Chapter Fifty-Two: John's POV

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John's POV-
Holding babies wasn't my forte usually, but this baby was my baby. This little girl was mine. She was gorgeous with blue eyes and a cute little nose. I've only had boys before. I didn't have any idea what to expect from a little girl.
"What do we call her?" Lilly asked. I sat down on the bed she was set up in. She sounded exhausted.
"What do you want to call her?" I asked queitly. The little girl wiggled in my arms and I adjusted her gently, so she didn't wake up.
"I've always liked Valerie." She said resting her chin on my shoulder. I smiled lightly and nodded.
"Valerie it is." I said as Neal came in with a plastic cup of ice water.
"Here ya go, Lilly." He said handing it to her. She smiled and nodded to him in thanks. She sipped at it and Neal leaned over to look at Valerie. "Aren't you a cutie."
"Of course I am!" Lilly said in a baby voice. Neal chuckled and looked at her.
"Sorry to say this, but Dhani and I gotta get back. Olivia called him and said that Midge and Louise showed up." He said putting his hands in his pockets.
"Oh wow, I nearly forgot about them." Lilly said adjusting the pink blanket wrapped around Valerie.
"Yeah, Dhani said Olivia doesn't trust them." He said heading for the door, "He also said George and Serena have an idea." He waggled his eyebrows before he left agian. I laughed at him and Lilly took Valerie out of my arms. I leaned back with her against the pillows. I kissed her cheeks and she smiled.
"Look at her," She whispered, "I've never seen anything so perfect." I put my arm around her shoulders and smiled.
"I have." I kissed her lips lightly and she blushed.

