Chapter Sixteen: John's POV

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**John's POV-**

Serena was still in danger, and it had been at least two hours. She had bled out quite a lot, and I could tell Stryker was getting worried. We still hadn't landed and I knew our time was running low. We had to get Lilly, George and Beatrice for Paul!
"Where are we going, Stryker?" Lina asked from her seat. She couldn't stop looked at her sister, bleeding lying across two seats. Stryker looked at her and he sighed.
"We're going to get Serena help." He said firmly, "After that I'll come up with something."
"But where will that be?" I asked trying not to sound so angry. I came to realize, nothing was going to get done if I was angry.
"I can't tell you." Stryker said seriously, "But we're here now, so try and keep up." I gritted my teeth and didn't reply as the helicopter landed on top of a large building in the middle of nowhere. We all quickly piled out and I carried Serena out. Stryker tried, but I wasn't gonna let him touch anyone.
Everything was pure white, and I was following Stryker into another white room with a bed in it. I laid Serena down on the bed as two women walked in.
"What's happened?" one of them asked.
"Not important." Stryker said seriously, "Fix her up the best you can. We have to be out of here by the morning."  The women nodded and then we were ushered out of the room.
Four other similar looking girls walked up and smiled, "We'll be showing you where you'll be sleeping." one said, "Follow me, please." One looked at me and gestured. I nodded and I followed her to a room, not far from Serena's.
It was just as bright and white as The rest of the building, and I had to squint to see correctly. "Here is where you'll be sleeping," she said gently. She handed me a blanket and a pillow, "Here you go, sleep well."
"Uh, thanks." I mumbled hoarsely. I was tired beyond belief and I really needed sleep, but I was worried. What was gonna happen to Serena? How were they gonna fix her up enough for her to go along with us tomorrow? She was incredibly pale in the helicopter and she was barely conscious. And what were we gonna do about Lilly and Beatrice? Paul looked beyond scared of what was gonna happen to his daughter. I thought about George and what he was doing and where he and Lilly were.
The longer I laid there in that bed the more I found I missed having Lilly curled up against me. Of course I didn't really like it all that much when she was actually doing it, but now I missed her. I wanted her back, no matter how annoying she was at the time.
"Just goes to show, you don't know what you have until it's gone." I sighed. I turned over and closed my eyes. I needed to sleep. We were leaving in the morning, and I was really wondering how Serena would be OK by sunrise, but Stryker was sure she'd be well enough to travel.
I must have fallen asleep because I was suddenly being shaken roughly.
"C'mon John wake up and put these on." I heard. The voice sounded like Lilly but as I sat up and looked I saw Serena. She looked a bit pale, but over all she looked perfectly fine. She didn't even look like she'd been bleeding heavily twelve hours ago.
"Sorry," I grumbled, "You OK?" Serena nodded and sat next to me. I didn't know if she was caught up on what was going on, but I could tell she was put out by something.
"I'm fine. I've just got this little scar." She pulled her shirt up off her hip and I saw a little tiny scar. She then showed the back of her shoulder. "See? Barely anything there." I touched her shoulder and she shivered.
"That's...nice." I said before she turned back around. She looked at me for a second before she looked at the floor.
"Um, I should go and find Lina." She said gently, "Um, Stryker said to meet us in the lobby."
"Yeah OK." I said. I watched Serena turn to leave. She stopped like she wanted to say something, but she sighed and opened the door, "Uh Serena, you know you annoy me beyond belief, but we can talk. You know, if you want to?" Serena didn't turn around, but she stopped in the doorway and nodded.
"Thank you, John." She said quietly before she walked away, shutting the door behind her. I got dressed and I ruffled my teddy hair. Why did I end up being a teddy boy? I made a disgusted face in the mirror and I flattened my hair down, like it was when I was a Beatle. I liked that much better. Reminded me of Stuart.
When I was dressed I went down tot he lobby to find Serena and Stryker sitting on a couch waiting for everybody. I sat next to Serena and she and Stryker both looked at me. I raised my eyebrows and Serena started giggling.
I frowned at her and she covered her face to stifle her laughing, "John what did you do to your hair?" She giggled. I rolled my eyes and shoved her lightly.
"What's wrong with it?" I asked running my hand through my hair.
"Nothing!" Serena said swatting my hand away and brushing it back down, "I like it!"
"Then why are you laughing?" I asked rolling my eyes at her. She smiled as Lina and Cindy suddenly appeared from what appeared to be nowhere. Lina hugged Serena quickly and I was surprised she was actually seeming to care about what happened to her sister, since she seemed a bit emotionless recently. Cindy didn't seem to be a bit bothered by the fact that her 17 year old sister had been kidnapped. She was dressed in a t shirt and a pair of shorts and tennis shoes. Lina and Serena were dressed in a similar fashion and I was dreading the possibility of walking hundreds of miles.
"So..." I said cutting into the tension I didn't realize had appeared, "What next?"
"Well we don't have a car, so we're gonna have to hike until we get to Durango, Colorado." Stryker said glancing at me with a bit of disliking.
"OK!" Serena said bouncing in her place. I frowned at her and she giggled, "I'm dying to do something."
"I have a van waiting for us in Durango to take us to Branson, Missouri." Stryker said, "That's where we can get the location where Midge, Lilly, and Beatrice are most likely being held."
  "Who's in Missouri?" I asked making a face.
"George's sister," Serena said with a gasp, "Yeah! Hey is she the one who we're gonna see?" 
Stryker nodded and I raised my eyebrows, "Louise is in Missouri? I thought she was in Illinois?"
"She moved." Stryker said with a smirk. "Right, well then I guess we're going to Missouri then." I said with a sigh.
  "Let's go then." Stryker said taking hold of Serena's hand and he pulled her with him out to the hall. I rally didn't want to walked all the way to Durango, Colorado.

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