Chapter Fifty-Four: John's POV

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John's POV-
John, come here.
I frowned and sighed, What's wrong, love?
Why do you always think something's wrong? She was laughing.
Because we're basically superheroes with a super baby and there's a bad guy probably trying to find us right now.
I think you mean Super bad guy. I rolled my eyes and walked inside, to go to her.
Where are you?
In your room.
I ran upstairs to my bedroom, only running into Serena and George along the way. I noted they were holding hands, which was quite nice. They weren't fighting at least. I walked into my room and knocked on the doorway. Lilly turned around and smiled. I smiled back, trying to figure out what was going on.
"So what's up?" I asked looking around. She walked up to me and she put her arms around me. I slid my own around her back and she stood up on her toes. She kissed me quickly and smiled.
"Nothing." I raised an eyebrows at her.
"Nothing? I ran up here, and there's nothing." I said rolling my eyes. She laughed and shrugged.
"Val is sleeping," She said kissing me again. I kissed her back, and my aggravation dissapated. I kissed her deeper and she hummed against me.
"So, I was thinking last night," I said after we'd separated. She brushed my hair back. "it gets really lonely in here at night. And I think it'd be really nice if you slept in here too. We can set up Valerie's bed over there." I nodded to the space by the window and Lilly looked over there.
"Or, we can put her in the room next door with a baby moniter." She suggested slyly. I laughed and kissed her again.
"So you'll stay in here?" I asked. She nodded and I kissed her cheeks and her jaw. She was giggling like mad and I stopped to let her breathe. "You ticklish?" I squeezed her sides lightly and she squealed.
"Stop, Johnny!" She squirmed away from me, but I held onto her.
"Why?" I asked laughing, "Does it tickle?" Lilly laughed as I grabbed her and picked her up. I threw her onto the bed and kissed her again. She latched her arms around my neck and I deepened our kisses. I hadn't felt like this in a long time. I absently slid my hand up her side and she pulled away, panting heavily. She hadn't expected that.
"Sorry." She whispered. Clearly she'd done all this before, but it was past her memory. In this life she'd barely ever even been kissed before.
"Don't be." I said gently. I kissed her nose and rolled over into the pillows. She turned over and put her head on my shoulder. She twisted her fingers with mine and I looker over at her.
"John, I'm just not ready to-"
"I know," I said quickly. I turned onto my side and she pecked my lips, "My instinct seemed to take over. I didn't mean to push you into anything." She nodded and she cuddled up to me.
"I talked to Serena yesterday," She said randomly. I laughed and nodded, tightening my grip on her, "She said Midge has been on edge recently. She told me that she said Stryker was acting odd."
"We already knew that." I said closing my eyes.
"No, I know, but Midge doesn't seem to want any part of it." Lilly said, "I'm starting to think we can trust her."
"But she hangs out with him a lot." I said sleepily, "How do we know she's not playing Serena?"
Lilly shrugged, "She has no reason to. She doesn't know Sophie is Serena." She said, "And Sophie is clearly not part of our initial group. If she knew anything, it wouldn't be anything important. I just think Sophie is someone Midge can open up to."
"That's what George said." I said making a face. Part of me didn't want Midge to be on our side. It gave Stryker a chance to be on our side.
"Well he hears the conversations." Lilly yawned and I felt her nuzzled into my chest a bit deeper. I sighed and found myself dozing off.
I liked lazy days. We'd slacked off immensly lately, but I liked it. I liked lying in bed in the middle of the afternoon with Lilly. I liked kissing her and cuddling and playing with Valerie. But I also liked being safe. And if we continued to slack off and we didn't get to training like we had been, we might not be able to beat Bellamy. If we don't do that, then no one will be safe again, I was sure of it.

I woke up about two hours later to Lilly sitting up and stretching. "What's wrong?" I asked rubbing her back.
"I hear Val crying." She said yawning. She got up and left the room. She looked tired and sleepy. I sat up and ruffled my hair. Lilly came back with Valerie. She had grown like a weed. I smiled and took her from Lilly to cuddle her.
"Hello Lovely Little Girl," I said kissing her cheeks, "How was your sleep?" Valerie giggled and I smiled.
"I'm gonna go see what's going on for dinner." Lilly said kissing my cheek. I nodded to her and she walked out of the room again. I played with Val while she was gone.
She could sit up all by herself already, though Dhani thought it was odd, I found it great. It made it easily to play. I poked her stomach and Valerie laughed cutely. I chuckled and poked her some more. She grabbed my hand and put my finger in her mouth. I scrunched my nose and grabbed her a toy to chew on. I handed it to her and she babbled at me as she waved her arms around at me.
"You're a cutie," I said leaning forward. I was going to kiss her nose, but she grabbed at my face and I closed my eye so she didn't poke it out. She grabbed my nose and I scrunched it, making her giggle. I picked her up off the bed and lifted her up. I tossed her into the air gently and caught her again. She cried out with laughter and I did it several times before Lilly came back.
"John Lennon!" She squeaked, "Don't you dare do that again!" Her eyes were wide and I sat up. Valerie started crying and I bounced her on the bed.
"Daw, you're okay, love." I said tickling her, "Mummy didn't mean it." I kissed her all over her face and Valerie started giggling and pulling at my hair.
"Anyways, I asked Serena what she was doing for dinner, ya know to see if we could join up with her, and she said that Midge invited her to go out, and that she could bring George along if she liked," She said sitting on the bed. I sat up and looked at her frowning.
"She invited Serena and George or she invited Sophie and George?" I asked slowly. Lilly watched Valerie waved her arms around as she babbled. Lilly laughed at her and shook a toy in front of Valerie.
"Sophie of course," She said making faces at Valerie. "But that's not the best part, Midge said she asked Dhani to come. I think she wants to get on his good side."
"So she's not bad." I said, "or she's trying to trick us." Lilly shook her head and looked away from Valerie.
"I don't think so." She said sitting up on her elbow, "Serena said she was frantic the last time she talked to her. She was scared. She wouldn't say why though. Serena tried to get her to tell her what was wrong, but Midge wouldn't say."
"When'd she tell you this?" I asked brushing Valerie's hair off her forehead.
"A minute ago." Lilly said, "I tried to tell you about it right after she told me, but you were too busy throwing our child in the air." She glared at me, her lips in s straight line and her eyes looking bored.
I didn't remember feeling or hearing her try to talk to me, but I was also pretty occupied with Valerie.
"Well I'm sorry I'm fun." I smirked. Lilly crossed her arms and I kissed her before I got up from the bed. "What do you want to do for dinner?"
"Well whatever we do, I'm thinking we'll have to cover for Serena and say she'd be eating with us." She said picking up Valerie. She cuddled into Lilly's shoulder and yawned. She was so cute.
"What's Olivia doing? Maybe we could cook for her?" I suggested, "Ya know since she's let us stay here, and she's made us breakfast every morning and everythig."
"As a thank you." Lilly agreed. I nodded and she adjusted Valerie on her hip as the little girl fell asleep. "Come on, Val, lets go put you down and then Mummy can go ask Livy what's she's doing for dinner." Valerie sneezed and I laughed lightly as she left again. I decided to take a shower and get a bit cleaned up for dinner.

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