Chapter Fifty-Three: George's POV

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George's POV-
Where are you? Serena wasn't in her room. It was late, and most everyone had gone to bed, but she wasn't in her room.
What? She sounded confused.
Where are you? I was standing in her doorway, but there was no Serena.
Oh, Stryker wanted to walk Sophie to her room.  It had been about a week since 'Sophie' joined the group, and Stryker seemed to be all over her. I was actually starting to see a pattern with this guy.
Oh stop it. He didn't do anything.
Yet...I sighed and left her room, so you're in Sophie's room? It was odd how we talked about her like she was a real person.
Yeah, but don't come in here! I was half way there. Sophie's room was just four doors from mine, eight from Serena's. I stopped at my door and frowned.
Why not?
He's watching my door. I tried to leave, to go to my room when he walked me here, but he refused. He said he had to follow through. He was trying to be smooth.
He's watching your door? This lad was making me angry. He was taking things a few steps to far. Serena, I'm not gonna just let him-
George, it's not hurting anything!
Spying on you? I opened my bedroom door in case he was watching her door. I didn't want to seem suspicious. I stopped as I was about to shut my door. You know what? No. What do I care if he sees me coming in your room? I'm allowed to talk to Sophie, aren't I?
Late at night? She sounded skeptical. I came back out of my room and walked down to her door. I didn't even knock.
Yup.  I walked in and shut the door. She still looked like Sophie, in case Stryker came back. I flopped onto the bed with her and smiled.
"He's gonna think that-"
"Don't care." I said shaking my head. She gave me a straight expression and I shrugged at her.
"Why're you here?" She asked sighing. I shrugged again and she crossed her arms. "George, Stryker is gonna get suspicious. If you don't go he'll think that you-"
"I don't care." I said sitting up.
"I don't understand you." She said shaking her head, "You act like you don't want Stryker to think anything about me, and then you do crap like this. It's gonna make him think that-"
"I. Don't. Care." I said shaking my head again. And I didn't. Stryker can think what he wants about me. It didn't matter what he thought. She was quiet for a long time, so I broke the silence, "Who are you going to be tomorrow?" She shrugged and she pulled the sheets up to her chest.
"If I go back to my room later, Stryker might come here looking for Sophie in the morning to walk her to breakfast." She said, "Might as well stay here."
"What if he tries to come look for you in the morning?" I asked watching her. I thought we were just making conversation, but she sounded agitated as she responded.
"I dunno, I'll make something up then!" She said throwing her hands around.
"You could make excuses for Sophie too." I pointed out. Serena groaned and got up from the bed. She ran her fingers through her hair and I frowned at her. "Something wrong...?"
"Yes!" She said, obviously trying not to yell. We'd made a deal after all. "George, I don't know who I'm supposed to be anymore! I thought you were okay with doing this whole Sophie thing! Now you get mad every time I show up as her. I can't understand who you want me to be!"
"Why do you care who I want you to be?" I asked, though I did like her better as Serena. Sophie was just a bit too ditzy.
She ran her hands over her face and shook her head, "I don't know! I don't like when you look at me the way you look at Stryker." I made a face and got up.
"What? I've never looked at you that way!" I protested, "Why would you-"
"You look at me like that every time Sophie walks in the room." She said crossing her arms. I didn't respond, but she went on, "Just tell me who to be."
"You never answered my question." I said taking a step toward her.
"You didn't answer mine either." She retorted quickly. I took another step.
"I asked you first." She raised an eyebrow at me and I sighed, "I want you to be you." I pressed my hands to her cheeks and I ran my fangers over her skin. Her face changed to her own, and I smiled a little. Instinctively, I pressed my forehead against hers and she closed her eyes. "But it doesn't matter what I want you to be. I can't stop you from doing anything." She looked up at me and she sighed. She cleared her throat and I let go of her quickly.
"Uh, course not." She said awkwardly. I rubbed the back of my neck and glanced at her.
"Uh, I'm gonna...go." I said turning toward the door.
"Okay." She said shyly. I walked out of her room and started to my own with a sigh. "Oh, wait, George." I groaned and pressed my hand to my forehead. I turned around right as Serena caught up to me. I'd only passed a door or two, but just as she reached me, she grabbed me by the front of my shirt and slammed her lips onto mine. I was surprised, and I found my hand on her elbow for support.
When she pulled away, she smiled a little and quickly turned away. She looked back at me as she went into Sophie's room before she closed the door. I grinned and turned to go to my own room. But I slammed into Stryker. I hit the floor before I realized who It was.
"Careful, Harrison." He said, his hands in his pockets. I got up and stared him down. I wasn't really sure what he wanted from me, "You might just lose your little girlfriend if she sees you like that with Sophie."
"Thanks for the advice..." I said slowly walking into my room. I shut the door and leaned against it. You hear that?
Serena giggled, I told you he'd think-
It's your fault! I smiled and I heard her laugh again. It was nice hearing her happy. She never really seemed to be.

In the morning, she came downstairs as Sophie. I made an effort to smile at her, but I don't think she noticed. She'd been right when she said Stryker would come and escort her to breakfast. They sat next to each other and Stryker poured her some orange juice. It was odd because Serena didn't like orange juice, but Sophie might. She sipped it, but she didn't look like she wanted to.
You don't like orange juice.
I know. Bleh.
I tried not to laugh at her, but she made a face at me and I nearly spewed my own orange juice. Olivia raised her eyebrows at me and I coughed a little.
"Sorry." I said grabbing a napkin, "Swallowed wrong."
"So," Stryker said, "What's Serena been up to, Harrison? I haven't seen much of her recently. I'd really like to talk to her about a few things."
"She's been-" Dhani and I both started talking at the exact same time. He cleared his throat and continued, "She's just been busy, working on controlling her powers."
"What are her powers?" Stryker asked. I forgot he didn't know about it.
"She doesn't know her main power." I said putting butter on my toast, "Just the telepathy so far."
"Just like you, Soph!" Stryker said smiling. She smiled at him and cleverly took a bite of her eggs so she didn't have to answer. "Speaking of you, Sophie, you promised to tell me about your parents." her eyes got wide and she looked at Dhani.
"I did?"
"She did?" Dhani asked roughly. I kicked him under the table and he winced and glared at me.
"Oh, well I'm not sure what I'd tell you." She said laughing. Dhani downed the rest of his coffee and got up.
"Stryker, I need your help with something." He said grabbing his sleeve, "Also, Midge, take Sophie to the garage and help her with her telekenisis." Midge got up and nodded. I looked at Serena and she winked at me before she left with Midge. I started hearing the entire conversation.
So, your parents are in the Alive Again Lookout?
Oh, yeah....It's all kinda weird tho.
Did they know each other? Before they died I mean.
Oh, No. They met on through Alive Again. Serena was actually having a nice conversation with Midge. Midge had actually started the conversation.
So, uh lets get to training I guess. Midge seemed awkward. There was something about her that seemed like she needed something. Maybe it was just someone her own age to talk to. She was surrounded by people who either hated her or were much older than her in some way. Sophie was someone she didn't know. Someone who didn't hate her. Someone she could talk to.

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