Chapter Twenty-Two: Lilly's POV

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Lilly's POV-
Why did I have to be left alone? It was dark in here, and I didn't like how quiet it was. George and Beatrice had been taken away and I was scared beyond all measures. I didn't know where they'd been taken or exactly how long I've been alone. I was sitting in the floor with my head leaned back and my eyes shut. I was hungry and I was feeling sick. I wondered if I'd ever get out of here. George said he'd find us a way out, but I was sure it had been days since I last saw him.
Suddenly, the door opened and a boy walked in. "Get up." He ordered. I did as I was told, but only because I was hoping he'd take me to where George and Beatrice were. "Come with me."
"Where?" I asked, following him anyway. He didn't answer as he led me down the hall and around a maze of corners until I was lightly pushed into an office-like room. The door was shut and I wasn't alone. A scary man in sunglasses, a silk tie, and nice suit trousers was standing over a girl who didn't look very much older than me or my friends. She was handcuffed to a chair and there was blood matted in her curly blond hair because of the deep gash on the side of her head.
The man looked up at me as the door shut and he smirked before he gestured for me to come to him. I didn't move.
"It's alright, Lilly." He reassured, "I won't hurt you."
"You hurt her." I said, shaking with fear. The man looked at the girl and then back at me.
"Oh, Midge here wasn't cooperating is all!" He said with a look of disappointment. "I won't hurt you because I know you'll cooperate, right Lilly?" I gulped and I saw Midge look at me with slight worry.
"Leave her out of it, Bellamy!" Midge ordered firmly, "She's got nothing to do with this! You know where Daniel is!" I gasped when he slapped her across the face.
"How do you know?" he growled back in her face. She winced and I watched in slight terror.
"Because you sent out your dopples." Midge whimpered.
"Wait!" I said forming some sort of realization as the man moved to hit her again "Are you talking about Daniel Stryker?"
"Why yes!" Bellamy said, "I'm trying to locate him." I felt myself becoming angry. Stryker was working for the bad guys?
"Why?" I asked folding my arms in front of me. The man chuckled darkly and gestured to another chair. I wasn't gonna sit down. I was gonna stay right where I was.
"Because he has something I need." The man said. I frowned and took in a slight breath of relief.
"What?" I asked bravely.
"A man."
"I'll be asking the questions from here, if you don't mind."
"I do mind." I said seriously, "Who are you?"
"My employees called me Mr. Bellamy." the man said leaning against his big desk. He smirked, "My turn, Do you know where Stryker is?"
"How would I know that?" I asked. Midge looked at me like something was about to go terribly wrong. "I haven't seen or spoken to anyone in days."
"But Stryker could have told you their plan." Bellamy said crossing his arms over his chest.
"Did you ask George all these questions?" I asked narrowing my eyes, "If he didn't know then why would I? Stryker didn't tell any of us anything."
"Now if I didn't believe Mr. Harrison when he told me that, then why would I believe you?" Bellamy asked scowling. I looked at Midge who seemed to be starting to panic a bit.
"I dunno," I said rolling my eyes, "If we said the same thing then it has to be true."
"Unless you practiced your stories." Bellamy accused. I made a face at him and shifted on my feet.
"I haven't seen him in days."
"That doesn't mean a thing."
"Bellamy!" Midge hollered, "She doesn't know anything, leave her alone!"
"Shut Up!" Bellamy hit her hard with the back of his hand, which had an unpleasantly painful looking ring on it. She yelped and turned her face away from him. I jumped a bit. "You, sit." He growled. I sat down in the chair he'd gestured to and he crouched down and got up in my face. "Tell me where Daniel Stryker is and I won't hurt you."
"I don't know." I said, frightened suddenly. Bellamy put his hands on my shoulders and squeezed a little too hard. I winced and he raised his eyebrows.
"You wanna try again?" he asked harshly.
"Leave her alone!" Midge said, "She doesn't know anything!"
"I told you to shut up!" Bellamy said looking at Midge with an evil glare. I shuddered as Bellamy moved back away form me and walked around his desk. He picked up a sharp looking pocket knife and I gasped. That didn't look good. "Now, you, Lilly, are gonna tell me where Stryker is one way or another." Bellamy walked up to me and he turned the knife around in his hand.
"But I don't know!" I cried, "I swear!" Bellamy didn't even give a warning before he pulled the knife's blade across my forearm. I screamed and tried to get free. I wasn't tied to the chair, but Bellamy refused to let me up.
"Now," Bellamy seethed, "Tell me where they are."
"Please," I begged, barely holding back my tears. Bellamy braced his knife to my other arm and I got ready for more pain when the door was shoved open.
"Sir!" The boy from before said looking alarmed, "We have a problem."
"What?" Bellamy asked moving his knife away from me in anger.
"There's been a security breach on the ground floor." The boy said nervously.
"Who is it?" Bellamy hollered loudly. I looked at Midge and she was looking a bit hopeful.
"It's just a bunch of kids."
"You're sure?" Bellamy said. There was a sudden chatter from the boy's ear piece he was wearing. I looked at him pleadingly and he looked back, looking unsre of what to do.
"No, It's Lennon and Stryker."
"Get them," Bellamy pointed to me and Midge, "Put them in Midge's cell. Get Stryker and Lennon and bring them to me. Kill the rest."
"What about Harrison?" The boy asked looking startled.
"Bring him and kill the other girl. They aren't needed anymore." Bellamy said. The boy nodded and grabbed my arm gently. He grabbed Midge and he led us out of the office as he relayed the information to his fellow guards. "And Neal, hurry up."
The boy nodded and walked a little faster. Neal pulled me and Midge down a flight of stairs and then he threw us into a cell that was the darkest I'd ever seen. Neal shut the door, but he was still inside.
"What are you doing?" I asked sniffling. My arm really hurt. He ripped up the bottom of his shirt and he wrapped it around my cut up arm.
"I'm trying to help." He said looking at me. Our eyes met and he gave me a slight smile before he tied up the makeshift bandage. I winced when he tied it a bit too tight, "Sorry. What's your name?"
"Lilly." I said, "Please, you have to stop them! They're going to kill my friends! And my sister!"
"Nope," Midge said running her fingers through her hair, trying to get some of the blood out of her hair. "Your sister isn't out there."
"Yes she is! She's with Stryker!" I said worriedly.
"No, your sister is with Harrison and the other little girl." Midge said, "I don't have time to explain it, but we have to get out of here, can you help us?" Neal looked at her and sighed roughly.
"I'll try, but if I get caught-"
"I know." Midge said queitly, "there's not much I would be able to do if you were caught, but please?" Neal nodded and took my hand in his unexpectedly.
"Try and keep up." he said to me before he pulled me out of the cell with Midge following behind us.

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