ono to his house after everything that went down between them.
"Like Olivia and Dhani," Stryker looked at me and my heart stopped briefly. I gasped and found myself making eye contact with Serena as he continued, "And Julian and Cynthia most likely." I barely heard that. I was too focused on Olivia and Dhani. I was gonna get to see them again? How was this gonna work? I looked like I was 21 again! Dhani is even older than I looked! My head was spinning and I couldn't think until I started thinking about Serena. What would she think of me? I've flirted and played around with her this whole time and now I was gonna see Olivia, my wife, and Dhani, my son. What was I gonna do then? She looked back at me and blinked before she looked back at Stryker.
"What about food?" Serena asked. Her voice pulled me from my thoughts and slight panic. I looked at her closely and she didn't seem bothered by what Stryker had said
"Oh, right, you must be starving." Stryker said, "I'm afraid however that we can't really stop right now. These will have to tide you over until we get into California at least." He passed out water bottles and granola bars and some cheese and bread. We took it and Lilly thanked him gently. He climbed up into the front seat and we all just looked at each other.
Serena was unusually quiet as she ate her food. She didn't look at me and it hurt a little bit. Lilly was clearly upset with something John did, and Cindy and Lina were acting weird whispering to each other. I ran my hands over my face as I leaned forward on my knees. What was happening here? All the girls seemed to be upset or mad in some way and that's not how this was supposed to happen!
I wasn't even hungry with the thought of Serena being upset and I hadn't felt that way about a girl being upset in quite a long time, and I wasn't really sure what to do about it. When I finally made up my mind to ask her if she was alright, she'd gone to sleep, curled up in her seat next to me. I looked around and saw that everyone had gone to sleep. How long had I been thinking about this? I rolled my eyes and ate the food I was given before I decided to try and sleep some more. I figured to grab as much sleep as I could, since I was sure I wasn't gonna get much pretty soon.
I leaned back against the seat and closed my eyes. I was dozing off when a kiss was planted on my cheek. I opened my eyes and looked at Serena. She gave a small smile and I tucked her hair behind her ear.
"Are you alright?" she whispered. I shrugged and she put her head against my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her.
"I don't know." I said back, "I'm a bit nervous...and confused....and then nervous again." She giggled quietly and I kissed the top of her head. Her arm slid around my waist and she closed her eyes.
"Why're you confused?" She asked.
"Well, I just...I really like you, really, but then there's-"
"Olivia," She finished. I sighed and nodded before I buried my nose in her hair, "George, I like you, I always have, even when you were still...ya know...but I also knew I couldn't have you even if you were still alive. I like Olivia. She's been one of my heroes since I found out she's was your wife, and I've always wanted to meet her, whether you were there or not. And I didn't just like her because she was married to you or that she's Dhani's mom either. I like her because of all the things she does for people and all the things she's done so people remember you and what you've done for people."
"So..." I didn't have a clue what she was trying to say to me.
She laughed and nuzzled into my shoulder, "So! I'm saying that if you think you have to choose for some reason, which is kind of dumb to me, but if you think you should choose between me or Olivia, I really think that you should choose her over me."
"Why?" She asked raising her eyebrows, "Why? George you love her. I know you do. Every picture I've ever seen of you together it's so obvious that you love each other! Look at this OK? Just let me show you." She dug out her mobile phone and pulled up a photo.
It was a black and white photo of Olivia and me. She was leaning against a wall holding a rose that I'd given to her and I was standing in front of her leaning on my hand against the wall over her head. It was in my mustache years and I thought I looked completely ridiculous. But I knew what she meant when she said you could tell we loved each other. Just the way she looked at me was enough, then me looking at her with a smile, I could barely stand it.
"See?" Serena asked as I took the phone out of her hand and looked at the photo, "Choose her, George." She said gently before she kissed my cheek twice and she went back to sleep. Leaving me to hold her phone with the photo on it. I couldn't stop looking at it and I knew this was gonna kill me if I kept looking. I already wanted to see her more and the longer I looked at it the longer I wished we were already at Paul's.
Around 2 a.m. we drove past the California state line. I was getting a little too excited here and I decided to try and sleep some. I knew if I was exhausted when we got to Paul's that I wasn't gonna be a happy camper.
I cuddled down into Serena, despite the fact that she'd practically told me to back off, and I went to sleep for a few hours.

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