We couldn't go back to Frair Park until the following afternoon. Dhani came to pick us up with Serena. Dhani had to bring a baby carrier for Valerie since we didn't have one. When they came into Lilly's room, Lilly had barely put the baby down before Serena wrapped her arms around her.
"Serena, I'm fine!" She said hugging her back, "Perfectly fine!"
"I know." Serena said pulling away, "I was just worried about you." Lilly smiled at her and Serena gasped.
"Oh there's something I gotta tell you!" She said excitedly.
"Not now," Dhani said seriously, "In the car. We gotta go." I nodded and picked up Valerie in her car seat.
In the car, Serena was bouncing in her seat. "Okay, so Midge is back and she's been spending a lot of time with Stryker." She said quickly, "So you know how my power I can change the way I look right? Well I'm gonna get to know Midge." I frowned and leaned forward to talk to her. Lilly mimicked me.
"Um, She hates you Rena." I said, in case she'd forgotten. Lilly slapped my arm and I frowned, "What was that for?"
"She's gonna use her power," She said laughing, "That's brilliant."
"But what if she realizes that you two are never in the same room?" I asked. I thought it was a valid point, but Dhani just shrugged.
"Midge hates Serena, so she wouldn't care about her whereabouts. She isn't going to think about where Serena is." He said, "And the house is so big, it's easy not to be in the same room with the same two people all the time."
"Yeah but what about meals?" Lilly asked, "If Midge figures out that only one of you is there every night, she'll start to wonder where you or you're new allias is."
"I've asked Mum to let us all fend for ourselves for meals." Dhani said, "So if someone isn't at the table for dinner or something then it's not that big of a deal."
"But she insisted on keeping breakfast." Serena said, "Which is fine because not everyone wakes up for breakfast, so it wouldn't matter if one of us didn't show up."
"Its a good plan, really." Dhani said as we pulled up to Friar Park. "I just hope Midge isn't anywhere between the front door and upstairs."
"Why?" Lilly asked as she got out.
"Because I'm supposed to 'take our new guest' upstairs." Serena got out of the front seat and I carried in Valerie. Serena ran upstairs quickly and carefully, and George came down, making her squeal. I smirked as she yelled at him for scaring her. George laughed as he came the rest of the way down the steps and smiled at me.
"Hello," He said sitting on the couch. Valerie started to cry. Lilly took her out of the car seat and smiled a little. Valerie stopped crying and George got back up to see her, "And hello to you!" He said excitedly gentle.
"You can hold her?" Lilly said quietly. George grinned and took Valerie from her. He cuddled her and sat down on the couch.
"She's adorable." He said making a funny face at her. Lilly sat between me and George and she ruffled George's hair.
"Aw, I didn't know Georgie liked babies." She teased. He made a face at her and she laughed at him, "I'm only teasing you."
"I know." He said as Midge and Stryker came downstairs whispering.
"Hey," I said nodding to them. Midge looked over and she nodded back and looked at the baby. She actually smiled and came closer to see.
"Aw, how cute!" She said, letting Valerie grab onto her finger, "What's her name?"
"Valerie." I said watching her closely.
"It suits her." She said looking up at me, "Pretty name for a pretty little girl." She smiled and stood up. George looked up at her and then at me. He looked just as confused as I was. Midge walked toward the kitchen and Stryker sat down in the armchair nearby. He looked disinterested in the baby, which was fine by me.
"Where's Serena?" Stryker asked, causing George to stiffen. "I wanted to ask her something."
"What?" George asked handing Lilly to Valerie. He stood up and started toward.
"What's it matter to you?" Stryker asked as Dhani walked in, "I haven't talked to her in a while."
"Who?" Dhani asked, from out of nowhere. George spun around and he glared at Dhani.
"Serena." Stryker said getting up, "I wanted to talk to her." He was looking at George strangely. He must know George didn't like him. I wouldn't like him either if he was messing about with my girl. I don't like him actually.
"She's upstairs," Dhani said, "Helping Sophie settle in."
"Sophie?" Styrker asked frowning, "Who's Sophie?"
"Oh she's a girl that Ringo knows." Dhani said, "Her mum and Dad are in The AAL, and they wanted to keep her safe, so they sent her here."
Stryker didn't respond. He just went upstairs. George watched him go and he clentched his fists.
"He's going to talk to her now, but he's not going to find her." George said to Dhani. He rolled his eyes at George.
"Serena's smart," He said seriously, "She can figure it you." At that moment a girl with jet black hair, blue eyes, and tan skin. She was wearing a yellow sundress and white flats. She hopped down the last two steps.
"Hiya, I'm Sophie!" She said. She had a cute smile, and I'd almost forgotten she was actually Serena. "That Daniel guy was kinda creepy. Is he on our side?"
"Debatable." George said looking her over, "How old are you, Sophie?"
Sophie twirled in her spot, "I'm 18," She said, "How old are you?"
"72." He said shortly. Serena made a face at him and she kissed his cheek. She looked him in the eyes and they were talking, I knew they were. George's expression softened and 'Sophie' Spun around and walked toward the kitchen.
"Welp, I'm hungry. I'm gonna go get a sandwich or something." I laughed as she left.
"This might actually work." Lilly said as Valerie started to fuss. I took her from Lilly and bounced her gently.
"Of course it will work," I said to Valerie, "If it doesn't Georgie Worgie gets to beat up Stryker." Valerie smiled at me and I ticked her chin. She giggled and I looked at Lilly. She was watching me closely. She was smiling at me. I winked at her and she moved over to me. She kissed me and then she leaned over and kissed Valerie.
"I'm gonna go take a nap, okay?" She asked. I nodded and kissed her cheek. She deserved a nap, "You can keep Valerie for a while."
"Course!" I said smiling, "If not, I'm sure Sophie would like to help." Lilly ruffled my hair and rolled her eyes. She walked upstair and I leaned back into the cushions on the couch. Valerie yawned and her little fingers curled around mine. I cuddled her for a while, and it was quiet in the room. George and Dhani walked out together, seeming to get over whatever confliction that was between them.
I closed my eyes and dozed off for a while myself.

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