Chapter Sixty-Six: Lilly's POV

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Lilly's POV
I sat between Neal and Serena while they filled out paperwork. I looked over Serena's shoulder as she went through it. She filled out her name, age, death date, all the normal stuff. They had her fill in cause of death, where and when she woke up, what her powers were and how advanced she was in using them. When she had finished, she handed the pages to Midge and Midge walked off with them. She came back a few minutes later carrying an official looking badge and a key card.
"This card pays for your meals, unlocks the door to your bedroom, and gets you into nearly every other room. This badge is your identity. Don't lose it." Serena nodded as Neal finished with his paperwork. Midge went off again and Serena looked at her key card and badge. Midge came back with Neal's things and Serena shoved her things in her back pocket.
"We will get you the rest of your things when John and George get back with Dhani." She said as Neal pocketed his things as well.
"What else do we get?" Serena asked as we headed out of the offices. Midge turned around and walked backward as she talked.
"You get a gun, knife, and a phone." Neal looked impressed but Serena pursed her lips.
"I already have a phone." She said pulling it out of her pocket. Midge took it and looked at it for a moment. "I don't mind getting a new one, but I would like to keep the photos and music on it at least." Midge shrugged and handed it back.
"No problems with that." She said turning back around as we went through two large doors with the word CAFETERIA over them. I felt my stomach growl in anticipation as Midge handed me a tray to carry my meal on.
"So, where are John and George going with Dhani?" Neal asked taking a tray for himself. Midge grabbed a plate and handed it to me as she thought about a good response.
"They're on a mission. My guess would be they're going to get Valeri back." She said pulling out her key card. She paid for her food and then for mine before Serena and Neal did the same with their own cars.
"They're gonna get Val back?" I asked hopefully.
"That's their plan." We all sat down at a table together, "But listen, you absolutely, under any circumstances can not use your telepathy to talk to them." Serena scowled and put her fork down quickly.
"Why not?" I Asked before she could snap at Midge.
"Well it distracts them, and we don't know if they've been captured and their link with you is being used against them." Midge giving an example. "It's just not allowed. I'm sure Dhani has already informed George and John about it and they're probably already blocking you now." I tried to touch John's mind but like she said, he was blocking me, all I got was static. I picked up my fork and started to eat. I was starving, and so absorbed in my food I missed most of the conversation around me. I finished eating and moved my tray away from me.
"So what now?" Neal asked tossing his napkin down onto his plate. We all looked at Midge and she shrugged. Suddenly a thought seemed to occur to her.
"We don't need to wait for Dhani to get the rest of your stuff." She said getting up, "Also I have to show you where your rooms are." We all followed her out of the cafeteria and down the long hallway to a corridor with the words SLEEPING QUARTERS over the doorway like in the cafeteria. The door way led directly into an elevator and we went up a number of floors. The doors opened and we were standing at the end of a long hallway.
"Which is my room?" Serena asked looking at all the numbers. Midge looked at the numbers as well and stopped in front of door number 190. She gestured for Serena to hand her key card over and Serena quickly obliged. The door clicked open and we all walked inside.
The room was a pretty okay size for one person. There was a double bed with two pillows and a grey blanket folded at the end. There was one large window by the bed and a closet with a dresser inside. At the end of the bed there was a bookshelf that had dusty bare shelves for whatever Serena liked. There was a bathroom with a sink and toilet to the right of the closet and I was wondering how someone was supposed to live in a room like this. Of course there was food downstairs and a place to bath down the hall, but it was just strange that someone would want to live this way. Serena seemed to like it though.
"I'm gonna take Neal to his room." Midge said giving Serena her card back, "I'll be back in a few minutes to come get you." She nodded and left the room, closing the door behind her.
"It's not so bad." Serena said looking out the window. It looked out at the ocean as it crashed into the cliff side. It didn't occur to me until now that we were on an island. She sat down on the bed and it creaked loudly. She laughed at herself and I shook my head at her.
"It's kinda empty." I said looking around. Neither of us said anything for a while. It had gotten that way between us. We weren't as close as we used to be. I missed John and Valeri the thought of not having either of them here made me almost start to cry. 'But I still have Serena' I said to myself and I looked up at her and smiled. She smiled back and then continued to bounce annoying on her creaky bed. I was still pondering why she joined and why I didn't. I mean, I'm definitely not agent material. I wouldn't want to be agent material, but would it be better for me? I mean what am I going to do? My best friend will be off doing agent stuff. There won't be anymore random shopping sprees or just going to get a milkshake cause we're bored. No, she'll be too busy... And so will John... Hey but I'll still have my sisters! I should call them! It's been so long. But I couldn't call them. I didn't even remember their names.
Tears began to roll down my face as I realized that I couldn't see them again. Not after everything that's happened. I've probably been erased from their memories as quickly as I was put in them.
I ducked my head slightly as Midge and Neal walked into the room together so they wouldn't see my tear stained eyes. Suddenly someone was sitting next to me and had their arms around me in a hug. It was Serena.
"What's wrong, Lil?" She said pulling back from her hug. I sighed and wiped my face quickly. She didn't press me for more information, but it wasn't like she had much of a chance to. Midge cut in with new instructions.
"So, Serena and Neal are coming with me to the armory to get their issued weapons. Lilly you are free to do what you like. I can ask someone to show you around if you want." She said raising her eyebrows at me. I shook my head and looked at Serena.
"I'm just gonna stay here okay?" She shrugged and squeezed my shoulder as she got up from the bed.
"Sure, I'm sure I'll come back here when I'm done anyways." She said shoving her Hans in her pockets, "but when I get back we can talk okay?" I smiled and nodded.
"We won't be long." Midge said as they headed out the door. Neal waved to me and I heard Serena starting to sing the Beatles song to Midge's comment.
I was left alone and curled up in the pillows. I had slept so much recently, but I still felt exhausted when I woke up. I closed my eyes and hoped I didn't end up dreaming about John and Valeri too much.

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