Chapter Six: John's POV

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John's POV-
So George was driving. He was a good driver and all, but it was getting dark and I wanted to sleep, but I was crammed against the window with Lilly sound asleep next to me. Cindy was staring out the window half asleep, and Lina was wide awake up front while Serena was passed out asleep with her head on George's shoulder. He didn't seemed to mind at all, but it was making me nervous. Suddenly George made a left turn and Lilly slid a bit and she was leaning against me. I grimaced and George glanced at me with a smirk. All these stupid girls in the car was not something I needed. Lilly sighed and I looked down at her. She was kinda cute....for a 16 year old girl....stop it John! You're an old man! Stop thinking that! It's weird! George chuckled at me and I leaned my head against the window.
I tried going to sleep, but Lilly was making me hot and she wasn't moving any time soon. I couldn't sleep and by now everyone else, except George was sound asleep. It was getting really late, around midnight, and I could tell George was getting sleepy.
"You good, Georgie?" I asked gently. He nodded and reached back and picked up his soda from the gas station earlier. He took a drink of it and he started humming to himself.
"Can you look at the directions, John?" George asked, "I know it's dark, but there's a light over the window." I turned it on and I flipped through the pages that Serena had printed out. Lilly was making it rather hard and my arms ended up all the way around her to hold the pages and still be able to see them.
"Um, you just need to stay on the highway." I shrugged, "it says until we enter California. Does the mean we're close?"
George shrugged and gave a small yawn, "I dunno, John." He sighed. We shared little conversations here and there until I saw we passed the sign that indicated our entrance to New Mexico. I looked at the digital clock on the radio and grimace. It was five a.m. and I wasn't the least bit tired. I could tell George was though. And I'm sure that Serena leaning on him wasn't helping any either. He kept yawning and he finally pulled off the road and rubbed his eyes.
"I can't drive anymore," he said, "I'm about to fall asleep."
"I can drive for a bit. I'm not tired at all." I said hoping to get Lilly off me. George nodded and gently moved Serena off him before he got out of the car and switched seats with me. I pulled back onto the highway and I drove for a while until the sun came up and Serena woke up. She frowned and looked at me until she was fully awake.
"What happened to George?" She asked sitting up off her sister's shoulder.
"Oh he decided he wanted to go home so I let him off a few hours back." I said. Serena glared at me and I laughed, "he's back there all nice and cuddled up to Lilly, see?" Serena turned around and seemed a bit upset by their closeness.
"Oh I see how it is," I smirked. "You've got a little thing for Georgie! You do know he's like four times your age really?" I was teasing her, and I was enjoying myself for the first time on this wretched trip doing so. She didn't responded, she only glared.
"Oh don't worry, I've seen him look at you. You know he let you sleep on his shoulder while he drove? He likes you " I was being quite serious now, but she didn't see it.
"Shut up John." She said angrily.
"You what?"
"I said shut up and leave me alone." She repeated. She looked at the directions and she looked at all the signs we passed, "Where are we?"
I didn't answer her, and this only annoyed her further.
"John where are we?" She repeated trying to locate our route. Still no answer.
"John! Tell me where we are before I slap you!"
"You told me to shut up!" I teased. She growled dangerously and I laughed, "We're in New Mexico."
"Yes, I got that, where?" She huffed flipping through the pages.
"Just let me drive alright?" I asked rolling my eyes. Serena sighed and slouched in her seat as the others started waking up. I only picked on Serena a bit more. Lina only added on once she woke up. Lilly tried to get me to stop, but she was just a kid wasn't she? Cindy sat up and just listened to us argue. George woke up and told me to leave her alone, only he couldn't tell me what to do could he?
"No," I said before George huffed.
"What did she ever do to you?" George asked kicking the back of my seat. The car shuttered and Lilly gasped.
"Boys stop it!" She said pleadingly. I rolled my eyes.
"Oh c'mon it's not my fault! Serena's the one who's got a crush on George!" I said playfully.
"Shut up John!" Serena hollered, "That's none of your business!"
"Guys stop it!" Lina had joined in on Lilly's side. George kicked my seat again and I growled.
"Stop kicking the seat George!" I yelled.
"Leave Serena alone!" He argued kicking the seat again. Serena nodded.
"Yeah leave Serena alone!" She repeated hitting my arm. Cindy sighed roughly and joined in.
"All of you shut up! You're giving me a headache!" She hollered.
"Yeah! Something bad's gonna happen!" Lilly said. Lina pulled on Serena's arm, but Serena only swatted her away.
"Not until he stops being so dreadful!" She said, "He's done nothing but complain and whine the whole trip!"
"I didn't want you along in the first place" I said angrily. George kicked my seat again, "George if you don't stop you're not gonna make it out of New Mexico!"
"Shut up!" He responded. I growled and turned around a bit to try and hit him, but it didn't work. I ended up jerking the wheel to the side and having my eyes off the road too long. I hit the divits on the side of the road that warn you when you're going off the road in the dark, and Lina squealed.
"John pay attention!" Serena screamed. I looked back at the road and I jerked the wheel back only to have the tires get caught on the divits. We were turning, barrel rolling farther and farther down the road until we stopped making one more roll into the grass on the side of the road.
"Everybody OK?" George asked getting out of the side door that was facing upward. He helped Lilly, who looked like she was frightened out of her mind out and then he helped out Cindy. I got out and George pulled Serena out and then Lina. He didn't give me a chance to help.
"What did you do to my truck!?" Serena screamed at me, "It was a piece a junk, but it was our only transportation!"
"It's not my fault!" I yelled back.
"Is everybody OK though?" George asked putting his hands on Cindy's shoulders. She nodded quickly and George looked at Lina who was breathing hard.
"Fine," she said as he looked at Serena. She was angry, I could tell, but she was ok.
"This is all your fault!" Serena continued.
"My fault!?" I argued, "How is it my fault?"
"You took your eyes off the road! You're the one who made us flip! It's all your fault!" Serena said loudly. I gritted my teeth and George didn't know what to do.
"Well maybe if your boyfriend wasn't-"
"He's not my boyfriend! Besides that he was only defending me because you were bugging me!"
"SHUT IT!" Lilly screamed over them. We all looked at her with wide eyes.. "How is this helping? It's not, so shut up about it! I seriously think I have some sort of concussion, but does anyone car? No, you're all too worried about who's fault this is!"
Lina walked up to Lilly, but I shoved her away and sat her down on the ground. I put my hands on her face to hold her head still and I liked at her eyes. I checked her over and I shrugged.
"I think you're OK." I said gently to her, "C'mon then," I offered her my hand and she took it before we all started to gather our things. We took the food and drinks, the clothes, and the directions and we put them in the one back pack. We put the tent, and the blankets in the other. George carried one bag and I carried the other before we started walking, hoping someone would be nice enough to give us a ride into a nearby town. I didn't realize what an impact my words to Lilly had until she refused to let go of my hand. She was scared and I could tell. Of course she was! She was a 16 year old girl who was just in a deathly car crash and she was far far away from home. So I held her hand, hoping it would help her feel better.

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