Chapter Seventeen: George's POV

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George's POV-
It was dark. Again. I really hated the dark. I'd spent too much time in the dark already. I didn't have a clue where Lilly and Beatrice were I just hoped they were somewhat close together. Beatrice had looked scared out of her mind. Lilly had looked just as scared, but she seemed to be able to handle it better.
"C'mon, George." I mumbled to myself, "There's gotta be a way out of here." I looked around the small room a I was put in. It had no windows and one dim light in the corner of the room. There was a cot with only a pillow in the corner. Next to the bed was a sink and a toilet. The door was directly across from the bed and I knew I wasn't getting out that way. There was an air vent, but it was too high up to reach.
Immediately after the helicopter landed a hood was put over my head and I heard Beatrice and Lilly start to protest. They both said my name worriedly, but I didn't get the chance to console them before I was dragged blindly by one of the big men who'd been operating the helicopter.
I was thrown in the room and my hood was taken off. I didn't have a clue where I was or why I was even here. I blew the air out of my cheeks and put my hands on my head as I paced my little room. My shoulder was still hurting at a worrisome level, but there wasn't anything to show I had been injured. No bruise or cut was there.
I stopped and looked around again. There had to be someway out! I was pondering this again when the big metal door opened and a big guy put hand cuffs on me.
"What are you doing?" I asked wincing as he put them on a little too tight.
The man, who I remember was called Ken, smirked and grabbed me by the elbow, "You're going to meet the big man!" He said before he roughly jerked me out of the small dark room into an overly bright hallway. I couldn't see most of the way down the hall, and I stumbled and tripped as Ken pulled me around corners and into sharp turns. He seemed to be wanting me to fall and trip. I tried not to give him the satisfaction, but I did fall completely on my face when he jerked me to a sharp left. I smacked into the wall and tripped over Ken's feet.
"C'mon Harrison, stay on your feet will ya?" Ken demanded jerking me off the floor and then shoving me into a rather large room. It was set up like an office, and it was darker than the hall, but not as dark as my little cell. "The Man will in to see you soon. Have a seat." Like I had much of a choice. I was slammed down into a metal fold up chair. My cuffs weren't removed, but I could get up and walk around. I didn't think I'd be allowed to, but I was still capable.
I sat in the metal chair for a total of ten mintues before I was begining to get impatient. I had to get out of here. This would probably be my only chance to get out and look for Beatrice and Lilly. I got up slowly and looked for a way out of these hand cuffs. I saw a paperclip and went for it. It had been sitting on the big oak desk and I had to walk around it to grab the clip. I picked it up and jimmied it in the little lock as I looked at the desk. There were files stacked up with my name on them. I cocked my head to the side and frowned. When I got myself out of the cuffs I put them on the desk and opened the top file.
It turned out that mine was the one under it, and this one was Serena's. I frowned more as I looked through all the information they had on her. They had her age, her birthday, blood type, what schools she attended in Elementary School, al the places she and her family lived, and much much more. I wondered how they got all this information as I flipped through a bunch of photos of Serena as a little girl. She was really cute. There were lots of photos of her and her older sister, Kaylie when they were little. There were tons more of Serena and Lina together as they got older. They were clearly the closer pair of sisters.
I closed Serena's file and picked up my own. There wasn't much. Nothing that everyone didn't already know. Where I went to school in Liverpool. My family, and wives and my son. The Beatles and all the stuff most people thought was easy trivia. There weren't any photos however. I put it back down and looked at the stack. I couldn't go through all these and still have time to look for Beatrice and Lilly.
As the thought came to mind the door opened and a man was standing in front of me. He was tall and he was wearing a suit with a silk black tie. He wore sunglasses and I looked at him blankly. I didn't say a word, and neither did he. He was rather intimidating to say the least.
"Ah, Mr. Harrison." he said in a cool voice as he stepped toward me and his desk, "I'm a big fan. I've been looking for you for quite a long time."
"I've noticed." I responded, not budging from my spot. If I moved it would appear I was frightened of him, and I wasn't gonna give him that upper hand. "Where are my friends?"
"You'll find out." The man said, "But I was hoping you wouldn't have to. Since you've managed out of your hand cuffs, I'll have to send you to them instead of back to your nice comfy cell!" He looked genuinely put out by the thought, but I didn't let that fool me. It got me closer to Beatrice and Lilly.
"Who are you?" I asked still without moving.
"I can't tell you that can I?" The man asked with a pout. I gritted my teeth in annoyance, "But I will give you a second chance. If you tell me where John Lennon and the rest of your posse are and I'll let you stay in your lovely cell instead of where those girls are." I didn't speak, not that I knew where the others were now. I needed to make sure Lilly and Beatrice were OK. I didn't care how much worse off they were.
"Fine," The man said sounding a bit angry, "Ken! Get him out of here and take him to cell 64." Ken came in and roughly grabbed my arms. He drug me down the bright hallway and around six turns before he tossed me into an even darker cell than my last one. I banged on the door right after it was shut and tried to get back out.
"George!" Lilly said rushing to me. I stumbled a bit and put my arms around her.
"You OK?" I asked pulling her back. She had a bruised cheek and she had a bloody lip.
"I'm fine," She said. She looked like she'd been crying.
"Who did that?" I asked angrily. Lilly shook her head and glanced back at Beatrice.
"They were trying to hurt Beatrice." She whispered, "I couldn't just let them hurt her." I nodded and turned around to see Beatrice curled up in the corner. She had tears falling down her cheeks and I left Lilly to make sure she was really alright and not injured in anyway.
"Hey," I said gently, "I'm George, remember?" Beatrice sniffled and nodded.
"You were at my house." She said quietly. I nodded and offered my hand to her. She took it and scooted closer to me.
"Are you OK?" I asked gently, "They didn't hut you or anything?" Beatrice shook her head as Lilly came to sit back down. She sat on my other side.
"I'm OK." Beatrice sniffled, "Are we gonna get out of here? I wanna go home." I put my arm around her and nodded.
"I'll get us out of here." I promised, "I'll find a way eventually."
"But how?" Lilly asked putting her head on my shoulder. I shrugged lightly.
"I don't know yet." I sighed, "Hopefully Stryker and John are coming to find us and they'll get us out."
"But what if they don't?" Lilly choked, "What if they leave us here to die?"
"They wouldn't do that." I said seriously, "Not John anyway. And I'm sure Serena won't let Stryker leave us here either." Lilly nodded and pulled her knees up to her chest. Beatrice curled up into my side and she closed her eyes. I had no idea what time of day it was, but Lilly seemed just as exhausted. She closed her eyes as well and I thought I might as well go to sleep while I could.

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