Chapter Twenty-Seven: Serena's POV

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Serena's POV-
I woke up with a start and gasped. I heard the door creak open from the livingroom and I ran out of my room to see what it was. Everything was suddenly out of control. All I could comprehend in my tired sleepy state was John and Stryker running around.
"What's going on?" I asked grabbing someone's arm. I felt my hand get burned again and jerked it back. It was George, I knew it was. He was hot, and I was confused as to why. I suddenly didn't care that he might burn me. I was wide awake. George was back and he was safe for the time being. I wrapped my arms around him and he stumbled.
"Gosh Rena." He said hugging me back, "Did ya miss me?" I nodded against his shoulder and he chuckled.
"I didn't think you'd ever get here." I mumbled against him. I felt him kiss the top of my head and he sighed. We just stood there holding onto each other until someone called George away. He ruffled my hair and walked over to Stryker and John, who were standing over someone. I gasped and wondered who it was. I walked over and saw Lilly was unconscious.
"What happened?" I asked kneeling down to her.
"Something hit her in the back of the head." Neal explained, "I don't know what it was, but it made her loopy and she couldn't walk." I frowned and looked over at George.
"How do we help her?" I asked. John shoved me aside suddenly and I crashed into George. John put his hands on either side of Lilly's face and closed his eyes. I remembered these boys had some explaining to do.
"C'mon Lilly." I heard John whispering, "C'mon..." Suddenly, Lilly gasped and sat up with a fit of coughs. John sat back panting with his eyes closed. I wondered if he was alright, but Lilly was distracting me with her wide-eyed expression.
"What happened?" She asked frantically, "What happened? Where's John?" I laughed and put my hand on her shoulder.
"Glad to know you only seem to worry about John." Neal mumbled. I rolled my eyes. These extra boys didn't understand our love for the Beatles.
"Shut up, Neal." I mumbled, "Lilly, look here at me." I waved my hand in front of her face and she looked at me.
"Why does everything look different?" She asked suddenly with a quiet tone, fear creeping into her every syllable. I frowned.
"Nothing looks different, Lilly," I said gently, "Everything is the same."
"No it's not, Serena." She said looking near tears.
"Everything is exactly the same as it always has been."
"No it's not." Lilly squeezed her eyes shut like it hurt to have them open. She ran her fingers through her hair and and whimpered, shaking in her place. I looked at John and he was frowning.
"Where's John?" Lilly whispered. She didn't looked up and she kept her hands pressed to her face. John looked at Lilly and moved toward her. "I need John, please. Where is here?" John sat in front of her and grabbed her wrists. He pulled her hands away from her face and she looked up at him. I gasped and grabbed George's arm in surprise.
Lilly's eyes were no longer the happy blue, grey color they used to be. Instead they were a mixture or every color possible. It was as if they changed every second, making it impossible to decide on a color. John hadn't said a word and I knew he was trying to decide how best to react.
"Lilly," he said, in a tone I'd never heard from him before. I'd heard him comfort her before, but not like this, "Lilly, I'm right here. See?" Lilly looked confused and she touched his face like she was having trouble comprehending him.
"John," Lilly blinked hard and shook her head, "why do you look like that?" John shook his head in confusion.
"Look like what?" He asked trying to act normal, "I look the same as I did."
"No," Lilly shook her head and looked him in the face, "You're um, what's the word...I can see through you, but you're still there, like a ghost."
"Opaque." Neal added as he sat down on a chair, looking bored. I scowled at him, wondering what his problem was.  
"Yes," Lilly said calmly, "Opaque. You all are." Lilly looked at me and saw me frowning. "I hate it when you make that face at me." She said looking down again. I sighed and looked at George. He moved toward Lilly and he touched her arm. She jumped and looked at him.
"Sorry," He said gently, "Lilly, what happened to your eyes?" Lilly shut her eyes again as she shook her head.
"I don't know!" She cried, "I can't see right and I don't know what's going on."
"No, Lilly it's not just your sight." John said quickly, "Your eyes look different."
"Different?" Lilly asked sounding alarmed, "Different how?" John shook his head and I got out my phone. I'd actually forgotten I'd had it. I snapped a picture of her and showed it to her.
"Lilly, they're different colors now." She took the phone out of my hand and looked at it. She frowned and shook her head like she still didn't understand any of this.
"All I can see is the insides of the phone." She handed me my phone back and I frowned more.
"What?" I looked at it in my hand. It looked okay to me.
"How to I get it to go away?" She whispered, sounding heart broken. John and George looked at each other looking for answers from the others.
"That's where I think I come in dear." We all looked around and found Louise standing in the doorway of the living room with her arms crossed over her chest.

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