Chapter Forty-Five: George's POV

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George's POV-
Movies were long now a days. I yawned for the eightieth time as the credits rolled. I looked around and I saw Paul had fallen asleep (Old man), Stryker was dozing, and John and Lilly were both sound asleep curled and twisted together, reminding me of a pretzel. Neal got up in the middle of the movie and said he was tired. I assumed he went to bed. Dhani was still awake and he was cleaning up the popcorn we'd all thrown at each other randomly. Beatrice was curled up to Paul, but she wasn't asleep. She just looked tired. I looked down at Serena. She was still playing with her phone, like she had been all evening. She was playing some sort of puzzle game, and it must have been entertaining since she'd been playing it the entire time.
Dhani turned off the TV and turned on the lamp by the couch. I looked at him and he raised his eyebrows.
"Welp." He said stretching, "I'm going to bed." I nodded and sat up, causing Serena to sit up as well. She turned off her game and put her phone down.
"What time is it?" She asked rubbing her eyes. Dhani looked at his own phone and then turned it to show her. She scrunched her nose. "Feels later than that." I looked and saw it was only 11:30. I stood up and stretched, making Serena laugh. I looked at Dhani and he shrugged.
"Why do you keep giggling at me?" I asked adjusting my t shirt. She stood up and kissed my cheek quickly.
"You and Dhani are identical and you don't even notice it." She said patting my cheek. He swatted her hand away and Dhani laughed.
"Goodnight anyways." He said walking out of the living room. I shook my head and Serena put her arms around my neck.
"Oh, so you like me now, then?" I asked as she buried her nose in my shoulder and nodded. I laughed and squeezed her in a tight hug. "Time for bed." I let her go and we walked out of the living room side by side. I figured the others would go to bed if they wanted. I wasn't gonna wake them up. I walked all the way to my room before I realized Serena had followed me. I was in the doorway and I turned around. She slammed into me and groaned.
"Ouch." She rubbed her nose and I raised my eyebrows at her. "You hurt my nose." She pouted. I rolled my eyes and leaned down to her nose. I kissed the tip of her nose and she continued to pout.
"What do you want me to do?" I asked in a huff. She put her arms around my neck again and I wasn't really sure what was going on.
"Can I sleep with you?" She asked. My eyes got wide and she blushed a deep crimson, "No, I mean, I want to sleep. In here. With you. Also in here. Um...I'm gona...go...nevermind..." She let go of me and started to walk away. Laughed at her and grabbed her hand gently. I pulled her into the room and shut the door.
"You can stay in here." I said, crawling into the bed. She jumped onto the bed next to me and smiled. I rolled my eyes and covered up. "Go to sleep." I turned over and closed my eyes. I was really actually tired. Serena leaned over me and I opened my eyes at her.
"I'm not tired." She said with a serious face. I turned over onto my back and she moved her face right in front of mine.
"If you don't want me to kiss you then, you might want to move." I warned. She didn't move, so I sat up and kissed her quickly.
"George," She said suddenly very quiet, "Can you....tell me how I died." I looked away from her and sat up.
"I don't think you really wanna know." I said sadly, "And I don't really want to talk about it."
"But you know how it happened!" She cried, "I can't remember it, and I want to know!"
"No, Rena, I can't tell you." I protested. She moved and sat herself in front of me, "I don't even know how I would tell you."
"Please," She pleaded grabbng my hand, "I need to know. I didn't want to know before, but now I do." I sighed and closed my eyes.
"You can't hate me." She frowned a little and I grabbed her face in my hands. She gasped and I kissed her long and hard on the lips and suddenly we were living through the experience. I knew what was going to happen, but she didn't. I wanted to stop it, but I didn't have any control. I was driving down the road and the darkness was unbearable. And then it all happened. The lights, the bang, the scream, and then Serena jerked away from me and we were back on the bed in a guest room in Friar Park. I gulped and watched her regain her breath.
"You okay?" I asked hesitantly. I reached my hand to her, but she moved away. "Serena, I didn't....I didn't want to show you, but-"
"A car crash?" She asked in a whisper. I nodded and looked away from her, "I died in an accident?"
"Yeah..." I whispered hoarsely, "I'm sorry, Rena. I never forgave myself for it, and I still don't think I have. I never will, and now you're here, and everything is messed up and different, and I don't know how to feel about it, or what to and I'm confused, and I don't want you to hate me and I just-"
"It was an accident." She said shaking her head. "George it wasn't your fault."
"I was driving," I said. I couldn't look at her.
"No, the light was green!" She said shaking her head.
"So?" I asked shrugging, "it didn't matter."
"That car ran the light, George! It wasn't your fault!" She said pleadingly, "Don't feel guilty about it."
I got up and glared at her, "I was drunk, Serena. Yes, it was my fault. I was driving when I was too drunk to see straight. I let you get in the car with me. I didn't see the car because I was too busy looking at the traffic lights!" I yelled at her, "Don't tell me not to feel guilty about it. You didn't have to live with the memories I had of seeing you die. Hearing you scream when we were hit. You didn't have to go through the looks your family gave me because they blamed me. No one stopped to think that I'd lost you too." I turned away from her and she just sat there silently.
"George, I didn't-"
"You know they wouldn't even let me come to your funeral?" I asked gulping. I wasn't sure where all this was coming from but I suddenly remembered a lot about the experience. "Your parents said if I came anywhere near them or your sisters that they'd call the police. My whole life fell apart, Rena." I never thought about that time in my life. I tried to forget it. I did forget it. I blocked it totatlly from my mind. I met Pattie soon after it happened and she helped me forget. Paul told me for a long time I wasn't the same person I was before, but I never understood what he meant. Now I do, and it hurts more to experience all this again. I turned and looked at Serena. She was crying, her face in her hands.
"I didn't know, George." She choked, "How could I?" I sat next to her and sighed. I ran my hands over my face and squeezed my eyes closed.
"You couldn't know." I said, losing all grief and emotion. I felt numb, like I had for weeks after the crash took place. "Lets just go to sleep, okay?" I leaned back and closed my eyes. I was lying long ways on the bed, but I didn't care. Serena moved closer to me and she brushed my hair off my forehead.
"How much do you remember before the crash?" She asked, trying not to cry anymore. I reached up and tucked her hair behind her ear.
Lots of memories came rushing back to me right then and I closed my eyes, trying to focus on them. They were happy. Dancing and smiling and kisses, things I liked. Serena kissed my cheeks and my forehead before she put her head on my chest. I felt better than I had a few moments ago.
"You were the first girl I ever loved." I said, running my fingers through her short hair. She closed her eyes.
"Did I love you too?" She asked quietly. I looked down at her as she looked up to me.
"I think so." I said kissing her nose.
"I think Stryker is working for Bellamy." She admitted suddenly. I squeezed her shoulder and she sighed, "He tried to get a blood sample from me this morning. He said it was because we're an anomaly." I sighed now and closed my eyes again.
"I won't let him hurt you." I said yawning. I was tired before, but now I was exhausted.
"And..." Serena nuzzled my shoulder as she started to doze off, "Lilly told me that she..."
That was all she said. I glanced down at her and frowned. She was asleep. I wasn't the least bit concerned what Lilly had told her. I grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around us, pulling us closer together, before I went to sleep.
My dreams weren't the best, but they had Serena in them. Beggars can't be choosers I suppose.

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